Published in 2021 by The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 29 East 21st Street, New York, NY 10010 Copyright 2021 by The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer. First Edition Editor: Elizabeth Krajnik Designer: Michael Flynn Interior Layout: Rachel Rising Photo Credits: Cover, p. aldomurillo/E+/Getty Images.
Some of the images in this book illustrate individuals who are models. The depictions do not imply actual situations or events. Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Harts, Shannon H. Title: Stress and anxiety / Shannon H. Harts. | Series: RosenTeenTalk | Includes glossary and index. | Series: RosenTeenTalk | Includes glossary and index.
Identifiers: ISBN 9781499468243 (pbk.) | ISBN 9781499468250 (library bound) Subjects: LCSH: Stress in adolescence--Juvenile literature. | Stress management--Juvenile literature. | Anxiety- Juvenile literature. Classification: LCC BF724.3.S86 H38 2021 | DDC 155.9042--dc23 Manufactured in the United States of America CPSIA Compliance Information: Batch #BSR20. For further information contact Rosen Publishing, New York, New York at 1-800-237-9932.
CONTENTS Chapter 1 Its OK to Not Be OK As I wrote my name, Madison Hamilton , on my test, my heart started pounding.
I remembered that this test is worth 25 percent of my grade. I started on the math questions. They were really hard. I should have studied more , I thought. When the teacher started collecting the tests, I still had three problems left! My breathing got faster. I felt pain in my stomach.
I also started sweating. I wondered what the other students must think. After the teacher took my test, I ran to the bathroom. My friend Olivia followed me. She asked what was wrong. I told her about the test and about how I felt sick.
She said shes felt the same. She shared how shes gotten help, starting with talking to a .
Its common to feel worried about taking a test. Watching yourself talk, or listening to what you say to yourself, can help. Try replacing thoughts like I should have studied more with something positive. One example could be: I am prepared.
WHAT IS STRESS? Stress happens because of a demand or a . Over time, these symptoms can lead to more serious health issues. These can include sleep, memory, or issues. Stress can also be chronic. Chronic means happening again and again. Luckily, there are many ways to get help for chronic stress.
SYMPTOMS OF STRESS Physical Symptoms Shaking Often getting colds Emotional Symptoms Being unable to quiet your mind Feeling like youre losing control Cognitive Symptoms Being disorganized Being forgetful
Three Truths About Stress 1) People dont choose stress. It stems from beliefs about the world. 2) Problematic stress is common for teens. Around 42 percent dont think they are handling it well. 3) Stress is a big deal, and its always OK to get help. Leading Causes of Teen Stress
Stress 101! This resource has worksheets and a video that can help you understand exactly how stress affects your body:
WHAT IS ANXIETY? Anxiety is a little different from stress.
The bodys response to stress is anxiety. Anxiety is a feeling of fear about something thats going to happen. Giving a speech or going to school on your first day can cause anxious feelings.
Negative thought patterns often cause anxiety. You can challenge these thought patterns by asking yourself, Is this really true? This can help prevent these thoughts from taking root. When these feelings are very strong and last a long time, you might have an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety doesnt feel great, but usually people can move past it. Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, cause problems in daily life activities. SIGNS OF ANXIETY Behavioral Signs Not hanging out with friends Not doing things you used to enjoy Always asking for approval, or an OK, from adults Emotional Signs Crying often Being afraid of making small mistakes Thinking too much about negative topics, or things that make you feel bad Physical Signs Sudden headaches Sudden stomachaches
HELPFUL RESOURCES Check out this infographic from the Anxiety and HOW THE PROBLEMS START Stress can become a bigger problem when it starts to cause trouble in many areas of life. are often one of these areas. Stress and anxiety can make you feel like you are different from others. However, many people feel this way.
About half of teens who took part in a study said someone tells them they seem stressed at least once a month. The stress of trying to make friends can cause teens to try unhealthy activities they usually wouldnt try. This is called peer pressure. Fast Facts Unhealthy eating patterns can also stem from stress. About 39 percent of U.S. teens skip at least one meal a day due to stress.
Another 26 percent say stress makes them overeat or eat more unhealthy foods.
About 31 percent of teens in a study said they felt due to stress. Learning to say no even when its hard can help you stay on top of stress. FAMOUS FACES OF STRESS AND ANXIETY Many stars are speaking out about dealing with stress and anxiety. Singer Shawn Mendes opened up about his anxiety with the song, In My Blood. Hes said that anxiety hit him when he was around 18. Writing the song helped him, he said, and its not all down.
The way the song ends shows his strength. Kristen Bell is another star whos open about her anxiety. Shes shared that shes been taking medicine for anxiety and depression since she was young. Shes also said talking to a and exercising have helped her deal with it.
1 Shawn Mendes Kristen Bell
Talking about mental health openly, like Mendes and Bell, is a great way to fight mental health stigma. Stigma involves negative beliefs society may have about something.
These beliefs are often unfair and untrue. Helping a Friend with Anxiety In social studies class today, the teacher reminded us that we have a test on Thursday. After class, my friend Jacob said hes worried about the test. Our basketball coach told him he needs to get his grades up to stay on the team. I didnt see Jacob at lunch. I saw him later in the hallway.
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