PrepTests 5
LSAT PrepTests 6271 Unlocked
Exclusive Data, Analysis, & Explanations for
10 New Actual, Official LSAT PrepTests with Comparative Reading
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2018 by Kaplan, Inc.
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ISBN: 978-1-5062-3706-0
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About This Book
This book contains complete explanations to every question from officially released LSAT PrepTests 52 through 61, along with exclusive data and analysis of test taker performance and question difficulty on each one of these LSAT exams. It is the perfect companion to these tests individually, or to the LSACs bundle of these tests released under the title 10 New Actual, Official LSAT PrepTests With Comparative Reading.
Whether you are taking a prep course or studying on your own, taking officially released LSATs is an essential component of successful preparation. LSAT students are fortunate that LSAC (the organization that develops and administers the test) has historically released three LSATsthe test forms given in June, in the Fall, and in Decembereach year. Practice with recent LSATs is especially valuable, and the tests covered by this book range from the test administration in September 2007 through the one in October 2010. Although some of those tests are over 10 years old at this point, they are still largely representative of today's test structure because they all contain the last major test changethe introduction of Comparative Reading, which debuted in June 2007.
While practice tests are necessary, LSAT experts will tell you that simply taking and scoring tests isnt sufficient to maximize your score improvement. You need to know why you missed questions, and how to get to the right answers even more efficiently. Thats where this companion comes in. For each of the 10 tests explained and analyzed here, Kaplan provides exclusive data about how test takers perceived the tests difficulty. We then compare that to actual student performance on the test, and we identify each tests 10 most difficult questions and categorize the difficulty of all of the tests questions. Youll also see how representative each test is of the LSATs most recent trends and learn about anything that makes a particular test administration unique or unusual. Finally, you get complete explanations for every question, game, and passage in the test, including explanations for every wrong answer.
Start by reading the section called Introduction: How to Use Kaplan LSAT Explanations, so that you get familiar with Kaplans methods, strategies, and terminology. Then, after taking any of the practice tests covered by this volume, put your practice experience in context by reading the tests Inside Story page. Finally, review your performance on any question, game, or passage from the test. Kaplans LSAT experts encourage you to review every questioneven those you got rightto learn how top LSAT scorers use patterns to approach the exam effectively and efficiently.
No matter how you choose to use the information and explanations included in this book, Kaplan is here to encourage and support your study and practice. For over 70 years, our commitment has been to raise scores for every test taker. So, heres to good luck, and, more importantly, good preparation!
How to Review a PrepTest
Taking full-length practice LSAT tests is an essential part of comprehensive preparation for this important exam. Not only do practice tests contain examples of all the questions, games, and passages used by the testmaker, but by taking practice LSATs, you also get a feel for the timing restrictions that make each section of the LSAT so challenging. Moreover, when you take full-length exams, you approximate the endurance and stamina demands of Test Day.
The LSAT is unique among the major post-graduate admissions exams in that the LSAC (the organization that creates and administers the LSAT) releases three previously administered, official LSAT tests each year. To help our students get the most out of these valuable practice resources, Kaplan has a team of LSAT experts who evaluate each test, and write comprehensive explanations for every question (indeed, for every answer choice) immediately after the exams release. Now, for the first time, we are making these explanations available to everyone who is serious about his or her LSAT preparation.
Here are a few tips for the best way to use the explanations.
1. Learn the Kaplan Methods for Each Section
Every official LSAT contains two sections of Logical Reasoning, and one section each of Logic Games (or Analytical Reasoning, as the LSAC calls it) and Reading Comprehension. Test takers who train with Kaplan learn simple but highly effective methods for the questions, games, and passages in these sections. Thus, our explanations are written so that they follow the steps of those methods consistently. As you review the questions in the test, the explanations here will not only explain why a particular answer is correct, it will show you how an LSAT expert efficiently untangles the question, and how she can demonstrate that all four other answers are incorrect.
The Kaplan Methods for each type of scored section are outlined for each section later in this chapter. The methods are somewhat intuitive, so youll get the gist of each one pretty quickly. In addition, youll learn about some of the specific strategies Kaplan students learn in class. Keep an eye out for those strategies again as you review the questions in your test.
Terminology and Definitions
In our comprehensive LSAT prep courses, Kaplan students learn a sweeping vocabulary of terms, categories, and distinctions for the question types, patterns of reasoning, flaws, conclusions, and rhetorical devices employed by the testmaker. If you are not currently in a Kaplan LSAT prep course, you may come across terms with which youre unfamiliar, or unsure how to understand in the context of the test. For such terms, weve created a glossary, and we have linked the term directly to its glossary entry for easy navigation.
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