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Essential SharePoint 2013
Practical Guidance for Meaningful Business Results
Scott Jamison
Susan Hanley
Chris Bortlik
![Essential SharePoint 2013 Practical Guidance for Meaningful Business Results - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/58273/graphics/pub.jpg)
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.
Jamison, Scott.
Essential SharePoint 2013 : practical guidance for meaningful business results / Scott Jamison,
Susan Hanley, Chris Bortlik.First edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-321-88411-4 (alk. paper)ISBN 0-321-88411-6 (alk. paper)
1. Microsoft SharePoint (Electronic resource) 2. Intranets (Computer networks) I. Hanley, Susan,
1956 II. Bortlik, Chris. III. Title.
TK5105.875.I6J353 2014
Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to (201) 236-3290.
ISBN-13: 978-0-321-88411-4
ISBN-10: 0-321-88411-6
Text printed in the United States on recycled paper at R. R. Donnelley in Crawfordsville, Indiana.
First printing, July 2013
To my lovely wife, Sung, who supported me tremendously during the writing of
this book, and to my team at Jornatathe smartest and hardest-working bunch of
folks Ive ever worked with.
For my family, whose support and dedication and willingness to eat takeout made
it possible for me to write, and for the incredible SharePoint community, from
whom I have learned so much and who inspire me to pay it forward.
To my wife, Marisa, our four daughters, and our parents: thank you for all of your
support and encouragement during the past 18 months. My contributions to this
book would not have been possible without you and the sacrifices you have all
made on my behalf. Love you all!
Foreword by Jeff Teper
We started the project that became SharePoint with an ambitious goalbring together collaboration, content management, and portals into a single experience that connects people and teams inside and outside organizations. Amazingly, this same vision continues to drive us today13 years later! We are fortunate that SharePoint has been one of the fastest-growing server products in Microsofts history. Over 80% of the Fortune 500 depend on SharePoint every day to achieve business goals, and were excited to deliver new releases of SharePoint to more customers every day through our Office 365 cloud service.
Much of the success of SharePoint has to be attributed to the early adopters who saw the vision way back in the 2001 release. Three of those early adopters were Scott Jamison, Susan Hanley, and Chris Bortlik. They helped shape the product, provided critical feedback, and have worked roughly 30,000 hours each on projects involving SharePoint technology. Combined, they contribute over 40 years of experience with the product and its precursor offerings. More expertise and insight is hard to imagine.
Im proud to recommend this bookyoull find yourself reaching for it often; it will likely be one of the biggest factors in achieving your successful adoption of SharePoint.
Jeff Teper
Microsoft Corporate Vice President, Office Servers & Services Program
Redmond, Washington
May 2013
Foreword by Jared Spataro
This book will become a mainstay in your SharePoint library and should be one of the first books you read on SharePointno matter what your role. You will find yourself reaching for it whenever you need guidance on how to use andmore importanthow to plan for the new SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 capabilities. Im particularly pleased to see the breadth of coverage of the new functionality with the characteristic depth, expertise, and real-world recommendations that have made Scott, Sue, and Chris leaders in the SharePoint community. Anyone with an interest in SharePoint will benefit from the experience and best practices that theyve developed over the years.
Enjoy the book, and enjoy the product. Tremendous work has gone into both.
Jared Spataro
Microsoft Senior Director, SharePoint
Redmond, Washington
May 2013
First, Id like to thank Pearson for giving me yet another opportunity to write a book, with special thanks to Joan Murray and the rest of the Pearson team for shaping the book into something great.
This book could not have come to fruition without the expertise of Susan Hanley and Chris Bortlik. Their experience and perspective are invaluable to projects like this; every team should be lucky enough to have members like them. Sue and Chris provided useful insight, fantastic writing, and real-world expertise to make this a high-quality book. Their passion is unmatched in the SharePoint and Office 365 space.