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Sagar Ganatra [Sagar Ganatra] - React Router Quick Start Guide: Routing in React Applications Made Easy

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Sagar Ganatra [Sagar Ganatra] React Router Quick Start Guide: Routing in React Applications Made Easy
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Learn how you can implement routing in a React Web/Native application using React-Router library

Key Features
  • Create nested routes and complex workflows for your applications
  • Learn Routing in server-side rendered applications and in Native mobile applications
  • Understand how Redux bindings for React-Router works using the connected-react-router library
Book Description

React Router is the routing library for React, and it can be used in both React Web and React Native applications. This book is a simple way to get started with React Router and harness its full power for your applications.

The book starts with an introduction to React Router and teaches you how to create your first route using the React component. You will then learn about configuring your routes, passing parameters, and creating nested routes. You will be introduced to various components in React-Router and learn different configuration options available for these components. You will then see how to use the Redirect and Switch components. For even greater flexibility, you will learn about BrowserRouter, HashRouter, NativeRouter, and StaticRouter.

By the end of the book, you will have set up a project with React Router and make routing configuration work in a server-side rendered React application, a mobile application built with React Native and also understand how Redux and React-Router can be used in the same application.

What you will learn
  • Create your first Route using the Route component
  • Protect routes from unauthorized access by using the redirect component
  • Navigate to your defined route using Link and NavLink
  • Configure BrowserRouter and HashRouter using various props
  • Use StaticRouter for routing in server-side rendered React applications
  • Implement routing in a React Native app using react-router-native
  • Using connected-react-router library with React-Router for better state management
Who this book is for

This book is for JavaScript developers who have basic knowledge of React and who want to harness the power and flexibility of React Router

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction to React Router 4 and Creating Your First Route
  2. Configuring Routes - Using Various Options in the Route Component
  3. Using the Link and NavLink Components to Navigate to a Route
  4. Using the Redirect and Switch Components
  5. Understanding the Core Router, and Configuring the BrowserRouter and HashRouter components
  6. Using StaticRouter in a Server-Side Rendered React Application
  7. Using NativeRouter in a React Native Application
  8. Redux Bindings with connected-react-router


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to prop with an object

The to prop can be either a string or an object. The object can contain the following properties:

  • pathname: The path to navigate to
  • search: The query parameters to the path, represented as a string value
  • hash: a hash string to add to the URL
  • state: an object containing state information that the rendered component can consume

Using these parameters, let's add a

< Link
to = { {
pathname: '/user' ,
search: '?id=1' ,
hash: '#hash' ,
state: { isAdmin: true }
} }
</</span> Link >

The preceding code translates to the following:

The state information is not included in the URL path; however, it's available to the component that gets rendered as a result of a match:

< Route
path = "/user"
render = { ({ location }) => {
const { pathname , search , hash , state } = location ;
return (
< div >
Inside User route
< h5 > Pathname: { pathname } </</span> h5 >
< h5 > Search: { search } </</span> h5 >
< h5 > Hash: { hash } </</span> h5 >
< h5 > State: { '{' }
{ Object . keys ( state ). map (( element , index ) => {
return (
< span key = { index } >
{ element } : { state [ element ]. toString () }
</</span> span >
}) }
{ '}' }
</</span> h5 >
</</span> div >
} }

The location object contains all of the previously defined parameters, including the state object.

The state object can be used to store data as the user navigates through the application and provide this data to the component that gets rendered next as a result of match.

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Ordering of the components in

The ordering of the components inside matters because the component looks for a matching sequentially, and once a matching the browser's URL is found, it stops the search. This behavior may not be desired and you may want to render another route listed inside . However, it can be corrected by changing the order in which are listed in :

In the following examples, some of the common mistakes in listing the components in are mentioned:


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The component is similar to the

component, except that several props can be specified that help you to conditionally add styling attributes to the rendered element. It accepts the same set of props as the component (to, replace, and innerRef ) for navigating to a route, and it includes props to style the selected route.

Let's take a look at these props that help you style the component.

Using NativeRouter in a React Native Application

The React Router library provides the react-router-native package, which includes the implementation of the NativeRouter component for use in React Native applications. The React Native framework allows you to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android using JavaScript and React.

From React Native's Documentation (https://facebook.github.io/react-native/):

"With React Native, you don't build a mobile web app , an HTML5 app , or a hybrid app . You build a real mobile app that's indistinguishable from an app built using Objective-C or Java. React Native uses the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps. You just put those building blocks together using JavaScript and React."

In this chapter, the following topics are discussed:

  • Using NativeRouter in a React Native application
  • The NativeRouter component and its props
  • Using the component to interact with a devices' back button
  • Creating Deeplinks using the component
innerRef prop

React provides ref to get a reference to the rendered DOM element. This reference (ref) can then be used to perform certain operations outside the regular flow, such as focusing on the input element, media playback, and so on.

is a composite component and it renders an anchor element on the DOM.


component mentioned in the previous code snippet translates to anchor elements as follows:..

To get a reference to this rendered anchor element, the prop innerRef is added to

< nav >
< Link
to = "/"
innerRef = {this . refCallback } >
</</span> Link >
< Link
to = "/dashboard"
innerRef = {this . refCallback } >
</</span> Link >
</</span> nav >

The innerRef prop accepts a callback function as its value; here, a function refCallback is specified as a value to the innerRef prop. The refCallback gets the reference to the inner element of the

refCallback ( node ) {
node . onmouseover = () => {
node . focus ();

The callback functionrefCallbackis called when the

component mounts. From the preceding code snippet, we can see that a mouseover handler is added for both the anchor elements rendered by the twocomponents. When the user hovers over the link, the corresponding anchor gets a focus.

In this chapter, we looked at how the

and navigation components can be used to navigate to various routes defined in the application. These components render anchor links in the page, and, when the user clicks on these links, sections of the page are updated as opposed to doing a complete page reload, thus providing a lucid user experience. Thecomponent accepts the props to, replace, and innerRef.

The component is similar to the

component, and it accepts all the props that thecomponent works with. In addition to adding a link to the page, the component accepts several propsactiveClassName, activeStyle, exact, strict, and isActive.

To create links to the nested routes, the

and components can use the prefix match.url in the to prop. Also, you can programmatically navigate using history.push or history.replace in the eventhandler function. Propshistory, match, location, and staticContextcan be made available to components rendered outside the Route context via the withRouter higher order component. The 'react-router-dom' package includes a component that can be used to display a confirmation dialog box when the user tries to navigate to route by accidentally clicking on a navigation link. The component accepts the when and message prop, and, based on the Boolean value assigned to the when prop, the message specified in the message prop will be shown to the user.
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