AB | Analecta Bollandiana (Brussels) |
ACO | Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum, ed. E. Schwartz. (Berlin 191426) |
Casiniensis | Collectio Casiniensis = ACO I.34 |
CCG | Corpus Christianorum series Graeca (Turnhout) |
CCL | Corpus Christianorum series Latina (Turnhout) |
CPG | Clavis patrum Graecorum. 5 vols. ed. M. Geerard (Turnhout,19741996) |
CPL | Clavis patrum Latinorum. ed. E. Dekkers and E. Gaar (Turnhout, 1995) |
CSCO SS | Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, scriptores Syri (Louvain) |
CSEL | Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (Vindobona) |
CVatGr 1431 | Codex Vaticanus gr. 1431. ed. E. Schwartz (Munich, 1927) |
FC | Fontes Christiani (Rome) |
Flemming | Akten der ephesinischen Synod vom Jahre 449, Syrisch. ed. J.Flemming (Berlin, 1917) |
Fonti | Joannou, P. P., ed., Fonti, Discipline gnrale antique (Rome, 196263) |
GCS | Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte (New series) |
JECS | Journal of Early Christian Studies |
JLA | Journal of Late Antiquity |
JTS | Journal of Theological Studies |
LCL | Loeb Classical Library (Cambridge, MA) |
LRE | Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire: A Social, Economic and Administrative Survey. 2 vols. (Baltimore, 1986) |
NPNFI | A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the ChristianChurch, First Series (Grand Rapids, MI) |
NPNFII | A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the ChristianChurch, Second Series (Grand Rapids, MI) |
NRSV | New Revised Standard Version Bible (New York, 1989) |
Overbeck | S. Ephraemi Syri, Rabulae episcopi Edesseni Balaei aliorumqueopera selecta, ed. J. Overbeck (Oxford, 1865) |
Perry | The Second Synod of Ephesus, English Version. tr. S. G. F. Perry (Dartford, 1881) |
PG | Patrologiae cursus completus, series Graeca. ed. J. Migne(Paris, 1857) |
PL | Patrologiae cursus completus, series Latina. ed. J. Migne (Paris, 1844) |
PO | Patrologia Orientalis (Rome) |
PLRE II | Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 2, 395527. ed. J. R. Martindale (Cambridge, 1980) |
SC | Sources chrtiennes (Paris) |
ST | Studi e testi (Rome) |
TU | Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristliche Literatur |
For additional clarity, references to Theodoret's letters use this new shorthand:
References to Libanius's letters follow R. Foerster's numbering (= F). References to Synesius of Cyrene's letters follow A. Garzya's numbering. References to Ambrose of Milan's letters follow M. Zelzer's numbering (CSEL).
References to Firmus of Caesarea's letters follow M. Calvet-Sebasti's numbering (SC).
References to John Chrysostom's letters follow the numbering in PG 52.
References to all other letters and conciliar documents use titles and numbers from CPG and CPL.
Except where otherwise indicated, all translations of source passages are my own.
This book is about the relationship between what people claim to believe and whom they know. Partly it concerns the history of religions, especially an epic doctrinal dispute known as the Christological controversy. Partly it concerns late Roman social relations, especially in Greater Syria, also known as the Roman East. Different sections of this book feature prosopography, historiography, socio-historical survey, micro-historical narrative, theological analysis, and literary interpretation. My goal is to combine these various methods, with the aid of contemporary social theory, to better explain the social behavior that fostered religious communities in conflict.
My study of late Roman religious conflict has now lasted ten years. It began with a dissertation at the University of Michigan, which took form thanks to the generous financial support of the Mellon Foundation, the History Department, and the Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Some of the material in appeared in a different form as Schor, Adam M., Patronage Performance and Social Strategy in the Letters of Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus, Journal of Late Antiquity 2:2 (2009), 27499, 2009 The Johns Hopkins University Press. It is reprinted with permission of The Johns Hopkins University Press.
With regards to this book, I offer my deep gratitude to the members of my dissertation committee, Ray Van Dam, John V. Fine, Jr., Traianos Gagos (now, alas, of blessed memory), and Susan Ashbrook Harvey. Their extensive comments on my thesis and manuscript have proven immeasurably helpful. I also thank other scholars who have commented on drafts of this book in full or in part: Peter Brown, David Olster, David Brakke, Ralph Mathisen, and Patrick Gray, as well as Stephanie Fay and Eric Schmidt at the University of California Press and four perceptive anonymous reviewers. Additional thanks go to Kevin Van Bladel for tutorial help with Syriac, and to George Bevan, Patrick Gray, Pauline Allen, Yannis Papadoyannakis, David Michelson, and Ray Van Dam for showing me early versions of their work on related topics. And let me thank Tara Thompson Stauch for her assistance with proofreading and indexing.
Finally, let me offer my heartfelt thanks to members of my family, my parents Robert and Deborah, my brother Ben, my son Micah (who is much younger than this tome) and my wife Leah. Their companionship, patience, intellectual conversation, and affection have grounded me as I exhume the textual remains of people more than 1500 years gone. For love is stronger than deathit is a blazing flame (Song of Songs 8:6).
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This list includes documents used for network analysis in but not otherwise cited.
Acta concilii Chalcedonensis. Text (Greek and Latin): ACO II.12; translation: The Acts of the Council of Chalcedon, 3 vols., translated by R. M. Price and J. M. Gaddis (Liverpool, 2005).
Acta concilii Ephesini. Text (Greek): ACO I.1.2: 364, I.1.3: 1526, 5363, I.1.7: 84117.
Acta concilii oecumenicae CPolis ii. Text (Latin): ACO IV.1.
Acta et sententia synodi Orientalium (CPG #6352). Text (Greek): ACO I.1.5: 11924; text (Latin translation of Rusticus): ACO I.4: 3338.
Canons of the Catholic Church.