Social Anxiety
How To Overcome ShynessStress And Live A Happier Life
Megan Coulter
Copyright2015 by Megan Coulter - All rights reserved.
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Table ofContents
Social anxiety and shyness go hand inhand. Almost everyone feels nervousness at some point in life,especially in cases of public speaking and when it comes tointeract with a new person. We brainstorm whether we will makepositive impression on an interview or a first date, or if apresentation was better. Even some celebrities faced shyness andanxiety in their life. Social anxiety may be mild or completelydevastating. In worst cases, it prevents the sufferers fromworking, making friends and even performing on stage. No matteryour fear is mild or totally devastating, this book has some bestand proven strategies to implement and deal with social anxietymore fearlessly.
We urge you to read this book in theway the chapters arranged. In the beginning, you will get to knowexactly what social anxiety is. Then, we will teach you how torecognize the main triggers of your social phobia. Then, thisworkbook will explain the benefits and results of benefits ofvarious treatment approaches to cure your social anxiety. Here, youwill know about different treatment methods like cognitivebehavioral therapy, psychotherapy, medications, and some self-helptips. Then it will teach you how to change your toxic thoughts,confront your fear, and fine tune your communicationskills.
There are many reasons making thisbook different from other common self-help books. This workbookcontains proven strategies to help people deal with anxiety moreeffectively. This workbook is created in a way that one can use italone or with consistent visits to a therapist. This book is guidedto be used as a reference by the patients and sufferers when theyare progressing through their therapy. This book has been designedwith the advanced references and knowledge on the treatment andnature of social anxiety.
The path of conquering your socialanxiety and shyness is never going to be easy. You may quickly andeasily overcome some of your fears than the others. For everycouple of steps you take, it may feel like you took a step back.However, the techniques this book contains can help you reduce theperformance and social anxieties with hard work and dedication. Tobe specific, this book will help you make positive, drastic changesin your lifestyle. Though you cannot become an extroverted persontoo soon, you may, at least, become confident enough to deal withall of your social fears.
Chapter 1 - Overview Of Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is the phobia ofinteracting with people and adds the feeling of being negativelyevaluated or judged, self-consciousness and causes avoidance. Italso makes the person feel embarrassed, humiliated, depressed andeven inferior. If someone usually goes anxious when it comes tointeract with other people but feels well when alone, then it maybe the sign of social anxiety.
Also known as Social Phobia, thesocial anxiety disorder also causes deep fear of being humiliatedby the people. Sometimes, it becomes the fear of embarrassment insocial situations. The sufferer may tend to feel that they willmess up while speaking or interacting with public and the peoplewill not measure them up.
In these social situations and due tofeared performance, people who have social anxiety may be concernedabout being embarrassed and scared that the people will startjudging them to be weak, dumb or crazy. They may not speakbecause they have fear that people may notice their wobbly voice orhands. They feel that they will look hesitant while conversing withothers.
A person who have social anxietydisorder may stop drinking, eating or doing something in publicbecause they are scared of being embarrassed when people noticetheir hands shaking. They may also feel the symptoms of anxietylike dry mouth, heart tremors, gastrointestinal discomfort,sweating, muscle tension, diarrhea, blushing, shaky voice or evenconfusion. Even worse, they may feel a complete panicattack.
Social Anxiety May Be Unreasonable OrExcessive
The symptoms of social anxiety can bethe cause of concern where an individual who is suffering fromsocial phobia will fret that the problems they are actually facingmay cause embarrassing and unwanted situation. People who havesocial phobia may either avoid performance or social situations orstuff them with complete stress and anxiety. They may also sufferfrom preventative fear about the upcoming social situation orevent. It may create a cruel situation of anxiety which leads tobad performance, whether perceived or real. For future situation,it causes even more fear.
Most of the sufferers consider theirfear as either unreasonable or excessive. They try to avoid anysocial situation that can cause fear in their life. If they have toface any of these situations, they do it with strongfear.
In the US alone, there are around 5%to 13% of people who experience the fear of being social throughouttheir life. According to researches, the number of women is higherthan men who experience social anxiety. According to severalstudies, social phobia is most common in teenagers, though it canvictimize anyone. According to mental health experts, severalpeople suffer this condition for several years but they seekprofessional help only when their anxiety goes unbearable. Thereare certain medications and psychotherapy treatments that can helptreat social anxiety disorder.
Types Of Social Anxiety
Some people perceive any socialsituation as a cause for anxiety and phobia. It means these peopleare facing generalized social phobia. There are many people forwhom only a few situations cause anxiety. They have non-generalizedform of social anxiety. According to some researchers, the types ofsituations which cause anxiety are the factors to find out who isfacing which kind of social anxiety. In short, social anxiety isdivided into two different categories Interactional andPerformance based Social Anxieties.
Performance Anxiety
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