a non-fiction
from behind America's Black Book
Confessions of a former IntelligenceOperative
A.J. Ensor's
The Human
Quantum Leap
"...We Are Most Definitely Not Alone In TheUniverse..."
Copyright 2011
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The Atlantic Jersey Production Group
P.O. Box 432
Jensen Beach, FL 34958
The Human Quantum Leap
Confessions Of A Former IntelligenceOperative
We Are Most Definitely Not Alone
Second Edition
Published by: Smashwords
Written By: A.J. Ensor
Smashwords Edition: Copyright Aug 2011
EAN-13: 978-1-4658-8419-0
1.Adult non-fiction unexplainedphenomena
2.Adult non-fiction aliens extraterrestrials
3.Adult non-fiction UFO
Design by A.J. Ensor
Produced, Printed and DistributedElectronically in the, United States of America.
The subjects covered herein might be aproblem for some people to manage because they are extreme. Theextraordinary nature of this material is the reason why this writerhas waited so long to deal with this topic. Deep down inside Inever wanted to write on this subject. My experiences in ponderingthe universe have been a little scary because the truth has littleto do with what the UFOers of the world expect, nor has our fictionwriters come close. In fact the real scientists of the world stilldo not get it either. Another reason I have for years avoidedwriting this book is that humans by instinct are extremelyparanoid. When faced with the unknown, or if we feel threatened,our common human sense leaves us and all that is left is instinct.We run or become violent or even worse, slip into denial. You arereading this book so you are daring to face your own paranoia. Theonly promise I can make is that what you are about to read isunlikely what you are expecting. This book is about the Great HumanQuantum Leap. What it is and why it is happening. Agreeing withthis writer or believing in the Leap is not a requirement ofreading this book because there maybe as many as two to sevengenerations before the reality of the Leap manifest itself. What iswritten here is to correct a few misunderstandings, to ponder thepossibilities and to separate out reality from the fiction.Originally, that is all this book was supposed to be about.
What I did not expect and what took thisauthor by complete surprise were book reviews and critics who usedthe phase "New Age Book." I have to confess I never saw thatcoming. The reason why is because I neither read nor write in thatgenre. The genre has never held any interests for me and when Ihear people speaking of it, it always seems a bit odd. This is nota New Age book. This is a book about reasons why things happen theway they do and how Josh and I got involved; why are we beingvisited, and what they are looking for or want from us? It is alsoabout how the universe works, as compared to how modern sciencebelieves it works, or how science fiction would have you believe itworks. In the beginning however, it is all about how Josh and Imet; some of our shared experiences that brought about a bond offriendship and then it gets weird. When I suggest weird I mean someof Josh's experiences and stories are simply unbelievable. Afterthat, in the first edition it became so technical that I editedmost of the material out. Why you ask? Because highly educatedpeople who teach at universities reviewed it and said, they had toread it five times before they got it. Now however, I am puttingsome back and I am wishing all my readers, "good luck with it." Itis what it is and I am not looking for followers or people tosign-off on it. So long as I am, being as accurate as I possiblecan be I will feel no guilt.
I listened to myself pitching this book topublishers and I felt like a freak. I was embarrassed to recognizewords from my own mouth which echoed the endless ooze from latenight media audiences and the UFO Culture. In my obviouslysubjective view, they belong to a very unusual group in which Ihave little interest. As a new author, who has traveled widely andwhose first book was a fiction adventure, I have managed to meetquite a few such individuals. How and why that happen I have noclue. As I have told many friends, "...I was just sitting there andthey showed up..." I am generally not interested in stories of thestrange and delirious, Aliens included. However, after viewing aprogram produced by one of North Americas top journalists, thelate Peter Jennings, I decided to try to move forward with someshort stories no matter how strange they are. Such stories havealways given me headaches. Some of these stories are just wild andtrying to explain elements of physics when one was a communicationsand journalism major can be painful. I know there are many outthere just like me. However, certain groups in America and aroundthe world are expelling very large sums of money on projects thathave no hope of success. As for all who, like myself suffer headpain when faced with such tales, I suggest you get prepared for amigraine as I tell you some of the stories that were shared with meby Sergeant-Major Joshua Smith of the United States MarineCorps.
Joshua Smith is not his real name. Revealinghis name would be problematic at best and I care not to think abouthow ugly things will get if his real identity ever becomes public.From age 18 to 38 Josh, as his friends call him, was a Marine and amember of the American Military Intelligence Community. During thattime Josh has seen the inside of more than 48 countries most ofwhom never knew he was there. He has held many non-commissionedranks and would have gladly told you that he never took a test togo up in rank that he made E-5 three times, E-6 twice, and at age38 held the retirement rank of Sergeant-Major. This book is atleast part of his story.
I wish I could say that this book is hisentire story. I truly do not know his entire story. I only knowwhat he shared with me. This book is also about my personal andvery short experiences in the Marine Corps and how Josh and Ibecame friends. I share these personal experiences only for peopleto understand how Josh and I came together. So the beginning isfilled with some rather colorful and entertaining moments. It is abit cavalier I know. I use to have nightmares about them but now Ilaugh like everyone else. There is also just the tiniest bit ofdisinformation in my opening stories. I know how easily andexperienced investigator could track Josh down. I do not intend tomake it easy for them and that is my only motive. It is possiblethat having contact with many of Joshs Black Operations Platoonover the last 17 years, and listening to all their stories, I maybeattributing some things to Josh that I should not have. If I have Iapologize. For the most part tracking members of the former SecondMarine Corps Special Operations Platoon is impossible. Thegovernment will not even admit that they once existed. When I amsuccessful in my tracking efforts many of the former members arenot too happy to see me. Unless of course, I catch them in a barafter they have had a few drinks. Buying them some more generallyeases the visit. Still, I always made a point of being certain Iwas nowhere to be seen when they woke up the next day. As in allwork environments I try to put safety first. It is not safemeddling in the American Intelligence Community. It is truly unsafedealing with field operatives who have literally dozens ofconfirmed kills. Joshua Smith and his Black Operations Platoon wereall field operatives.
I am also telling these stories because theyare very good, if not truly strange. I have woven them together asbest I can. In this, the second edition of the book I am also goingto add some of what I originally deleted. I am also going to deletesome material that some people got a very wrong impression from.Along the way, many might be surprised by what they learn. Somemight like to learn a little more about how the American Governmentoperates in the dark, or as Congress makes out their budgets,behind the Black Book. This is where Josh and his friends gettheir nick names; Black Operations or, Black Ops.
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