Boldface words appear in the glossary.
evidence: something that helps show or disprove the truth of something
grain: the seeds of plants that are used for food
hatch: to come out of an egg
mate: one of two animals that come together to produce babies
migrate: to move to warmer or colder places for a season
species: a group of animals that are all of the same kind
stride: a long step
waddle: to walk with short steps while moving from side to side
Borgert-Spaniol, Megan. Canada Geese. Minneapolis, MN: Bellwether Media, 2017.
Dicker, Katie. Duck. Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media, 2014.
Canada Goose
Check out some facts about Canada geese.
Mallard Duck
How fast can a mallard fly? Find out here!
Publishers note to educators and parents: Our editors have carefully reviewed these websites to ensure that they are suitable for students. Many websites change frequently, however, and we cannot guarantee that a sites future contents will continue to meet our high standards of quality and educational value. Be advised that students should be closely supervised whenever they access the internet.
Canada geese 4, 6, 8, 10, 16, 18, 20, 21
ducklings 16
ducks 4, 12, 20
eat 10, 14
flocks 8, 10, 16
goslings 8
mallards 12, 14, 16, 18, 21
Mexico 6
migrate 6
nests 8, 16
pond 4, 8, 12, 18, 21
poop 4, 10, 16, 18, 20, 21
species 12
stride 20, 21
true ducks 12
United States 6
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Matthews, Colin, author.
Title: Canada goose poop or duck poop? / Colin Matthews.
Description: New York : Gareth Stevens Publishing, [2020] | Series: The scoop on poop | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018019251| ISBN 9781538229521 (library bound) | ISBN 9781538233337 (paperback) | ISBN 9781538233344 (6 pack)
Subjects: LCSH: Canada goose--Juvenile literature. | Ducks--Juvenile literature. | Animal droppings--Juvenile literature.
Classification: LCC QL696.A52 M378 2020 | DDC 598.4/178--dc23
LC record available at
Published in 2020 by
Gareth Stevens Publishing
111 East 14th Street, Suite 349
New York, NY 10003
Copyright 2020 Gareth Stevens Publishing
Designer: Sarah Liddell
Editor: Therese Shea
Photo credits: Cover, p. 1 Danae Abreu/; p. 5 EEPHOTOGRAPHY/; p. 7 Toronto-Images.Com/; p. 9 Bruce MacQueen/; p. 11 Paul Richard Jones/; p. 13; p. 15 (main) Sandi Cullifer/; p. 15 (inset) FotoRequest/; p. 17 Sergey Dzyuba/; p. 19 stockphotofan1/
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Mystery at the Pond
Youre going to fish at the pond.You walk to your favorite spot and... YUCK! POOP! What animal left it? There are a lot of Canada geese and ducks here. Which was it? Lets learn about each and find out!
Canada geese have a black head,a black neck, and a light-colored body. They have white cheeks,too! In the winter, some fly to the southern United States and Mexico. When the weather gets warm, they migrate north.
Canada geese usually live in flocks. When mates are ready to have a family, they look near water to make a nest. Your pond is perfect for them! Baby geese,or goslings, are ready to fly less than 2 months after hatching.
Female and male mallards look different. Males are colorful, while females have dull-colored feathers.Mallards tip their head into water to find food. They eat shellfish,bugs, and water plants. They find food on land, too.
Female mallards make nests near water. Their ducklings stay near the nest for about 2 months after hatching. Mallards migrate in flocks, just as many Canada geese do. Mallards eat seeds and spread them in their poop. They help plants grow!