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Prashanth Jayaram - PowerShell Core for Linux Administrators Cookbook: Use PowerShell Core 6.x on Linux to automate complex, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks

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PowerShell Core for Linux Administrators Cookbook: Use PowerShell Core 6.x on Linux to automate complex, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks: summary, description and annotation

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Over 150 recipes to leverage Microsofts open source automation framework and command line shell

Key Features
  • Work effectively on Windows, Linux, and macOS with PowerShells object-oriented approach and capabilities
  • Generate rich insights into your Linux workloads to help remediate any issues
  • Enhance your native Linux capabilities with PowerShell Core 6.1
Book Description

PowerShell Core, the open source, cross-platform that is based on the open source, cross-platform .NET Core, is not a shell that came out by accident; it was intentionally created to be versatile and easy to learn at the same time. PowerShell Core enables automation on systems ranging from the Raspberry Pi to the cloud.

PowerShell Core for Linux Administrators Cookbook uses simple, real-world examples that teach you how to use PowerShell to effectively administer your environment. As you make your way through the book, you will cover interesting recipes on how PowerShell Core can be used to quickly automate complex, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks. In the concluding chapters, you will learn how to develop scripts to automate tasks that involve systems and enterprise management.

By the end of this book, you will have learned about the automation capabilities of PowerShell Core, including remote management using OpenSSH, cross-platform enterprise management, working with Docker containers, and managing SQL databases.

What you will learn
  • Leverage the object model of the shell, which is based on .NET Core
  • Administer computers locally as well as remotely using PowerShell over OpenSSH
  • Get to grips with advanced concepts of PowerShell functions
  • Use PowerShell for administration on the cloud
  • Know the best practices pertaining to PowerShell scripts and functions
  • Exploit the cross-platform capabilities of PowerShell to manage scheduled jobs, Docker containers and SQL Databases
Who this book is for

PowerShell Core 6.1 Linux Administration Cookbook is for you if you are a system administrator who wants to learn to control and automate a Linux environment with PowerShell Core 6.1. Basic knowledge of PowerShell scripting is necessary. It is assumed that you already understand how an operating system is structured and how to use the command-line interface to work with the operating system.

Table of Contents
  1. Introducing PowerShell Core
  2. Preparing for Administration using PowerShell
  3. First Steps in Administration using PowerShell
  4. Passing data through pipelines
  5. Using Variables and Objects
  6. Working with Strings
  7. Flow Control using Branches and Loops
  8. Performing Calculations
  9. Using Arrays and Hash Tables
  10. Handling Files and Directories
  11. Building Scripts and Functions
  12. Advanced Concepts of Functions
  13. Debugging and Error Handling
  14. Enterprise Administration using PowerShell
  15. PowerShell and Cloud Operations
  16. Using PowerShell for SQL Database Management
  17. Using PowerShell with Docker

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PowerShell Core for Linux Administrators Cookbook Use PowerShell Core 6x - photo 1
PowerShell Core for Linux Administrators Cookbook
Use PowerShell Core 6.x on Linux to automate complex, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks
Prashanth Jayaram
Ram Iyer

BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI PowerShell Core for Linux Administrators Cookbook - photo 2

PowerShell Core for Linux Administrators Cookbook

Copyright 2018 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.

Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

Commissioning Editor: Vijin Boricha
Acquisition Editor: Rohit Rajkumar
Content Development Editor: Deepti Thore
Technical Editor: Rudolph Almeida
Copy Editor: Safis Editing
Project Coordinator: Jagdish Prabhu
Proofreader: Safis Editing
Indexer: Rekha Nair
Graphics: Jisha Chirayil
Production Coordinator: Arvindkumar Gupta

First published: November 2018

Production reference: 1291118

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-78913-723-1


To all my respected teachers; my loving wife Ambika, my sole daughters, Pravitha and Prarthana; my caring brothers, Balu and Gopinath; my dearest friend, Adarsh; the precious gift of my life, my Mom, Indira and my Dad, Jayaram; and my entire family. Thank you for all the support and for everything you have done so far. It is difficult to express my gratitude in words.
Prasanth Jayaram

To Mum and Dad.
Ram Iyer
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About the authors

Prashanth Jayaram is a product design and automation expert in database technology with 12 years of rich, extensive, hands-on experience in designing database solutions with next-gen database technologies. He was awarded as the second-best SQL author of 2017 for his contribution to the SQL Server technology space. He has written over 200 articles about SQL, NoSQL, PowerShell, Python, SQL on Linux, SQL on Azure, and SQL on AWS.

Ram Iyer is an automation and application performance management specialist with about eight years of experience in enterprise IT. While ensuring that the environment in his enterprise performs optimally is his primary role, he is passionate about automation using PowerShell, and has contributed to over 60 enterprise-grade automation solutions in Windows, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Active Directory, Microsoft System Center, Citrix XenApp, VMware PowerCLI, and Microsoft Azure, using PowerShell. He gives back to the community by conducting training sessions in PowerShell and blogging about administration using PowerShell.

About the reviewers

Cathal Mullane has worked in the build, release and DevOps area for the past four years. After graduating from Limerick Institute of Technology with a first class honors degree in software development, he began to work with Hewlett Packard. In 2016, he joined Fleetmatics (now Verizon Connect) as a build engineer. His main duties were the building, packaging, and deployment of the platform components to all the environments. He was involved in introducing new continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines that were used to break up the existing monolith solution into small components that could be deployed at any time. This was achieved using PowerShell scripts along with tools from the Atlassian Stack and Octopus Deploy.

Jose Angel Muoz is a systems engineer with more than 20 years of experience in Linux and Windows systems administration. He is currently working for RAET, where he has discovered the magic of automation and infrastructure as code. Jose Angel is also collaborating with the Ansible, creating new Python and PowerShell modules.

Jose Angel use to collaborate with the Linux Magazine, where he published several technical articles about different topics such as monitoring, security, virtualization, or development.

Mohit Goyal is a budding technical expert with 10 years of experience as an IT professional. He has worked on varied range of technologies, chiefly in infrastructure services and automation, from cloud-based to on-premises systems. He has a knack for maximizing the potential of product teams and automating software delivery processes. He currently works at Johnson Controls, Inc. as a Senior DevOps engineer. He has been involved in the DevOps and PowerShell community and also maintains a popular blog where he contributes posts related to his research and everyday technical realizations.

Vic Perdana has over 13 years of experience with broad knowledge and consulting skills in cloud technology, DevOps, and automation. He has lead teams and managed large-scale application and infrastructure deployment projects, specifically to do with hybrid-infrastructure migration. Vic's current focus is on the development, implementation, and architecture of Azure solutions, resolving a broad range of business and technical challenges faced by many customers.

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