The Big Rich: The Rise and Fall of the Greatest Texas Oil Fortunes
Public Enemies: Americas Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 193334
Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco (with John Helyar)
Dragonfly: NASA and the Crisis Aboard Mir
Vendetta: American Express and the Smearing of Edmond Safra
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The True Import of Present Dialogue, Black vs. Negro (For Peppe, Who Will Ultimately Judge Our Efforts) from Black Feeling, Black Talk, Black Judgment by Nikki Giovanni. Copyright 1968, 1970 by Nikki Giovanni. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers.
eBook ISBN: 978-0-698-17007-0
Cover design: Darren Haggar
Cover photograph: Fred W. McDarrah/Contributor/Getty Images
For my mother
Theres a group of youngsters cropping up who is getting tired of this brutality against our people. They are going to take some action; it might be misguided; it might be disorganized; it might be unintelligent; but theyre going to get a little action. And there are going to be some whites who are going to join in along with them.
At the end of the sixties or the beginning of the seventies, it seemed like people were going underground left and right. Every other week I was hearing about somebody disappearing.
And theres some rumors going round, someones underground...
Without a doubt, this book is the single most difficult project I have ever attempted. During more than five years of research, I thought of quitting any number of times. When I began work in 2009, I had no idea of the challenges involved, or the complexities of dealing with veterans of the radical left. If you said I was nave, well, I couldnt argue with you.
Eleven years ago I wrote a book called Public Enemies, in which I employed a million or so pages of newly released FBI files to tell the story of the Bureaus pursuit of John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, and a half dozen other Depression-era criminals. In approaching this book, I assumed I would be able to draw on similar resources to document the rise and fall of the 1970s-era underground groups. Big mistake. FBI files, those the Bureau has made publicly available, are almost useless to a historian. Only a fraction of the paperwork these investigations generated has been issued, and almost all of it is dreck, either highly redacted headquarters summaries or page after page of highly redacted, and highly repetitive, airtels and telegrams. One could learn far more about the underground from newspapers.
The existing literature was helpful, but contained gaping holes. Of the ten or so books and films dealing with the Weather Underground, few contain much detailed information on what interested me most: how the group actually operated underground. There are two good books about the Symbionese Liberation Army from the 1970s, but none on the Black Liberation Army, the FALN, or the United Freedom Front. John Castelluccis 1986 book about the Family, The Big Dance, is packed with good information but so loosely structured it is often hard to follow.
In the absence of fresh documentation, I was obliged to fall back on the basic skills I learned as a young newspaper reporter many years ago: pounding the pavement, hitting the phones. Veterans of the underground were easy enough to track down. The problem was getting them to talk candidly about decades-old crimes they had rarely if ever spoken of publicly, and which in some cases might still be the subject of law enforcement interest.
During my first year of research, I cold-called any number of aging underground figures. The conversation usually went something like this:
Hello, my name is Bryan Burrough. You dont know me from Adam, and I dont share your politics. Would you be willing to tell me about that building you bombed in 1972?
This became somewhat frustrating. A turning point came when, during the course of peoples deflecting my questions, I was directed to their attorneys. The group of radical lawyers who handled underground cases turned out to be surprisingly small; maybe fifteen attorneys, almost all in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, handled just about every major case. A handful worked on dozens of cases spanning multiple underground groups. With the help of several of these attorneyspeople motivated simply by a wish to accurately recapture a piece of little-remembered American historyI was able to begin building bridges to their clients, many of whom remain distrustful of anyone associated with the mainstream media. Some interviews took months to negotiate. Even once a veteran of the underground agreed to speak with me, it sometimes took four or five meetings to begin earning something like the trust that is necessary for someone to share secrets with a complete stranger. I am deeply grateful to all those who did.
Sam Melville and the Birth of the American Underground
Black Rage and the Road to Revolution
The Movement and the Emergence of Weatherman
Weatherman, January to March 1970
Weatherman, March to June 1970
Weatherman, June 1970 to October 1970
Weatherman and the FBI, October 1970 to April 1971
The Birth of the Black Liberation Army, Spring 1971
The Black Liberation Army, June 1971 to February 1972
The Weather Underground and the FBI, 197172
The Black Liberation Army, 1973
The Rise of the Symbionese Liberation Army, November 1973 to February 1974
The Symbionese Liberation Army, February to May 1974
The Rise of the Post-SLA Underground
Patty Hearst, the SLA, and the Mad Bombers of San Francisco
The Death of the Weather Underground
The FALN, 1976 to 1978
The Odyssey of Ray Levasseur
Ray Levasseurs Odyssey, Part II
The Pan-Radical Alliance, 1977 to 1979
The Family and the FALN, 197980
Trials, Surrenders, and the Family, 198081
The United Freedom Front, 1981 to 1984
BERNARDINE DOHRN: beautiful, brainy, first among equals, la Pasionaria of the Lunatic Left
JEFF JONES: California-raised surfer dude, co-leader, Dohrns onetime lover, principal instigator of 197576 inversion strategy
BILL AYERS: effusive child of wealth, enthusiastic writer, named to national leadership after the Townhouse bombing
ELEANOR STEIN: New York cell, national leadership, later married Jeff Jones