![CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ANCIENT LIBRARIES Ths bibliographical - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/240998/images/leaf-image0000.jpg)
![CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ANCIENT LIBRARIES Ths bibliographical - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/240998/images/leaf-image0003.jpg)
![CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ANCIENT LIBRARIES Ths bibliographical - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/240998/images/leaf-image0005.jpg)
CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ANCIENT LIBRARIES. Ths bibliographical contribution here presented is the first section of an attempt towards a "library bibliography." It is hoped that it may prove useful in connection with the work of the various library schools and bibliographical courses. The present section ends with the establishment of Christianity in the ancient world, consequently no works dealing with Christian institutions are included. There are given, as nearly as possible, all classical references to libraries and all the writings of any importance which have appeared in print. Of the latter nearly 300 titles are listed, about one-half being of works in the compiler's possession. Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the remaining half of the bibliography, a margin of error is unavoidably present because of the impossibility of seeing all the books included, and this applies also to a few references to later Greek and Roman authors whose works are not accessible.
The compiler will be grateful for any additions or corrections which may be communicated to him. SYNOPSIS. I. General. II. III. Greek. a, Alexandria. ^. Pergamon. IV. Roman. a, Herculaneum. V. library management and bibliography. I. GSNSRAL. GSNSRAL.
Lost work: Varro, 4U HbliaHUcis lib. III. Patricias, Frandscus. [De bibliothecis.] in kis De institutione reipublicae. Paris, 1534. in Madems, cit. infra, i, 35-36. infra, i, 35-36.
Cassanaeus, Bartholomaeus. [De bibliothecis.] Ml kis Catalogus gloriae mundi. Venice, 1571. 4*. lib. 307 f. in Madems, cit, infra, i, 32 - 34. in Madems, cit, infra, i, 32 - 34.
Middendorpius, lac. Academiarum celebrium universi terrarum orbis. C5ln, 1594. 8**. ^ Same. 8". lib. 2, p. 231 f. Lib. of Jerusalem, lib. 3, p. 612 f. 612 f.
Roman Ubi. Lipsius, Justus. De bibliothecis syntagma. Antwerp, 1602. 4*. Same in Vossius, Gerardus.
Dissertationes de studiis bene instituendis. Utrecht, 1658. 12*. Same in Maderus, cit, infra, i, 1-23. Same in kis Opera omnia. 4 vols. 8. 8.
Same: Trait6 des bibliothdques. Traduit par Etienne Gabriel Peignot. in Peignot, E. G. Manuel bibliographique. (1800). 8**. 8**.
Pancirollus, Guido. De librariis sive bibliothecis. in kis Res memorabiles sive deperditae. Frankfurt, 1631. 4**. xxii. m Maderus, ^V. m/ra. 1,30-31. 1,30-31.
Tomasini, Giacomo Filippo. De bibliothecis manuscriptis. in kis Bibliothecae Patavinae manuscriptae publicae et privatae. Udina, 1639. 4*. in Maderus, cit, infra, i, 54-62. in Maderus, cit, infra, i, 54-62.
Jacob de Saint-Charles, Louis. Traict6 des plus belles bibliothdques publiques et particu-lieres, qui ont est6 et qui sont ^ pr^ent dans le monde. Paris, 1644. 12". Lomeier, Johann. De bibliothecis libellus.
Ziitphen, 1662. 12*. De bibliothecis liber singularis. Ziitphen, 1669. 8*. Same, 2d ed.
Utrecht, 1680. 8*. Same in Maderus, cit, infra, iii (1705), i - 278. [] Same abridged: Traitt6 historique des plus belles biblioth^ques de 1'Europe.... Par le Sieur [Pierre] Le Gallois. i6'. i6'.
Same, Paris, 1685. i6'. . Same, Amsterdam, 1697. 16*. [ "l Same : A critical and historical account of all the celebrated libraries in foreign countries, as well ancient as modern.... [ "l Same : A critical and historical account of all the celebrated libraries in foreign countries, as well ancient as modern....
By a Gentleman of the Temple. London, 1739. i6'. - Same : An account of all the celebrated libraries. Reprinted [by Sir Thomas Phil lipps] from a small work printed in 1739. T. ao copies privately printed. ao copies privately printed.
Same, 2d ed. London, 174a 16*. rei litterariae et Jena, 1704. 8'. Hottinger, Johann Heinrich. Bibliothecarius quadripartitus.
Ztlrich, 1664. 4**. Pt. i. p. 7-34.
Maderus, Joachimus Joannes, ed, De biblio-thecis atque archivis virorum clarissimorum libelli et commentationes. Helmst&dt, 1666. 4'. Same, Secundam editionem curavit J. A. S[chmidt].
