Albert S. Rosales
Triangulum Publishing.
Copyright 2016 Albert S. Rosales
ISBN-13: 978-1519446275
ISBN-10: 1519446276
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Designed and edited by Ash Staunton.
Central image from cover art used with permission by David Chace
One of my early sightings in Santa Clara, Cuba, 1965?
Humanoid : adjective humanoid \ hy-m -n o id, y-\
Having human form or characteristics.
Why? You ask. Why do I go on, compiling events from worldwide locations and sources, why do I continue the struggle? Will this catalogue of uncanny events, someday be as important as I think it is? I hope so.
Humans are arrogant and this arrogant behavior has doomed this once beautiful planet. We have been warned on numerous occasions, about our war-like nature, our disregard for other species, destroying the environment, ignoring the writing on the wall, etc. There are indeed others amongst us, perhaps they share this planet and are trying to prevent its destruction, perhaps they are remaining descendants coming from the future to warn us, or yes, wayfarers from distant stars concerned about our destructive and arrogant behavior, and even more likely visitors from other dimensions that co-exist with ours.
These visitations, encounters, abductions, whatever the case might be, have been occurring for perhaps thousands of years, I will never be able to collect each one of them, and many have gone and will go to their graves with their secrets and encounters that forever changed their lives.
This has never been an easy task, my obsession, if you will, has cost me dearly, relationships, financial hardships, etc, but I keep coming back and trudging on. I always thought that writing a book about a compilation of humanoid encounters would be impossible, too much information and too little time. But with the encouragement of several fellow researchers, I will attempt to show events that have been mostly ignored or ridiculed, events that I believe are the key to the survival of humans on this planet.
Of course it would be impossible to include all the cases, but included are some 'highlights' of the period 1990-1994. Many of the most interesting cases reported.
The wave of sightings and encounters which began in Eastern Europe, Russia and all its territories in the fall of 1989, continued on without respite in 1990. The amount of cases reported in the region for 1990 was a record high. Close encounters, abductions and contacts dominated. Every former Soviet republic was involved, especially the Ukraine. The wave of encounters began to diminish towards the end of 1991 but it did not really end until 1997. I must give thanks to researchers like Ukrainian Anton Anfalov for assisting me in collecting a lot of this data which otherwise would have forever remained unknown in the west. Russian researchers like Alexei Pryma, Gennady Belimov, Mikhail Gershteyn and others, collected and investigated hundreds of unbelievable cases.
The wave continued on in 1991 however to a lesser extent, as other incredible cases were being reported elsewhere in the world, especially Puerto Rico which was in the throes of a wave which had commenced in 1987. Dozens of close encounters were reported on the island. Other amazing cases were sprinkled throughout the world, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, U.K., etc.
1992 delivered an apparent increase of encounters with other worldly creatures around the world. 1993 brought forth what was termed by Israeli researcher Barry Chamish, The return of the giants or of the mythical Nephilim. The focus was definitely in Israel, where bizarre incidents were a common occurrence during 1993. Activity sort of eased down towards the end of the year and into 1994 which was slower and with fewer cases of interest.
1994 was sort of preview year of the madness that was about to come in 1995-1996. The return of the so-called flying humanoid was widely reported in Italy with numerous incredibly cases. It would also herald the coming of a strange cryptid creature that was soon to be known to the world as the Chupacabra Read on and see what took place during that incredible period in UFO/humanoid history.
It would be impossible to mention each and every researcher and person that has helped me amass this incredible amount of information. I have been reluctant in writing a book with all the latest compilations. Many of them have used my research which is free for all to see on-line, they know who they are. Without the encouragement and assistance of fellow researcher and experiencer Ash Staunton, I would still be debating this issue, I thank him.
I also received encouragement from many others, to name a few, Alexander Rosales, Jaime Brian, Wade Ridsdale, Hank Worbetz, Gerardo Macias, Sue Demeter St. Clair, Gladys Gonzalez, Daniel Garcia Ramos, Robert Lesniakiewicz, Patrick Moncelet, Alejandro Barragan, Kay Massingill, Franck Boitte, Jean Sider, Freddy Soisson, Donald Cyr, Annie Theriault, Edwin Joyce. Way too many to name here, but they also know who they are. I wish all the best in the future that is to come, sooner than later.
Albert S. Rosales
- Type A : When an entity or humanoid is seen inside or on top of an object or unidentified aircraft.
- Type B : When an entity or humanoid is seen entering or exiting a UFO.
- Type C : When an entity or humanoid is seen in the immediate vicinity of a UFO.
- Type D : When an entity or humanoid is seen in the same area where UFOs or unknown objects have been reported.
- Type E : When an entity or humanoid is seen alone, without related UFO activity (Example: bedroom visitation).
- Type F : When there is a psychic contact between entities or humanoids, but a humanoid is not necessarily seen.
- Type G : When there is direct contact or interaction between a witness or witnesses and a humanoid or entity; either involuntary, as a result of a forced abduction, or as a voluntary contact.
- Type H : When there is a report of an alleged crash or forced landing of a UFO with recovery of its occupants, or when an anomalous entity is captured or killed either by a witness or military personnel.
Type X : When the situation is so uncanny that it doesnt fit any of the previous classifications. A new classification, there are several such cases in the files already. I would call these cases "extremely high strangeness events."
Location: Near Esso, Kamchatka peninsula, Russia.
Date: 1990.
Time: Unknown.
Several strangers or humanoids wearing spacesuits, were observed in this remote region, the most pure ecological area on the Kamchatka peninsula. The humanoids were very tall and were dressed in tight-fitting metallic silvery spacesuits.
Local legend and folklore tells that in ancient times a flying boat had crashed (or landed?) beyond the low mountain of Ulegendy and since then the area had been visited regularly by numerous UFOs. On many occasions while local reindeer breeders slaughtered their herds in the village of Anavgay, five or six disc-shaped objects would hover over the location for hours.
Locals were reportedly accustomed to seeing fiery globes in the sky, purple colored hazes and humanoid creatures. Also what appeared to have been holographic images were seen in the sky over the region.
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