Android Application Development For Dummies, 2nd Edition
by Michael Burton and Donn Felker
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Android Application Development For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Copyright 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
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About the Authors
Michael Burton is the Lead Android Engineer at Groupon. He wrote the Groupon, Digg, TripIt, and OpenTable Android apps, among others. Hes flown a project on the Space Shuttle. Hes spoken on Android application development at conferences in London, Boston, Silicon Valley, Rio de Janeiro, and elsewhere. Hes also the author of RoboGuice, the open-source dependency injection framework used by Google, Facebook, and others. Follow Michael on Twitter (@roboguice) or check out RoboGuice at
Donn Felker is a recognized leader in the development and consultation of state-of-the-art, cutting-edge software in the mobile and web fields. He is an independent consultant with over 10 years of professional experience in various markets that include entertainment, health, retail, insurance, financial, and real estate. He is a mobile junkie, serial entrepreneur, and creative innovator in all things mobile and web. He is the founder of Agilevent, an innovative creative development firm that has done work for small startups as well as Fortune 500 companies. He is a Microsoft ASP Insider, an MCTS for .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.5 Web Applications, and a certified ScrumMaster. Hes a national speaker on topics that include Android, .NET, and software architecture. He is the author of the Introduction to Android video series. He is a writer, presenter, and consultant on various topics ranging from architecture to development in general, agile practices, and patterns and practices. Follow Donn on Twitter (@donnfelker) or read his blog at
To BugDroid.
Authors Acknowledgments
Thanks to Donn Felker for writing the initial version of this book and tossing the project my way. Heres hoping we work on many successful projects in the future!
A big thank you to the extended Android open source community, including Carlos Sessa, Manfred Moser, Donn, and Jake Wharton among others, who contributed their code, expertise, and reviews of this book.
Thank you to my great team at Groupon, Chris, Alex, Robyn, Eric, Aubrey, and David, who have pushed me to understand the Android platform deeper than I would have on my own.
And finally, thank you to my friends and family who have supported me through the evenings I spent working on this project. The loaner puppy and the per-chapter treats were all I needed to push through those long weekends!
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