Bartholomew Yates of Middlesex County Virginia and Some of His Descendants
Compiled and Privately Published by Helen Kay Yates (Mrs. Sherman Wirt Yates) 1980 Electronic Edition Copyright 2018 Helen K. Yates CONTENTS INTRODUCTION
his family history was begun many years ago. Atfirst the research was confined to the direct blood lines ofBenjamin Lewis Yates, Sr., but as the research proceeded throughthe years, notes were taken on collateral lines. It was not theintention of the compiler to publish a family history. If it hadbeen, a different approach would have been taken, and thiscompilation would have been more complete, with additionalgenerations.
This is only a basic family history and it ishoped that a future genealogist will continue these lines and fillin the missing names, dates, locations, and correct errors foundherein. The Yateses of Middlesex and GloucesterCounties, Virginia, were from an ecclesiastical family, the firstBartholomew Yates having three sons who also were ministers, andthe second and third generations were also a part of the AnglicanChurch. It is satisfying to know that these families were good,solid, Christian people, educated in England, but eventually turnedtheir loyalties from England to America where the sons andgrandsons of these ministers participated in the AmericanRevolution. It is hoped that they would be as proud of the presentgeneration as we have every right to be of them. They lived in perilous times; some were moresuccessful in their occupations than others, but they were loyalcitizens, serving their country or communities in time of need.They all have contributed in some small way to the well-being, andthe good life the present generation enjoys today. George H. S. S.
King, Fellow, American Society ofGenealogists, Fredericksburg, Va. for his contribution, especiallyon Thacker, Stanard, Robinson, Reade and Rootes families, andothers. To Mrs.Thomas E. Godfrey (Priscilla) for information on RobertYates1 family and the marriage in England of WilliamYates. To Bertie R. Yates who helped with theLunenburg-Mecklenburg families and who has been my consultant, andinspiration to get all of this information together, and who hasbeen the family "archivist" for many years, for which we aregrateful.
To members of the family who have sent in their ownfamily groups without which this booklet would not have beenpossible. This is the compiler's personal Bicentennial projectand her gift to this one Yates family.
(Mrs. Sherman Wirt Yates) 6127 North Mayfield Lane, Mechanicsville, Virginia23111 Christmas 1980 i
he immigrant ancestor of this Yates family wasBartholomew1 Yates who came to Virginia in 1700. He wasthe son of William Yates and his wife, Katherine, of Shackley,Donnington Parish, Chester, England. William died 1697 and his wifein October 1706, both in England.
They had ten children, nine boysand one girl: 1. John Yates, baptized 3 November 1658 2. Mary Yates, baptized 19 March 1660 3. William Yates, baptized 10 December 1661 4. Benjamin Yates, baptized 20 August 1663 5. Samuel Yates, baptized 18 July 1665 6.
Francis Yates, baptized 14 September 1666 7. Richard Yates, baptized 19 June 1669 8. John Yates, baptized 19 May 1671 9. Robert Yates, baptized 30 October 1673 10. Bartholomew Yates, baptized 24 August 1676 Of these ten children, this history begins withBartholomew Yates, the youngest child. (See the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography ,v. 7, p. 91). 91).
No special research was done on the otherchildren. There were other Yates' families in Virginia earlier than1700, especially in Caroline and Stafford Counties, whose forebearscame into Virginia from Maryland. No connection to this familycould be documented, other than the fact that a Charles Yates(1728-1809) settled in Fredericksburg, Virginia. In the book, John Yates of England and Virginia (1936)by Elizabeth Daniel, it is stated that Charles Yates was the son[probably grandson] of the Rev. Francis Yates (#6 above) and hiswife, Ann Orfeur, of Whitehaven, England. He was born about 1728and settled in Fredericksburg as early as 1752.
After theRevolutionary War, he wrote to his younger brother, John OrfeurYates in England, requesting him to send one of his sons toVirginia to live with him, as he had never married and had noheirs. John O. Yates sent his second son, John, a boy of thirteenyears who later inherited the property of his uncle. John Yatesmarried Julia Lovell, daughter of William Lovell of CulpeperCounty, Virginia. John and his wife, Julia, moved to JeffersonCounty (W.Va.). Charles Yates died in 1809, aged 81, and is buriedin the Masonic Cemetery in Fredericksburg.
In Spotsylvania County record book "A", p. 171,Charles Yates, Merchant, for himself and as Executor and survivingpartner of Isaac Heslop, late of Whitehaven, England, Mcht., decd....a lot in Fredericksburg lying on the river side. This deed wasdated 9 September 1785, and gives a connection to Whitehaven,England, and the family of Yates who resided there. For additionalinformation on Francis Yates and his family, see Memorials of a family in England and Virginia (1887),by A. E. Terrill.
BARTHOLOMEW1 YATES (William) Bartholomew1 Yates, born 24 August1676 in England, graduated at Brazenose College, Oxford, aboutOctober 12, 1698. He came to Virginia February 2, 1700 and servedfirst as minister of Sittenburne and Kingston Parishes. About threeyears later he became minister of Christ Church, Middlesex County,and continued as rector for thiry-one years until his death 26 July1734. "After eighteen years of faithful service the York HamptonParish, a more desirable one, endeavored to obtain his service. TheVestry of Christ Church raised his salary from 16,000 lb. tobaccoto 20,000 lbs., and enlarged and improved his house." [BishopMeade, Old Virginia Churches andFamilies ].
Bartholomew1 Yates was a jointpatentee with Edwin Thacker of 24,000 acres of land southside ofthe Rapid Anne, Spotsylvania County, July 20, 1722 [Land Book 11,p. 147]. From Spotsylvania County Record Book "A", p. 145, thefollowing deed is found: At Court held for Middlesex County 3 August 1731, theRev. Mr. Bartholomew Yates produced a schedule of the valuation ofthe Improvements done on 1500 acres of Land lying upon the branchesof Massaponax Creek in Spotsylvania County by which was devised bythe last will and testament of Chicheley Corbin Thacker, dec'd toBartholomew Yates and Robert Yates, Infants, which valuation wasmade and pursuant to an order of said County Court of Spotsylvaniadated the 2nd day of March 1730, and is hereunto annexed.
RecordedOct. 7, 1731. Bartholomew and Robert Yates, Infants, referred toabove were sons of Bartholomew1 Yates. Bartholomew1 Yates was appointed visitorof William and Mary College 1723, and Professor of Divinity 1729.He reported to the Commissary in 1705: "I arrived in VirginiaFebruary 2, 1700, had the parishes of Sittenburne and Kingston;removed March 1703; licensed by Bishop Complin September 10, 1700;inducted into Christ Church Parish March 15, 1703, and resided inthe Parish. Salary 16,000 lbs, tobacco yearly. Had a house andglebe which I occupied..." The following is a letter from Mr.
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