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Josh Long - Getting Started with Roo

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Spring Roo goes a step beyond the Spring Framework by bringing true Rapid Application Development to Javajust as Grails has done with Groovy. This concise introduction shows you how to build applications with Roo, using the frameworks shell as an intelligent and timesaving code-completion tool. Its an ideal RAD tool because Roo does much of the tedious code maintenance. Youll get started by building a simple customer relationship management application, complete with step-by-step instructions and code examples. Learn how to control any part of the application with Roos opt-in feature, while using this open source framework to automate the rest of the code.Set up a Spring application and working Maven build to see Roo in action Address persistence with JPA and the Neo4j graph databaseand learn how Roo supports NoSQL databases Use Roos database reverse-engineering feature to generate a data model from an existing schema Build Roo applications with Spring MVC, Spring WebFlow, Google Web Toolkit, Vaadin, and other web frameworks Secure and test your application

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Getting Started with Roo
Josh Long
Steve Mayzak
Mike Loukides

Copyright 2011 Josh Long and Steve Mayzak

OReilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles (.

Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the OReilly logo are registered trademarks of OReilly Media, Inc. Getting Started with Roo , the image of the common tree kangaroo, and related trade dress are trademarks of OReilly Media, Inc.

Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and OReilly Media, Inc. was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

OReilly Media Preface This is my first book with OReilly and Im very - photo 1

O'Reilly Media


This is my first book with OReilly, and Im very grateful for their help and encouragement. Their editorial team is first class, and efficient. It was great working with you.

I, like many of you, have been using Spring for a long, long time. I wasnt initially convinced I needed Spring Roo (to be honest). It wasnt until I sat with Ben Alex and Stefan Schmidt about a year ago and really started looking at it that I realized it was simply too valuable to ignore. Theres a lot of power here and what really struck me was how that power didnt imply compromise: you can always go home again, and assert full control over your application. Eventually, you stop worrying about that at all, and just let Spring Roo do the work. One adage you hear a lot in the devops/build tool world is that, your application is not a unique snowflake. Thats true of infrastructure code, too. Spring Roo helps you bootstrap all that tedious infrastructure code, if you let it. Its like fast-forwarding a movie to the fun parts, quicker. It almost feels like cheating!

I want to thank my coauthor, Steve Mayzak, for all his help. We did this book and prepared a talk for OSCON, all in a very short space. It was a three-person job, but he took up the slack and got us to the finish line. Amazing work and I definitely owe you, kind sir.

I want to thank my wife, Richelle. Shes learned, I think, that I am not a multitasking husband. Every now and then, I disappear into our home office and come back with a beard a week later (and, sometimes, some useful byproduct like a chapter or working code). It takes a patient, saintly woman to suffer that; she has, at every turn. Thanks, honey!

I want to thank Neo4J and Vaadin for their extra help on this book. Roos powerful add-on architecture makes it very easy to look into new technologies because the cost to invest is so low, and iteration is very quick. Neo4j and Vaadin are two technologies that we cover in this book, but there are numerous other examples in the addon ecosystem, and I hopeif nothing elsethat youll explore.

Finally, thanks are owed to the Roo team, including Ben Alex, Stefan Schmidt, Alan Stewart, James Tyrrell, and Andrew Swan. The technologys wonderful, and it would not be but for their incredible dedication and hard work. Now, if you guys have any ideas about a Roo-Book-Preface-Writer add-on, Id love to hear it...

Josh Long

This being my first book, I looked to my fellow author, Josh, for help and guidance. Without him this book wouldn't be what it is so my heartfelt thanks goes out to him first and foremost.

My road to Spring Roo was not a direct one. Being a serious Grails fan, when I first heard about Spring Roo, I brushed it off as yet another RAD framework that couldn't possibly stand up to the mighty Grails! But, over time I was worn down by watching demo's, reading blogs about it and eventually trying it out myself. The first thing that impressed me was the Roo Shell, what a powerful tool. My first app with Roo was built with no manual, using only the hint feature in the shell to guide me. Before you knew it, I had a full blown Spring app up and running with UI, Validation and more. I was quickly becoming a fan. Long story short, I am now a huge Spring Roo fan and that is mostly what motivated me to write this book with Josh.

If you have followed a similar path to me, you will no doubt find a lot of power in with Spring Roo, just like I have. This short introduction to it will hopefully motivate you to dive deeper and possibly become an active contributor on the project. After all, a lot of the power in Spring Roo comes from addons and yours would be warmly welcomed. I happen to love the GWT and Vaadin addons but I'm more excited to see what comes next.

Before you move on, a little mush. I'd really like to thank my wife Jennifer and my daughter Makenzee for putting up with my hectic schedule lately. Coming up for air and spending time with them really makes it all worth it. "In the Face!!" girls! I know I said it before but seriously, Josh Long taught me a lot about writing, finding your voice and just getting it done so Josh, I owe ya and thanks.

Steve Mayzak

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We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: Getting Started with Roo by Josh Long and Steve Mayzak (OReilly). Copyright 2011 Josh Long and Steve Mayzak, 978-1-449-30790-5.

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