C# 2008 For Dummies
by Chuck Sphar and Stephen Randy Davis
C# 2008 For Dummies
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About the Authors
Stephen R. Davis, who goes by the name of Randy, lives with his wife and son near Dallas, Texas. He and his family have written numerous books, including C++ For Dummies and C++ Weekend Crash Course. Stephen works for L-3 Communications.
Chuck Sphar escaped Microsofts C++ documentation camps in 1997, after six years hard labor as a senior technical writer. Hes perpetrated three previous tomes, one on object-oriented programming for the Mac, one on Microsofts MFC class library, and C# 2005 For Dummies, a revision of Randys original edition. Hes currently finishing a novel about ancient Rome (againstrome.com) and gobbling great mouthfuls of .NET programming. Chuck can be reached for praise and minor nits at chuck@csharp102.info.
For a remarkable woman and great friend, Helen Tross and, of course, as always, my Pam Chuck Sphar
Authors Acknowledgments
As always, thanks to my agent, Claudette Moore, who brought the book to me in 2005. I also want to thank Randy Davis for being willing to hand over his baby to a guy he didnt know. Id have found that very hard, and I hope Ive done justice in two revisions of his original edition.
Many thanks are due as well to the fine folks at Wiley, starting with Acquisitions Editor Katie Feltman and Project Editor Pat OBrien. Id also like to thank Barry Childs-Helton for much of the books consistency, and the art, media, technical, and other production folks who turn my files into a real book.
The most heartfelt thanks are due to Pam for constant encouragement and much enabling. Shes my partner in all things. Chuck Sphar
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T his edition of C# 2008 for Dummies represents a pretty thorough over-haul. It adds tons of new material, an improved organization, and many new example programs. So even if youve seen the book before, its worth another look.