![The Official ISC2 SSCP CBK Reference - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/144114/images/cover.jpg)
The Official (ISC)2
Fifth Edition
Copyright 2020 by (ISC)2
Portions of this Work are reused from (ISC)2 SSCP Systems Security Certified Practitioner Official Study Guide, 2nd Edition by Mike Wills copyright 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Portions of this Work are reused from The Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK Reference, 5th Edition by John Warsinske with Mark Graff, Kevin Henry, Christopher Hoover, Ben Malisow, Sean Murphy, C. Paul Oakes, George Pajari, Jeff T. Parker, David Seidl, Mike Vasquez copyright 2019 (ISC)2
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana
Published simultaneously in Canada
ISBN: 978-1-119-60194-4
ISBN: 978-1-119-60196-8 (ebk.)
ISBN: 978-1-119-60200-2 (ebk.)
Manufactured in the United States of America
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It's like writing two books at once, only harder, Jim said to me when he asked me to take on writing this Common Book of Knowledge book while I was still writing the SSCP Study Guide. More like taking one subject, turning it sideways, and shaking hard, perhaps! Unlike the Study Guide, writing this book felt more like writing several hundred short white papers on closely related subjects.
Since this book needed to speak to troubleshooters, I drew on decades of teaching I'd received from many professionals in the military, in government, and in the private sector about the fine art and brute-force cybernetics of debugging networks, systems, highly secure communications systems, and all of the arcana of controlling space-based systems working many different missions. I've also drawn on years of working with small and medium but otherwise rather down-to-earth business IT systems and what it took to get them back into operations. Where that problem-solving focus comes through clearly and helps you shoot the troubles you have to deal with, I owe a great debt of thanks to those who let me learn how in real time.
Without the tireless support of the editorial team at Wiley/SybexJim Minatel and Kelly TalbotI think I'd still be struggling with unflowing the lessons and reflowing them into reference and troubleshooting memory-joggers. And as with producing the Study Guide, the technical review by Jacob Penovich, as well as by Tara Zeiler and Charles Gaughf at (ISC)2, have all helped make what you have in your hands right now deliver the right content in the best way possible. Christine O'Connor, Kim Wimpsett and the rest of her team of proofreaders and copyeditors made it all look great too! Any remaining mistakes, omissions, or confusing passages that remain are mine, not theirs; let me know please when you find one!
Finally, I wish to thank my wife Nancy. She saved my life and brought me peace. Her strength inspired me to say yes one more time when Jim called me, again, about doing this book, and she has kept both of us healthy and happy throughout. We go together, on adventures like writing, and on ones for which we do need to pack a pocket handkerchief.
About the Author
![Mike Wills SSCP CISSP CAMS has spent more than 40 years as a computer - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/144114/images/flastg001_authphoto_sg.jpg)
Mike Wills, SSCP, CISSP, CAMS, has spent more than 40 years as a computer systems architect, programmer, security specialist, database designer, consultant, and teacher (among other duties). Starting out as a bit of a phone phreak in his college days, he sharpened his skills on the 1960s generation of mainframes and minicomputers, just in time for the first 8080 and Z80 microprocessors to fuel the home computer revolution. Learning about the ARPANET just added spice to that mix. Since then, he's had ones, zeros, and now qubits under his fingernails too many times to count, whether as part of his jobs, his teaching, or his hobbies.
Mike earned his BS and MS degrees in computer science, both with minors in electrical engineering, from the Illinois Institute of Technology; and his MA in defence studies from King's College, London. He is a graduate of the Federal Chief Information Officer program at National Defense University and the Program Manager's Course at Defense Systems Management College.
As an Air Force officer, Mike served in the National Reconnaissance Office, building and flying some of the most complex, cutting-edge space-based missions large and small. As a ground control guy, he specialized in the design, operation, and support of highly secure, globe-spanning command, control, communications and intelligence systems that support U.S. and Coalition missions around the world. These duties often required Mike to optimize his way around the official configuration management and security safeguardsall on official business, of course.
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