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Jaroslav Holan - Vaadin 7 Cookbook

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Jaroslav Holan Vaadin 7 Cookbook

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It is really expensive and demanding to develop Rich Internet Applications from scratch. Vaadin is an amazing framework that contains many ready-made components for the creation of user interfaces.
Applications created in Vaadin are compatible with all the latest versions of web browsers. Although the screenshots in this book are from Chrome, examples can also run on other browsers like Firefox Mozilla, Internet Explorer, and Opera.
Vaadin 7 Cookbook contains many practical recipes that we have gathered during the development of Vaadin applications. This book will help you to take your learning experience to the next level by giving you many solutions to the common problems faced along with explanations. There is even more than that. Vaadin 7 Cookbook goes beyond the basics and shows you how to build Vaadin application for real-world scenarios.
Vaadin 7 Cookbook starts with the creation of a project in various tools and languages then moves to components, layouting, events, data binding, and custom widgets. Vaadin, together with Grails, is a powerful tool for the rapid development of RIA applications and this is described in a chapter on how to work with GORM, Service, compiling a widgetset. The quality and stability of the application, testing the Vaadin code, and data management of Vaadin is also explained in detail.
Vaadin 7 Cookbook is focused on learning and understanding how to work with Vaadin as well as trying out Vaadin with other technologies such as Grails.

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Vaadin 7 Cookbook

Vaadin 7 Cookbook

Copyright 2013 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

First published: April 2013

Production Reference: 1120413

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

35 Livery Street

Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-84951-880-2


Cover Image by Artie Ng (<>)



Jaroslav Hola

Ondej Kvasnovsk


Martin Cremer

Risto Yrjn

Jonatan Kronqvist

Michael Vogt

Acquisition Editor

Mary Nadar

Lead Technical Editor

Azharuddin Sheikh

Technical Editors

Veronica Fernandes

Dominic Pereira

Project Coordinators

Anish Ramchandani

Abhijit Suvarna


Stephen Copestake

Mario Cecere


Rekha Nair

Monica Ajmera Mehta


Aditi Gajjar

Ronak Dhruv

Production Coordinator

Aparna Bhagat

Cover Work

Aparna Bhagat

About the Authors

Jaroslav Hola is a skilled and creative Sun Certified Java Programmer. His main focus of interest is on frontend applications. He has experience with web technologies such as Vaadin, GWT, Rich Faces, JSF, and has also created desktop applications in Eclipse SWT and JFace. He has worked on various software projects, ranging from banking systems to mobile applications. He is mainly focused on Java, but is open to other languages and technologies. When he's not programming, he's dealing with magic tricks. You can find him on http://twitter.com/JaroslavHolan.

I would like to thank Ondrej, for his excellent cooperation on this book. His enormous enthusiasm was very motivating. I thank him that I could participate in this work. I also thank the Packt Publishing team for their patience and help with the publication of the book. Especially Mary Nadar for her help with the beginning of writing and Anish Ramchandani and Azharuddin Sheikh with the completion of the book. Also, the reviewers' comments were very helpful. Thank you all for your useful advices.

Ondej Kvasnovsk is currently working as a Senior Java Developer in pricing the business for an American company, Vendavo. Ondrej has spent six years in a large international company working mainly for the banking industry in Scandinavia as a Java Programmer, Project Manager, and Manager.

Ondrej's biggest free time interest is working on the Grails plugin for Vaadin (see http://vaadinongrails.com) and participation on projects using the Vaadin and Grails frameworks.

He, together with other people, is taking care of the organization of the Java User Group in Ostrava, Czech Republic.

Ondrej can be found on LinkedIn at http://cz.linkedin.com/in/kvasnovskyondrej, his public projects on Github can be found at https://github.com/ondrej-kvasnovsky, and his blog on http://ondrej-kvasnovsky.blogspot.com.

My biggest thanks are for my wife and son. Bara, thank you for providing me so much time for my coding adventures. Miki, thank you for showing me what is really important.

Dear editors and reviewers, you did a great job! Thank you.

About the Reviewers

Martin Cremer is working as a Software Architect for a company in the finance sector. His work focuses on maintaining and developing reference architecture for web-based enterprise applications with Vaadin as well as supporting developers in their daily work.

Born in the eighties, he grew up with the Internet and started exploring its possibilities very early. It was a short step from building static websites to first dynamic web applications. Within about a decade of experience on web development, he worked as a freelance web developer for an agency and later independently, learned application development, studied business information technology and worked as application developer and software architect.

Risto Yrjn has several years of experience working as a Vaadin Expert at Vaadin. His interests cover UI-design, web technologies, and functional programming.

Jonatan Kronqvist , M.Sc., has been working at Vaadin Ltd, the company behind the Vaadin framework, since 2006. During this time, he has been a Vaadin consultant, a Project Manager, and a core developer of the Vaadin framework. Currently he spends his time focusing on add-ons and tools for easing development with Vaadin.

Before going fulltime on Vaadin, he worked on many different projects ranging from advanced 3D graphics at a CAD software company to leading the development of a popular computer game for children.

I'd like to thank my family and my employer, Vaadin Ltd, for giving me the time needed to make this possible.

Michael Vogt started as a WebObjects developer in the year 2000 at Apple Germany . Since then, he has worked in many different companies and countries, mostly as a freelancer on GWT projects. Currently he works in the services department of Vaadin.

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It is really expensive and demanding to develop Rich Internet Applications from scratch. Vaadin is an amazing framework that contains many ready-made components for the creation of user interfaces. Applications created in Vaadin are compatible with all the latest versions of web browsers. Although the screenshots in this book are from Chrome, examples can also run on other browsers such as Firefox Mozilla, Internet Explorer, and Opera.

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