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Monica Ropal - When You Leave

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Cass has a theory: everyone eventually leaves. Her father walked out, her mother is starting a new family, and she almost lost her best friend to cancer.
When Cass transfers to a preppy new private school, her plan is to stay anonymous by hiding her skater girl veneer beneath plaid skirts and knee socks. But when her cute locker neighbor, Cooper, takes an interest in Cass, keeping a safe distance isnt easy. And once Cass lets her guard down, the unthinkable happens: Cooper is mysteriously murdered.
As the investigation unfolds, Casss close friend, Gav, is suspected as the killer. Determined to find answers, she must go through her list one by one until somebody cracks. However, will uncovering the truth really give Cass what she is looking for?

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Copyright 2015 by Monica Ropal All rights reserved under the Pan-American and - photo 1

Copyright 2015 by Monica Ropal All rights reserved under the Pan-American and - photo 2

Copyright 2015 by Monica Ropal

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2015930499

E-book ISBN 978-0-7624-5630-7

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Dream Big. Love Large. Find Happy.


I fought the tickle, my nose to the blackboard, stifling the urge to sneeze.

Old school detention was medieval. It would be a slow cruel death of boredom. Under my uniform skirt my knees bobbed. I glanced down to where my bag was flopped open on the floor next to me. I could see the inside pocket that held my phone. It would take me twenty seconds tops to text Mattie. Hed give me a thumb lashing for getting in bad with the Sister again, but any communication would help dash away the quiet in the empty room and calm the noise in my brain.

I let my forehead roll against the cool slate.

Only three weeks into my three-year sentence at St. Bernadettes, and already I was on the brink of a rep with Sister Rita for my attitude. The plan was to have no rep at all, to suffer through in anonymity in my long blonde hair and just-like-everyone-else uniform. Id even gone as far as straightening my slouch and sitting pretty with my knees close together to appear like a girl who belongs at a private school, instead of a skater girl who didnt.

I thought of Mattie again. Even with his ten-minute skate ride from Kellogg Senior High, hed be out there waiting. Id barely flexed my fingers to reach for my phone, when the door clicked open, causing me to snap to attention.

Footsteps moved behind me. Those tapping footsteps didnt belong to Sister Ritas clodhoppers, and neither did the musky cologne that overpowered the smell of chalk.

Drawers slid open and closed. Nothing like the controlled movements of Sister Rita.

I braved a full turn around. There, with his back to me, was Cooper McCay standing at Sisters desk, hand still gripped on the open drawer to his left. Coopers locker was two down from mine, but our social statuses were on entirely different planes. He was part of a loud, obnoxious, in-love-with-themselves trio of guys that had girls wetting themselves at every smile tossed their way.

Typical pretty boy. Except some things about him werent. Like how hed get easily bored by the fawning cheerleaders or emit the occasional irritated sigh in the wake of his buddies foolishness. Ill admit to finding him more... interesting than the average St. B pretty boy.

I took the opportunity to admire the strong line where his neck met the width of his shoulder. Not to mention other pleasing attributes that this view allowed. There was something about a good pair of khakis on a nice

Getting an eyeful, newbie? he asked, pausing in his search, unruffled by my staring at him.

Its Cass, I blurted out. Not even sure why. I usually wasnt one for sharing. Does Sister Rita know youre going through her desk?

He shrugged. Maybe Im the new cleaning staff?

And maybe youre trying to steal her rosary.

Well, Cass, maybe

There were voices in the hall and I swung around toward the door, realizing we were about to be found out. I heard Cooper bump the edge of Sister Ritas desk. In three long strides his arm was around me, pulling me toward him. Before I could blink, his lips were on mine. It could only have been sudden insanity that had me going along and not kneeing him in the balls.

Mister McCay! Sister Rita drew out the s, hissing her dismay.

He pulled away. His arm loosened its grip and my weak knees threatened to leave me puddled on the floor. And Im not the kind to puddle. I rubbed my hand over my arm to smooth away the goose bumps.

Sister Rita looked as if her eyes might make a leap right over her reading glasses. She ran a hand over the cross hanging in the front of her blue sweater.

Cooper touched the back of his hand to his mouth. Sorry. I was just about to go meet my father when I saw my girlfriend in here. He paused to flash that crooked smile. How embarrassing.

He was either crazy, or a genius, or both. But embarrassed? Not.

Sister Ritas eyes were nearly as big as mine as her head jerked from him to me and back to him.

I wasnt aware that you and Miss... She trailed off as if placing us both in the same sentence was beyond her. She settled at narrowing her eyes.

He tipped his head in conspiracy. Well, its sort of on the down low. Seeing as we come from such... different... families and all.

He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, dodging a quick glance in my direction. Funny that hed get all fidgety when it came to the truth of it.

I see. She looked over to me again, then her eyes flicked back to Cooper. Her left eyebrow arched. Did you say your father was waiting for you?

Either Coopers dad had some pull in this school or maybe she simply didnt want to deal with the two of us, scandalizing as we were. Ha.

Sister Rita sat down at her desk, her attention turning to a stack of papers. You are dismissed, she said without looking back up.

Cooper picked up my bag and slung the strap over his shoulder. He held out his hand.

Ready, Cass? he asked.

Hell yes. Genius. Loved it. I took his hand and let him lead me out.

I know when Im being used. But I never count it as being used if its mutually beneficial in some way.

The classroom door shut behind us. We couldnt even make it ten steps before releasing the laughter we were holding. When his gaze lingered on me, the laughter dried and I pulled my hand from his.

I glanced around, but didnt see anyone in the hall. Another two classrooms and wed reached our row of lockers. I worked my lock and tried to avoid eye contact with Cooper as he slouched against his locker only inches away from me.

Thanks. I needed a reason to explain why I was there, Cooper said.

I shrugged. I figured it was that. That... that was the thing. I took a breath to school my emotions as the lock clicked open. All my friends were guys. Guys did not make me nervous. Usually.

Cooper rubbed the back of his neck again. Yeah... , he said under his breath.

I heard a noise by the stairs, but when I checked around again, no one was there. What were you looking for in Sister Ritas desk? I asked in a low voice, and grabbed my French text off the top shelf.

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