Helmst&dt, 1702-5. 3 vols. 4'. References throughout are given to the ad ed. The work contains the following which are not mentioned elsewhere: Neander, Michael. i, 37 - 53. i, 37 - 53.
Spizel, Gottlieb. Dissertatio de illustrium bibliothecarum nov-antiquarum exstruc-tione. ii, 135-212. Struve, Burckhard Gotthelf. De bibliothecis earumque praefectis. 12*. 12*.
De jure bibliothecarum. Halle, 1702. 4*. Same, Jena, 1709. 4*, Introductio in notitiam usum bibliothecarum. 2. 2.
Same, Other eds. Jena, 1706, 1710, 1729, 1754. 8'. Same, Frankfurt & Leipzig, 1754. S'* Falsterus, Christianus. Sermo panegyricus de variarum gentium bibliothecit scholasticis.
Flensburg, 1720. Schulze, . De bibliothecis publicis veterum. Naumburg, 1737. Schellhorn, Johann Georg. Anleitung fiir Bibliothekare und Archivare.
Ulm, 1788 91. 2 vols. 8'. i, 116-186. Home, Thomas Hartwell. An introduction to the study of bibliography.
To which is prefixed a Memoir on the public libraries of the antients. London, 1814. 2 vols. 8^ I, 1-25. Petit-Radel, Louis Charles Frangois. Re-cherches sur les biblioth^ques anciennes et modernes, jusqu'a la fondation de la bi-blioth^que Mazarine.
Paris, 1819. 8**. p. I - 59. Savage, James. in his Memorabilia. in his Memorabilia.
Taunton, 1820. 8*. in American bibliopolist^ i (1869) : 299-301. Bailly, J. L. A.
Notices historiquet sur les biblioth^ques anciennes et modernes. Paris, 1828. I2'. G6raud, Pierre Hercule Joseph Fran9ois. Essai sur les livres dans Tantiquit^, particuli^re ment chez les Romains. 8*. ch. 10. p. 211-228. 211-228.
Schmidt, Johann August Friedrich, Hand Lx^yrnty J^jleA-vs buch der Bibliothekswissenschaft, der Lite-ratur- und Bticherkunde. Weimar, 1840. 8'. p. 215-283. H. H.
Notices of ancient libraries. Notes and queries^ ser. I, voL II (1855): 258. 337. 361. H. H.
Gosse, xz: 493; B. W. O., iz : sza. Edwards, Edward. Memoirs of libraries. 2 vols. 8^ i, I - 79. 8^ i, I - 79.
Libraries and founders of libraries. Ixnidon, 1864. 8*. p. I-21. Becker, Wilhelm Adolf and Teuffel, Wilhelm S.
Bibliotheca. in Paulys Real-Encyclopftdie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. 2. Aufl. Statt-gart, 1862 f. i, pt. 2. p. 2374-2376. 2374-2376.
Clerico, Giuseppe. Delle biblioteche pubbllche presso gli antichi. Giomale delle MUiftecAe, anno 4, (1870): n. 8 f. Axon, William Edward Armitage. Ancient and modern libraries.
British almanac companion^ 1876 : 103 -122. Same: Biblioteche antiche e moderne. [Trad. C. Castellani.] H duonarrottit ser. IT. (July & Aug., 1876). (July & Aug., 1876).
Michaut, Narcisse. Pauca de bibliothecis apad veteres quum publicis tum privatis. Paris, 1876. 8^ Ernouf, Baron, Les biblioth^ques de Tan tiquit6. Le livre, I HxAn, 1880) : 221-284. Birt, Theodor.
Das antike Buchwesen in seinem Verh<niss zur Litteratur. Berlin, i88a. 8*. see index. Tedder, Henry R. in Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 14 (i88a): 509-536. 14 (i88a): 509-536.
Castellani, Carlo. Le biblioteche nell' antichitil dai tempi piii remoti alia fine dell' impero romano d' Occidente. Bologna, 1884. 16*. Bliimner, Hugo. in Baumeister's DenkmSler des klassischen Altertums. Mdnchen u. Mdnchen u.
Leipzig, 1885.- 88. 3 vols. 8*. i, 314-316. Olschki, Leo S. Das Bibliothekswesen im Al tertum.
Deutsche Buchhandler-Ahademie, 6 (1889): III-118, 153-163, 205-209. Same: Delle biblioteche dalla loro origine fino all'etft di Augusto. Firenze, 1896. 12*. *' Estr. VII, nos. 1-4." Garbelli, Filippo. 1-4." Garbelli, Filippo.