Speed Reading
Quadruple Your Reading Speed in an Afternoon
By Bill McDowell
I want to thank you andcongratulate you for downloading the book, Speed Reading. Quadruple Your ReadingSpeed in an Afternoon .
This book contains proven stepsand strategies on how to increase your reading speed in a short amount of time.
Imagine the heaps ofreading material that you have to study for work what if I tell you that youcan finish reading everything faster and more efficiently? You do not need tospend so much time trying to absorb new information anymore! All you have to dois learn how to speed-read.
Speed-reading willrevolutionize your life. If you learn how to read faster, you will achieve morein your career and other professional endeavors. You may also use speed-readingtechniques to enjoy your favorite leisure reading material. In effect, you willhave more time to spend with family and friends. Without a doubt, speed-readingwill bring you many benefits. You can concentrate on getting things doneinstead of spending so much time trying to absorb information.
This book will help youimprove your speed reading techniques in various ways. We will start with abasic understanding of bad reading habits and will help you learn new theoriesand techniques that will help you understand reading materials at a much fasterrate. By the end of this book, you will be surprised by how much faster you canread.
Thanks again for downloadingthis book, I hope you enjoy it!
Why I Wrote This Book
Iwrote this book because I know that we live in a world where information is avery valuable commodity. In this day and age, information is can be easilyacquired through various means. I want to help you maximize the informationavailable at your disposal by helping you read faster. Through the contents ofthis book, I want to give you the power to know more about the world. Throughthe contents of this book, I want to help you read more efficiently so that youcan concentrate on working on achieveing whatever goal you have.
Areyou a student who cant seem to finish all your required readings in a day?Are you a company officer who doesnt have enough time to go through all youre-mails? Do you feel like elementary schoolchildren read faster than you do?
Speedreading will change your life!
Manyof us take reading for granted. After all, it seems to be a very simple skilltaught in kindergarten. Most of us stop learning how to read upon reachingthird grade. In a sense, we never really learned how to read like adults.Reading in an efficient way can be the key to your success, no matter whatfield you may be in. Imagine how much help speed reading can bring in yourlife. If you read fast, you will definitely have more time at your hands. Bothyour personal and professional life will benefit from your ability to readfaster.
Iwrote this book because I want to help you change your life. You will besurprised by how much improvement speed reading can bring.
Allowme to help you take the next steps towards becoming a more productive person.Allow speed reading to help you live a more productive life.
Why You Should Read This Book
Thisbook will help you improve your speed reading skills so that you can be a morevaluable employee and a more productive person in general. You should read thisbook if you are seeking to learn an important skill that can equip you tobecome more efficient. Regardless of your current reading speed, you can pickup a thing or two about speed-reading in this book. When you learn the varioustechniques and methods of speed-reading you will not only become moreefficient, you will become more confident as well.
Learningshould never stop even if you are already an adult with a successful career.Read this book if you are ready to take a step towards self-improvement. If youwant to commit to learning a very valuable skill, then this book should helpyou.
Youshould read this book because by the end of the last page, you will startenjoying the numerous benefits of speed-reading. You will realize yourpotential. You will maximize your own abilities.
Whatelse are you waiting for? Go ahead and flip the pages now!
All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, withoutthe prior written permission of the publisher.
Theinformation provided in this book is designed to provide helpful information onthe subjects discussed. This book is not meant to be used, nor should it beused, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. For diagnosis or treatment ofany medical problem, consult your own physician. The publisher and author arenot responsible for any specific health or allergy needs that may requiremedical supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequencesfrom any treatment, action, application or preparation, to any person readingor following the information in this book. Any references included are providedfor informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement of anywebsites or other sources. Readers should be aware that any websites listed inthis book may change.
Tableof Contents
Strategies for Reading
Chapter 1: Speed Reading Myths
What do you know about speed-reading?Do you think that it a special ability that some people are born with? So youwant to learn speed-reading too? It helps to start with trying to get a graspof the concepts first.
Learning how to speed-readis not just for those with unbelievably high IQs. It is true that speed-readingmay appear to be a skill that islimited for those who are naturally gifted, butit does not mean that ordinary human beings with average brainpowercannot learnit as well. In fact, anyone can learn how to read faster. If you are determined,you can learn how to speed-read in just one afternoon.
Majority of the populationhas erroneous beliefs about speed-reading. Because of these, the benefits of speed-readingare rarely maximized because not everyone seeks out the opportunity to learn. Tohelp you understand the concepts behind speed-reading, here are some myths thatwe need to debunk. Once you have a better understanding about this skill, itwill be much easier for you to learn the tricks behind reading faster.
Myth: Speed-reading meansyou do not get to enjoy what you are reading
Nothing can be further fromthe truth. In fact, when you learn how to speed read, you will realize thatlearning how to focus and concentrate will make you appreciate the text evenmore. When you speed read, you need to clear your mind in order to experiencewhat you are reading fully. This technique will really make the reader feel asif the book is coming to life. Speed-reading will give you the chance to enjoythe book more. At the same time, it will also make you more efficient.
Myth: Speed-reading is justfor those with a superior brain capacity
Speed-reading is foreveryone. It is just like any other skill that can be learned through effortand commitment. Just like any other skill, some learn faster than others do.Those who are naturally inclined to reading often pick up the skill faster.However, keep in mind that with the right attitude, absolutely anyone can learnhow to speed-read.
Speed-reading is actuallymore than just brain capacity. It also involves the ability to focus andconcentrate. Creating the right reading environment is a huge factor too. Inthe end, you cannot really say that a person who is more intelligent can readfaster. It is more about knowing how to use various techniques that will make aperson more efficient.
Myth: There is only one techniquethat all speed-readers use