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Stephanie Doyle - Possessed

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Cassandra Allens gift is so uncanny that even the skeptical police now consult her on murder investigations. But when shes called in to investigate a rash of serial murders, her mind is assaulted by a terrifying being from beyond Cass believes the evil force attempting to possess her is involved in the killings. But how? Then she meets Malcolm McDonough, brother of the first victim. Hes successful, attractive, unsettlingand he doesnt believe that Cass hears the dead. Yet even as Malcolm denies her claims, he is counting on Cass to lead them to the killer. Because all the victims have one thing in common-her.

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Stephanie Doyle Possessed 2006 Dear Reader If youve ever seen John Edwards - photo 1

Stephanie Doyle



Dear Reader,

If youve ever seen John Edwards show Crossing Over, then you know he can be frighteningly accurate. Hes a medium who claims to communicate with the dead, and passes their messages along to loved ones.

When he was tested by scientists they found his hit rate-the number of times he accurately stated something about a person hed never met before-so high they concluded he had to be telepathic. Because, of course, being a medium was beyond the realm of science.

I loved the idea of scientists having to accept something outside the norm to explain something even further outside the norm. And so my heroine for this story, Cass, was born. Thinking about what it would mean to hear voices from the dead made me wonderwhat if some of those voices werent so friendly? The next thing I knew I had the idea for her story. Cass may be small, she may be a loner, but her bravery comes from a very big heart.

Hope you enjoy this story. I adore hearing from readers. You can e-mail me via my Web site at www.stephaniedoyle.net.

Stephanie Doyle

For my editor, Wanda, because you get it, even when I dont write it.


Chapter 1

The hiss of steam hitting milk inside a pitcher echoed. The smell of strong coffee permeated the air. Beyond the bar where Cassandra Allen worked creating espresso concoctions, she surveyed the coffeehouse. Overstuffed chairs. Coffee tables littered with books and magazines. A few straggler customers taking in that last bit of caffeine, hoping that it wouldnt keep them up all night or maybe hoping that it would.

A tingle on the back of her neck told her it was coming. But from who? One of the customers? She turned to her colleague, who was wiping down the pastry counter in preparation for closing. The sensation grew stronger.

In her mind another familiar sight took shape. A square, white room. Empty except for her. She stood in the center, looking at a lone closed door.

The door opened and a rush of energy blew at her, causing her body to jolt. Cass smothered a gasp. A woman stood on the other side of the threshold. Her features were blurred by the hazy fog that enveloped her, but Cass could sense she was older, plump, and her hair was the color of faded brick. The womans voice was faint when she spoke, but her words were clear.

She has to talk to him. Hes so upset. Shes so angry. I cant go until I know theyre okay.

The door closed suddenly, and, just as quickly as it had formed, the image of the white room was gone.

Her mind clear, Cass cursed as the hot froth foamed over the top of the pitcher and down her hand. Shutting off the steam, she set the heated milk aside and rinsed her hand under a stream of cold water in the sink. It helped to take the sting out of the burn, but the remnant pain of contact still lingered.

The song of a cell phone muffled by a large purse broke through the sound of running water.

Cass sighed, shut off the tap and did what she had to do. Thats going to be your dad.

Her fellow barista, Susie, continued to wipe down the counter and ignored the chirping phone under the counter. Her hair was a bright red, probably enhanced by chemicals, but the resemblance was there.

Cass shrugged at the nonresponse. She took the settled milk and poured it over two shots of black espresso into a massive mug, making sure to keep it light on the foam per the customers request, then called out, Large latte, light foam.

She placed the mug on the counter for the customer, who was on his second drink, to come and collect it. With a silent nod he took his order and returned to his table with his book.

Youre going to have to talk to him eventually, Cass said after the ringing stopped.

Susie stared at the purse under the cash register and scrunched her face in denial as she continued to wipe the now perfectly clean counter in front of her. You dont know who that was.

Call it a hunch, Cass said.

Susie paused in her task and looked at Cass with a mix of skepticism, suspicion and maybe a hint of fear.

You are so freakin weird, she accused.

Cass shrugged. It wasnt like Susie was wrong.

The girl let out a huff. It doesnt matter if it was him. I dont want to talk to him.

Its not about what you want. Its about what your mother wants, Cass said calmly.

Although the contact had been brief, the message had been plain. Cass was able to fill in the rest from what Susie had told her.

There had been an accident. Four months ago. Her dad was driving. Her mom didnt make it, but he did. It was no ones fault. Just a slick road and fate. Susie was having a hard time coping with the loss. What girl who had lost her mother wouldnt? But Susies mom knew that the only thing that would help both her husband and her daughter was for Susie to find a way to forgive her father.

Whatever. A typical response from an eighteen-year-old.

Cass decided she couldnt, wouldnt, push it. After all, it really wasnt her business. It never was.

Rubbing a hand over her face, she suddenly realized how tired she was. It was almost ten-closing time. They still had a couple milling over cappuccinos in one corner, and the man with his recently poured latte and a thick book in another. Cass hated to shoo people out of the establishment. Shooing, in her opinion, was not good for business. But the manager of the coffeehouse had strict rules about keeping the place open beyond operating hours and, besides that, she needed to get home. At this hour, her neighborhood in Philadelphia became slightly more threatening as the denizens of the night came out to do business.

Then the cell phone started singing again.

Okay, so maybe it wasnt any of Casss business, but the high-pitched digital song was starting to give her a headache. Really, Susie, hes not going to stop until you pick up the phone.

Stop saying that. You dont even know if its him, she snapped.

Yes, I do, Cass said simply.

As if she were hoping to prove Cass wrong, Susie reached into her bag and extracted the phone. Her face gave away everything when she spotted the incoming number. With a muttered Hello, she waited for the other person to speak.

No, Im not coming home tonight, DadIm staying with Peter.

Trying to give the girl some privacy, Cass turned her back on the conversation. She knew Susies father didnt like her choice of boyfriend. Susie had said as much. Staying with him certainly wasnt going to help the situation between her and her father.

Again, none of her business. It was just an unfortunate side effect of her unique gift that made her privy to peoples secrets.

Struggling against the physical weariness that seemed to flood her system, Cass rubbed her jaw, twisting it gently from side to side. Her back ached, and her feet, despite being encased in very practical black sneakers, started to communicate to her how long shed been on them.

The jingle of the bell over the front door chimed and captured her attention. Glancing down at her watch, she saw that there were only ten minutes to closing. Yeah, she was going to have to make sure this coffee was to go. Good business habits or not, she was ready to call it a night.

You! Are you her?

Cass lifted her head at the sudden barking. The first thing that registered was the mans wild, red-rimmed eyes. The second was the gun in his hand.

Oh, my God! Hes got a gun! This from one of the lovebirds in the corner.

Shut up! Shut up, all of you. I just want her.

Cass had no doubt who he was referring to. She heard Susie drop the phone on the floor. She saw the man in the chair who had been reading his book preparing to stand, and she immediately held up her hands to prevent anyone from doing anything rash.

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