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Writing the FormArray validator
We will write a validator that ensures no duplicate values exist in a If a user writes more than once the same value in an array form, the system will communicate back with an error message like the following figure:
Figure 4.4: Error message of an invalid FormArray
Before we start examining the code of this example, we should mention that the given FormArray will consist of FormGroup items and will look like this:
"colors": [
{"name": "Red"},
{"name": "Green"}
So, without any further ado, let's see how to create a function validator for a
validator code in file custom-validators.ts
1: import {AbstractControl, FormArray, ValidatorFn} from '@angular/forms'
3: export function noDuplicates(property: string): ValidatorFn {
4: return (control: AbstractControl) => {
5: const formArray = control as FormArray
6: const hasDuplicates = formArray.value
7: .map((it: any) => it[property])
8: .reduce(
9: (acc: boolean, cur: any, idx: number, arr: any[]) => {
10: const hasDups =
11: arr.slice(idx + 1)
12: .some((it: any) => it === cur) || acc
13: acc = hasDups || acc
15: return acc
16: }, false)
18: return hasDuplicates ? {hasDuplicates: true} : null
19: }
The example code is a bit complex, but we will go through this step by step.
We want to make sure that no duplicates exist in a and to make this happen, we will iterate the array items, and we will get the value of the property of the colors array.
In line 3, we create a function that accepts one argument: the FormControl name of the corresponding FormGroup of the FormArray items. In our example, the argument will be the
In line 4, we create the inner function, which accepts an AbstractControl argument, and has the actual validation logic.
In lines 5-16, we apply the validation logic. To ensure that no duplicates exist, we develop the logic using the and the JavaScript array functions.
In line 18, we return either null if the validator is satisfied or an object otherwise.
Using the FormArray validator
When we initialize a we define the AbstractControl instances as we have already learned. We can also provide the validators using the second argument of the array method, as we see in the following code:
Form Builder's array definition
1: array(
2: controlsConfig: any[],
3: validatorOrOpts?: ValidatorFn
4: | ValidatorFn[]
5: | AbstractControlOptions
6: | null,
7: asyncValidator?: AsyncValidatorFn
8: | AsyncValidatorFn[]
9: | null
10:): FormArray
The first argument (line 2) is the and it's where we define the FormControl or FormGroup instances.
The second argument (line 3) is optional, and the type is which has the following signature:
AbstractControlOptions definition
1: export declare interface AbstractControlOptions {
2: validators?: ValidatorFn | ValidatorFn[] | null;
3: asyncValidators?:AsyncValidatorFn |AsyncValidatorFn[] |null;
4: updateOn?: 'change' | 'blur' | 'submit';
Let's now see how to apply the custom validator in a
component.ts code
1: import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core'
2: import {FormArray, FormBuilder, FormGroup} from
3: import {noDuplicates} from './custom-validators'
5: @Component({
6: selector: 'app-root',
7: templateUrl: './app.component.html',
8: styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
10: export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
11: myForm!: FormGroup
13: get colors() {
14: return this.myForm.get('colors') as FormArray
15: }
17: constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {}
19: ngOnInit(): void {
20: this.myForm ={
21: colors: this.fb.array(
22: [
23: this.getFormArrayItem('Red'),
24: this.getFormArrayItem()],
25: {
26: validators: [noDuplicates('name')]
27: }
28: ),
29: })
30: }
32: private getFormArrayItem(value?: string) {