How to Airsoft
Your Step by Step Guide toAirsofting
HowExpert Press
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: AirsoftBasics
Airsoft is a hobby or sport for those who loveadventures and competitive gaming. Men and women of all ages canenjoy playing this tactical strategy game. The gun used to playairsoft is an exact replica of the model it represents; it isextremely detailed and sometimes even weighs the same as the realthing. It shoots plastic pellets six millimeters in diameter whichweigh between .20 to .40 grams each.
The game centers on creating a scenario similarto a real war. Popular scenes are re-enacted from war movies, likeBlack Hawk Down, in which a fallen helicopter is valiantlydefended by soldiers. The aim of the game is to create a feeling ofbeing in a real war environment, to condition all your senses as ifyou are in an actual war zone. The only differences are that thebullets are not real and no one dies.
Game Requirements
Physical strength
Tactical skills
Great strategies
Excellent hand/eye coordination
Gun enthusiasts in Japan invented the airsoftgun during the 1970s because it was illegal for private persons toown firearms. The guns became popular collectors items later andeventually were marketed as hobby or sport guns.
Airsoft is indeed a game for everyone. Itdemands skill and strategy. With airsoft you can be the police or athief, a leader or a follower; you can essentially be anyone, aslong as you know how to play by the rules.
How to Pick an AirsoftGun
Airsoft Guns are often lighter than realweapons, although they are created in the likeness of real militaryfirearms. The weight varies depending on the manufacturer. Heavierguns commonly include lead weights to make them morerealistic.
Airsoft guns are classified according tooperational capacity:
Battery operated - uses AA, AAA, or 9-voltbatteries. Higher-quality models use a special nickel-cadmiumbattery pack. These guns are widely used in airsoftcompetitions.
Gas powered - uses pressurized gas. This gunhas an adjustable velocity and a blowback feature that can make thegun automatic or semi-automatic. It also has a slight recoil actionthat gives you the feeling of using a real gun.
Spring action - this type of gun differs fromothers because it is not automatic or semi-automatic; instead, itsa one-cock, one-shot type of gun. These are the least expensive andmost readily available, but are rarely used for airsoftgames.
Airsoft guns tend to be made of plastic, exceptfor the moving internal parts. However, there are guns made inChina and Taiwan that feature metal construction.
Before buying a gun, you need to take intoconsideration your strength, stamina and the role you would like toplay the most. If a participant is smaller physically, a gun madeof plastic and metal is suitable, due to its lighter weight.Individuals with larger builds may prefer a heavier, all-metal gun.Remember, this is a war scenario with lots of running and rolling;it would be impossible to play airsoft without being able to bearthe weight of the gun.
Types of Guns According to GameRole
Sniper Rifle - if you do not like running andchasing enemies, a sniper rifle might be a good fit. These weaponsare heavy and high-powered, great for long-distanceshots.
Machine Guns medium-sized, not difficult tohandle or carry depending on the model. Machine guns are moreversatile, may be used as assault weapons and are great for dealingwith two or more enemies at once.
Pistol - used for short distances. Pistols caneasily be used in one hand and are simple to carry. Lightweight andeasily concealed, a pistols only disadvantage is limitedammunition.
How to Gear Up
Airsoft is a combat sport. The guns provideenough force to harm you without proper protective gear. Thepellets used in an airsoft gun can seriously injure or blind. As aresult, it is an absolute requirement to wear the following whileplaying:
Eye Goggles - most important of all airsoftgear. You should never remove these, not even if you have been hitand are exiting the game. BBs (airsoft pellets) can hit your eyeand permanently blind you.
Helmet/Face Mask protection for the head andthe face. Pellets can leave ugly bruises, and although shooting inthe face is prohibited, accidents do happen.
Gloves - made of molded plastic cushioning toprotect your hand. Airsoft gloves are designed to expose half ofthe fingers, to still allow easily pulling a trigger.
Protective Vest - protects your torso fromrapid BB bursts. Players will mostly aim at your body, and the vestwill prevent any serious damage.
Elbow and Knee Pads airsoft requires a lot ofrunning, jumping, crawling, rolling and falling. Wearing protectivepads will help you endure.
Uniforms to help identify teams and make thegame more realistic.
Importance Of Being inShape
Airsoft is a physically demanding game whichrequires every player to be fit and strong. Players are constantlyrunning and ducking while carrying a five or six pound gun, oftenfor at least an hour at a time. Before doing anything else, checkwith your doctor to make sure you are fit to play.
Know Your Game
The rules of the game are the same, whether youplay in a small group or with hundreds of players. Everybody hasdifferent strengths and weaknesses, and every player must know whattype of airsoft game will best fit them.
The following is a list of types ofAirsoft Games:
Bounty Hunters - each team is given money orpoints and may use those to hire a bounty hunter character to snipeopponents.
Team Skirmishes - considered to be the mostcommon kind of airsoft game. Usually two teams will be involved ina skirmish with no specific objective other than destroying theother team. A simple and flexible game.
Free for All - usually played without a team.Each player acts as a solo combatant. All players compete againsteach other. The last person standing is the winner.
Commando Raid - two teams are required to playthis game. Teams will compete against each other. In the center ofthe playing area is a flag, which must be taken and protected inone base. The main objective is to capture the flag and protectit.
Scenario Games a scenario is acted out.Scenarios may have one goal or many in each round. For example, ascenario may first include taking down the opposing sniper, thenentering the enemys stronghold and finally capturing theirleader.
How to Pick a Rank
Every team member must choose a rank or beassigned one. Before you choose, consider your strengths and bodytype. If every team member chooses their rank wisely, the team willhave a higher chance of winning.
Here are the ranks, with associatedduties:
Scout - there are two types of scouts: infantryand sniper. Scouts tend to move a lot during a game. An infantryuses an infantry gun and a pistol while the sniper uses a sniperrifle and perhaps also a pistol.
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