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Adam Boduch - React and React Native (1)

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Adam Boduch React and React Native (1)
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React and React Native

React and React Native

Copyright 2017 Packt Publishing

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First published: March 2017

Production reference: 1280217

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

35 Livery Street


B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-78646-565-8




Adam Boduch

Copy Editor

Charlotte Carneiro


August Marcello III

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About the Author

Adam Boduch has been involved with large-scale JavaScript development for nearly 10 years. Before moving to the front end, he worked on several large-scale cloud computing products, using Python and Linux. No stranger to complexity, Adam has practical experience with real-world software systems, and the scaling challenges they pose.

He is the author of several JavaScript books, including Flux Architecture, and is passionate about innovative user experiences and high performance.

Adam would like to acknowledge August Marcello III for all of his technical expertise and hard work that went into reviewing this book. Thanks buddy.

About the Reviewer

August Marcello III is a highly passionate software engineer with nearly two decades of experience in the design, implementation, and deployment of modern client-side web application architectures in the enterprise. An exclusive focus on delivering compelling SaaS-based user experiences throughout the Web ecosystem has proven both personally and professionally rewarding. His passion for emerging technologies in general, combined with a particular focus on forward-thinking JavaScript platforms, have been a primary driver in his pursuit of technical excellence. When he's not coding, he could be found trail running, mountain biking, and spending time with family and friends.

Many thanks to Chuck, Mark, Eric, and Adam, who I have had the privilege to work with and learn from. I'm grateful to my family, friends, and the experiences I have been blessed to be a part of.


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For Melissa, Jason, Simon, and Kevin

About the book

I never had any interest in developing mobile apps. I used to believe strongly that it was the Web, or nothing, that there was no need for more yet more applications to install on devices that are already overflowing with apps. Then React Native happened.I was already writing React code for web applications and loving it. It turns out that I wasnt the only developer that balked at the idea of maintaining several versions of the same app using different tooling, environments, and programming languages. React Native was created out of a natural desire to take what works well from a web development experience standpoint (React), and apply it to native app development.Native mobile apps offer better user experiences than web browsers. It turns out I was wrong, we do need mobile apps for the time being. But thats okay, because React Native is a fantastic tool.This book is essentially my experience as a React developer for the Web and as a less experienced mobile app developer. React native is meant to be an easy transition for developers who already understand React for the Web. With this book, youll learn the subtleties of doing React development in both environments. Youll also learn the conceptual theme of React, a simple rendering abstraction that can target anything. Today, its web browsers and mobile devices. Tomorrow, it could be anything.

What this book covers

This book covers the following three parts:

  • React: Chapter 1 to 11
  • React Native: Chapter 12 to 23
  • React Architecture: Chapter 23 to 26
Part I: React

, Why React? , covers the basics of what React really is, and why you want to use it.

, Rendering with JSX , explains that JSX is the syntax used by React to render content. HTML is the most common output, but JSX can be used to render many things, such as native UI components.

, Understanding Properties and State , shows how properties are passed to components, and how state re-renders components when it changes.

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