Praise for James Madison
Lucidly written... This is probably the best single-volume bio of Madison that we now have.
Gordon Wood, The New York Times Book Review
With this compelling, elegant, original biography, Lynne Cheney brings the great, elusive James Madison back to life, reminding us of how powerfully this brilliant founders political and intellectual leadership has shaped the course of American history. In this era in which Madison is too often eclipsed by more histrionic founders, Cheney shows us his crucial, fascinating relationships with Dolley, Thomas Jefferson, and an all-star cast, and lets us witness the growth of a world-changing political philosopher. Her book demonstrates why Madison deserves to stand near the center of our early American firmament.
Michael Beschloss, author of The Conquerors and Presidential Courage
The book is a lovingly researched tribute to an often-underestimated man. It does not explicitly refer to modern controversies. But present-day politics intrude.
The Economist
A meticulously researched, richly detailed look at the life and times of Madison. Former Second Lady Cheney fleshes out the achievements and struggles of this American founding father.... Authoritative, conversational, certainly confident in its analysis.
Publishers Weekly (starred review)
James Madison did as much to put his stamp on the nation as any of the founders, yet too rarely is he given his due in the pantheon of Americas statesmen. In this stunning, brilliant work, Lynne Cheney rectifies this glaring oversight and brings Madison to life as never before. Written with subtlety and grace, the book is as groundbreaking as it is fresh, as enthralling as it is compulsively readable. It is nothing short of a masterpiece that deserves to be in the bookshelf of every history buff!
Jay Winik, author of April 1865 and The Great Upheaval
A nuanced study on its own and a thoughtful presentation by one of todays prominent public intellectuals.
Library Journal
Cheney might have written a book that made Madison a prop in todays political battles. She did not, which is greatly to her credit and true to the life of the man.
The Washington Post
After more than twenty-five years working on the Madison Papers, its not often that I read something about him that is fresh and engaging, and discovers new aspects of his life and character. Cheneys exploration of Madisons health issues, not only as a young man, but throughout his career, is imaginative and groundbreaking. Her writing is both fluid and polished; the tone is measured and judicious; there isnt a strident note in the whole book. And, an added plus, her treatment of Madison as a political actor is informed by a sophisticated knowledge of politics, without in any way being presentist.
David B. Mattern, research professor and senior associate editor, Papers of James Madison, University of Virginia
A lucid, well-paced, wonderfully written, and authoritative history. Very well worth your time.
National Review
The Constitution remains Madisons greatest legacy. Cheneys detailed biography helps renew appreciation for the man behind it.
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Lynne Cheney has written what may be the most authoritative and comprehensive book ever on the life of founding father and President James Madison. It offers a fascinating perspective into how brilliant Madison truly was.
Intellectual Conservative
This is the James Madison we always should have known about. Thanks to Lynne Cheneys well-researched book, its the James Madison we will now always know.
The Washington Times
Lynne Cheney is the author and coauthor of twelve books, including six bestsellers about American history for children. The wife of former vice president Dick Cheney, she lives in McLean, Virginia, and Wilson, Wyoming.
Also by Lynne Cheney
We the People
Blue Skies, No Fences
Our 50 States
A Time for Freedom
When Washington Crossed the Delaware
A Is for Abigail
America: A Patriotic Primer
Telling the Truth
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First published in the United States of America by Viking Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, 2014
Published in Penguin Books 2015
Copyright 2014 by Lynne Cheney
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Image credits appear .
Cheney, Lynne V.
James Madison : a life reconsidered / Lynne Cheney.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-698-16345-4
1. Madison, James, 17511836. 2. United StatesPolitics and government18091817. 3. United StatesPolitics and government17891815. 4. PresidentsUnited StatesBiography. 5. StatesmenUnited StatesBiography. I. Title.
E342.C48 2014
Cover image: Portrait of James Madison by Gilbert Stuart. The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Gift of Mrs. George S. Robbins.
To my grandchildren
Kate, Elizabeth, Grace, Philip, Richard, Sam, and Sarah Lynne
He hurried along Market Street, his high-crowned hat offering scant protection against the rain. Had he passed this way earlier in the day, shoppers would have slowed his pace, drawn by the covered market that stretched for blocks down the center of the street. Now, with the afternoon wearing on and a thunderstorm over the city, only a few bargain hunters remained. Farmers who had brought produce in from the Pennsylvania countryside were scrambling into their wagons for what promised to be a muddy trek home.
Visitors to Philadelphia found the market a wonder, but the residents of Market Street were not fond of it. They repeatedlyand futilelytried to halt its expansion, arguing that the crowds did real estate values no good. Better to have the more peaceful setting enjoyed by residents farther west, the direction that the hurrying figure was headed. He crossed Fifth Street, its wet cobblestones glistening underfoot, then with springing step went up the stairs and entered the door of the ample brick building on the corner. It was the comfortable residence of Mary House, an elderly widow who lived there with her son, Samuel, her daughter, Eliza Trist, and Mrs. Trists son, Hore Browse. It was also one
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