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Chris Harris [Harris - Uprising

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Chris Harris [Harris Uprising

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Burning Skies

Book 3

Chris Harris

Copyright Chris Harris 2019 All rights reserved No part of this publication - photo 1 Copyright Chris Harris 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission from the publisher.

This novel is entirely a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any person or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No affiliation is implied or intended to any organization or recognizable body mentioned within.

Published by Vulpine Press in the United Kingdom in 2019

Cover by Claire Wood

ISBN: 978-1-912701-75-9


To my beautiful wife Nicky. Thank you for making the world still turn whilst Im staring at a screen.



COBRA, Downing Street, London

Adriene Winslet, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, sat stunned into silence. The strain of the last weeks, fighting to hold the country together as it rapidly fell into anarchy, showed on her face.

She had been unable to stop the chaos and was reduced to a spectator as her pleas and broadcasts for calm fell on a nation deafened by panic. The police, despite all leave being cancelled and every available officer being sent to the front line, failed to stop the mass outbreaks of public disorder. Shelves in shops and supermarkets were stripped of all goods; the population had been whirled up into a frenzy by the sensationalist-led media that kept fueling anxiety about how soon everyone would starve as food supplies, not just from the USA, but from other countries stopped flowing into UK ports.

The rioting and looting that followed was, in some cases, caused by peoples desire to gather as much food as possible by all and any means. But mainly by those in society who realized that they had an opportunity to loot, steal, and destroy property with impunity.

The media, even those outlets which had been fierce supporters, turned on her and her party. Predictions of the imminent outbreak of World War Three further fuelled the fires. No matter how many times she reassured the public and the media, both publicly and privately, that they were doing their utmost to resolve the crisis globally and domestically, she just wasnt believed.

The army had reluctantlydespite protests from every echelon of their hierarchybeen ordered onto the streets to reinforce the dusk-to-dawn curfew that had hurriedly been imposed in an attempt to quell the violence.

The media went apoplectic over this, accusing the government of heavy-handed dictatorial tactics when all the population wanted was to eat. The soldiers, trained for war and not to maintain public order against a population they thought they had enlisted to protect, were not effective anyway and were soon quietly withdrawn following some ugly incidents.

The country needed actions and leadership, but all they had so far from those in power were empty words and promises.

Not that she hadnt tried. Her first instinct was to rush to her old allies, the United States, for help but the apathy and complete unwillingness to get involved she had experienced from other countries had drained her resolve. Most, she suspected, were working hard in the background to secure their positions in the new world order, whatever that was, when it emerged from the terrible destruction and loss of life that the United States had and still was suffering from.

Only Canada and the old traditional enemy Russia were looking at the other path. Both out of self-interest as they shared long borders, one very suddenly and recently, with an adversary that had proved beyond doubt its capabilities and willingness for ruthless action.

Russia had already unleashed a new and unknown weapon against the attackers besieging Cheyenne Mountain. Reports indicated over seven thousand attacking Chinese troops had been killed by this new and terrifying non-collateral damage weapon.

When she had called the Russian president to protest at the action she was left in no uncertain terms that there was no option of sitting on the fence. You were either with them or against them.

She had let her initial muted promises of support quietly slip away when a phone call from Chinas leader himself, spoken through interpreters, had made her baulk at the consequences he promised would follow if any British involvement was detected against the Peoples Republic of China.

She justified it to herself that her first priority was to her own people.

Her normally neatly styled hair and manicured image that she portrayed to the public was now ruffled at the edges. Not surprising as the amount of sleep she had been getting since this crisis began could be counted in hours and never more than three in a row.

General Sir Anthony Lloyd, the nations chief of the defense staff rushed into the room and whispered into the prime ministers ear.

Can you repeat that again, General? So everyone else can hear, she asked sharply, causing the buzz of noise in the room around her to fall quiet.

The general waited for the last conversations in the room to subside before repeating, Prime Minister, the Russians and Americans, with the help of Canada, have launched an attack on US soil.

He looked with distain at the prime minister. Whilst we have sat here, wringing our hands, unable to make a decision for fear of upsetting China, who we all know have committed the biggest act of international piracy ever committed, other countries who can see the bigger picture have chosen to act and not waste time on yellow-livered words of surrender.

Adriene Winslet stood up quickly, real anger showing on her face for the first time, her chair toppling over behind her. Now look here, General, remember who you are addressing.

The general was sick to his back teeth of the complete lack of progress the cabinet had made since the crisis started. He had been present at all the COBRA meetings where no will at all had ever been expressed to stand up the international bully and nation stealer that China had turned into.

He could see where this would lead, whereas all the political appointees around the table could only see mediation, reconciliation, and compromise as the way forward.

History, of which he was a student, showed that time and time again nation states who chose the course of action that China had commenced would not stop at just the one victory. One was never enough and whilst their politicians, ambassadors, and emissaries all spread words of peace, rebuilding, and reconciliation, the warmongers and those who pulled the strings in the background would be planning the next move.

One conquest would never be enough.

If China could consolidate their rule and iron grip across what was the most powerful and richest nation on earth in a few short weeks, then no one could stand in their way.

He banged his fist as hard as he could on the table. A crystal decanter toppled over, spilling water across the files and papers scattered across the large polished oak table.

Maam, I think you should also remember who you are addressing. The British Armed Forces are led by the Queen.

He paused and looked around the table before looking the prime minister straight in the eye.

But as we all know, as a constitutional monarch she follows the laws and legislations passed by the government in power. Now I can be replaced, and you can find another of my colleagues who may be willing to sit idly by whilst all advice offered is ignoredBut as I can be replaced, so can you.

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