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George Kell - Hello Everybody, Im George Kell

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When George Kell broke in with the old Philadelphia Athletics back in 1943, never did he dream he had just embarked on a 53-year major league ride. From induction into baseballs Hall of Fame to an equally accomplished broadcasting career, it was a fantastic journey.

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title Hello Everybody Im George Kell author Kell George - photo 1

title:Hello Everybody, I'm George Kell
author:Kell, George.; Ewald, Dan.
publisher:Sports Publishing, Inc.
isbn10 | asin:1571671803
print isbn13:9781571671806
ebook isbn13:9780585046501
subjectKell, George, Baseball players--United States--Autobiography, Sportscasters--United States--Autobiography.
publication date:1998
lcc:GV742.42.K455 1998eb
subject:Kell, George, Baseball players--United States--Autobiography, Sportscasters--United States--Autobiography.
Page i
Hello Everybody, I'm George Kell
George Kell
Dan Ewald
Champaign IL 61820
Page ii
1998 George Kell
All rights reserved
Production Director: Susan M. McKinney
Dustjacket and photo insert design: Julie L. Denzer
804 N. Neil
Champaign, IL 61820
Printed in the United States
Page iii
Where do I start to thank all the people who have been part of my life? My parents, of course, who were there for me all the time as I chased my dream.
My wife of 50 years, Charlene, who died of cancer in 1991. She raised our two children, often alone, while I was away.
My children, George, Jr. and Terrie, who do not remember too much about my baseball career because they were so young. But they do remember their daddy was gone from home a long time. They and my grandchildren live only 20 and 30 miles from Swifton. We are very close as a family.
Terrie has taken her mother's placehostess at Christmas time. George, Jr., a gourmet cook, entertains all the family at Thanksgiving.
To Carolyn, my wife of four years, who came into my life at the right time. She is truly family. My children love her. They encourage the romance and the marriage.
I don't want to forget my lone brother, Skeeter, who played in the major leagues for a short time. He relished and supported me throughout my career. He is a very successful businessman today. He and his wife, Sue, have been married for 50 years. They have raised four wonderful childrenand I love them as if they were my own.
And certainly my thanks to the city of Swifton and all the people who have supported me in everything I've done. We all grew up here so poor, but didn't know it because everyone was poor in those days.
Thanks to Senator Dale Bumpers. We are almost like brothers. He gave the eulogy at Charlene's funeral and I know how hard it was for him.
How can I thank Dan Ewald, my close friend and confidant? He convinced me to write this book when I really didn't want to. Now I'm so glad I did. My whole life is in print forever.
Dan spent three days in Swifton. He saw my church, my school, my automobile agency and my farmland. Most of all, he met the good people here.
Now he knows why I have never left here and never will. Dan, thanks for coming.
Picture 2
1 Home Sweet Swifton
2 Tough Times, Good Times
3 Always There
4 A Turn in the Road
5 ''My, My" Mr. Mack
6 The War Years
7 Hello Detroit
8 The Perfect Place to Be
9 Breaking the Color Barrier
10 Confidence and a Cup of Coffee
11 The Green Monster and Ted
12 The Golden Years
13 Almost in the Dugout
14 It Was Just Time
15 Behind the Mike and Talking to Casey
16 Hello, Detroit Again
17 "Hello Everybody I'm George Kell"
18 The Year of the Tiger
19 The Second Time Around
20 Almost There
21 No More Like Jim
22 Spanning Six Decades
23 Time and Change
24 Business After Baseball
25 She Was a Lady
26 Another Prayer Answered
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