Vatican City
The Vatican is the worlds smallest nation, covering just 50 ha (120 acres), and is a theocracy of just over 550 citizens, headed by the Pope, but its Attractioneeing complex is beyond compare. Within its wall are the ornate , lush gardens, apartments frescoed by Fra Angelico, Raphael and Pinturicchio, and some 10 museums. The latter, include collections of Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman antiquities; Paleochristian, Renaissance and modern art; and a world-class ethnographic collection.
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St Peters Basilica Piazza S Pietro 06 6988 3731 (info line) Open 7am7pm daily, 17pm Wed (until 6:30pm OctMar) Adm 6 (treasury), 5 (dome via steps), 7 (dome via lift)
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Sistine Chapel
Michelangelos ceiling is one of the most spectacular works of art in the world (for further details see ).
Museums and Sistine Chapel Viale Vaticano 100 06 6988 4947 Open 9am6pm (last admission 4pm) MonSat and 9am2pm last Sun of month. Closed 1 Jan, 11 Feb, 19 Mar, Easter, Easter Mon, 1 May, 29 Jun, 1415 Aug, 1 Nov 8, 25, 26 Dec Adm 16 (8 ISIC students under 26) DA (partial)
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Raphael Rooms
Raphael decorated Julius IIs apartments between 1508 and 1520. The Stanza della Segnatura features the School of Athens, a convention of ancient philosophers bearing portraits of Renaissance artists such as Leonardo da Vinci as bearded Plato in the centre.
Apollo Belvedere
This Roman copy of a 4th-century BC Greek statue is considered a model of physical beauty. It inspired Berninis Apollo in .
Raphaels Transfiguration
Raphael was labouring on this gargantuan masterpiece (151720) when he died at 37, leaving students to finish the base. It depicts Christ appearing to the Apostles in divine glory.
Chapel of Nicholas V
The Vaticans hidden gem is this closet-sized chapel colourfully frescoed (144750) with early martyrs by Fra Angelico.
One of antiquitys most famous sculptures is this 1st-century AD Trojan prophet and his sons being strangled by serpents as they try to warn against the besieging Greeks sneaky gift horse.
Caravaggios Deposition
Caravaggios chiaroscuro technique accentuates a diagonal composition (1604) filled with peasant figures and grisly realism.
Borgia Apartments
Pope Alexander VI had these beautiful rooms frescoed by Pinturicchio (Raphael was once his junior collaborator) between 1492 and 1495. The walls are now hung with lesser pieces from the Modern Art collection.
Belvedere Torso
The highly crafted, bulging muscles of this 1st-century BC torso of the god Hercules were regularly used as a prime sketching model for Michelangelo and many other Renaissance masters.
Leonardo da Vincis St Jerome
Sketchy and unfinished Leonardo was often a distracted genius this 1482 painting is nevertheless an anatomical masterpiece.
Museum Guide
The Vatican Museums (a 15-minute walk around the Vatican walls from St Peters) are made up of 10 collections plus the Sistine Chapel and papal apartments. To see highlights only, first visit the Pinacoteca, to the right of the entrance turnstile. The Sistine and other collections are to the left.
![Picture 20](/uploads/posts/book/156052/images/tip_1.png)
Tip: There is a caf inside the Vatican Museums although it is often crowded.
![Picture 21](/uploads/posts/book/156052/images/tip_1.png)
Tip: When in town, the Pope gives a mass audience on Wednesday mornings. Book the free tickets in advance through the Prefecture of the Papal Household (Fax
06 6988 5863).
Sistine Chapel Works
Adam and Eve
God imparts the spark of life to Adam in one of western arts most famous scenes, then pulls Eve from Adams rib.
God separates darkness from light, water from land and creates the Sun and Moon. Michelangelo veers towards blasphemy by depicting Gods dirty feet.
The Sacrifice, Flood, and Drunkenness of Noah
After disassembling his scaffolding and gazing from floor level, Michelangelo noticed that these three tumultuous scenes were too minutely drawn.
Last Judgment
This vast work identifies saints by their medieval icons: Catharine with her wheel, Bartholomew with the knife which flayed him.
Sibyls and Prophets
Hebrew prophets, including Jonah shying away from the whale, mingle with the Sibyls who foretold Christs coming.
Old Testament Salvation Scenes and Ancestors of Christ
Portraits from Jesuss family tree are above the windows, and bloody Salvation scenes, including David and Goliath, are on corner spandrels.
Life of Christ Scenes
The chapels right wall stars Botticellis Cleansing of the Leper, Ghirlandaios Calling of Peter and Andrew, as well as Peruginos work below.
Giving the Keys to St Peter
Classical buildings form the backdrop to this pivotal scene of transferring power from Christ to the popes. Each scene is divided into three parts.
Life of Moses Scenes
Left wall highlights include Botticelli's Burning Bush and Signorelli and della Gattas