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Molly-Ann Leikin - How to Write a Hit Song: Fifth Revised and Updated Edition

Here you can read online Molly-Ann Leikin - How to Write a Hit Song: Fifth Revised and Updated Edition full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2008, publisher: Hal Leonard, genre: Detective and thriller. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Molly-Ann Leikin How to Write a Hit Song: Fifth Revised and Updated Edition

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(Book). Covering all the essentials of craft and marketing for launching and sustaining a long, successful writing career, this cutting-edge revision contains an exclusive interview with Oscar-winning songwriter Melissa Etheridge I Need to Wake Up and shows you, step by step, how to write a hit song.

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Table of Contents Acknowledgments My gratitude with sour - photo 1
Table of Contents


My gratitude
with sour cream-cinnamon-raisin coffee cake,
nuts optional,

A ll the Mollys, Rita Blumstein, Jeff Bosset, Bruce Broughton, Representative Lois Capps, John Carter, Nicole Sherwood Cavendish, John Cerullo, Godwin Chu, Stephen L. Cohn, Sandy Cook, downward-facing dog, 805 Deli, Melissa Etheridge, the Four Seasons Biltmore Hotel-Montecito, Judith M. Girard, Judy Harris, Ichiban Sushi, Fred Klein, Josh Leopold, Bernadette Malavarca, Tim McGraw, Marguerite Paradis, Dan Rosenbaum, David M. Ross, the Santa Barbara Symphony, Robert A. Schuller, Brad Smith, Johnny Umeda, Carrie Underwood, Via Vai pizza margherita, and Peter Quay Wright.


How to Be a Hit Songwriter

Molly-Ann Leikins Master Class in
Songwriting (MP3 Version)

Stuff at the Back of the Book

You are invited to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Molly-Ann Leikin to review your work, and, assuming its ready for the marketplace, help you hook up with all the right people. If your material isnt quite ready yet, Molly will give you personal, professional, and very specific feedback on how to tweak what you do so it can realistically compete with the very best songs, bands, and singer/songwriters out there.

You can review her consulting services and professional fees at songmd.com.


Residents of the USA and Canada can call Molly at her toll-free number, 800-851-6588. For writers/artists in other countries, you can reach her at: songmd@songmd.com

Picture 4

Please note: Molly works by consultation only. For legal reasons, any material arriving at her office without her consulting fee enclosed, must, regrettably, be discarded immediately. Thank you for respecting the professional parameters of her consultancy.


With the gift of imagination, we can create many magical things, not only songs. Between now and the next edition of this book, Id like someone to please invent the following:

  1. Snap-in replacement vertebrae.
  2. Delicious, healthy food that shops for and prepares itself in kitchens that clean up after themselves.
  3. Drag-and-drop software to use in moving rain clouds from flooded areas to all the places on earth experiencing drought. It couldnt hurt if this software also had the ability to insert some kind of a whatchacallit into the eye of a hurricane to diffuse it.
  4. Candy that has as much protein as broccoli and tastes as good as a Snickers bar.
  5. Love that doesnt hurt.

When you come up with any of these, dinner in Montecito is on me.

How to Write a Hit Song Fifth Revised and Updated Edition - image 6
The Yoga Mat
The Yoga Mat

by Molly-Ann Leikin

My precious Jacaranda tree
Drops purple blossoms every spring
On my small quiet garden lawn
A place for peace and pampering

I chase the gardenerPedrono!
Dont rake the flowers from that tree
Just let them lie there beautiful
To make a yoga mat for me

I do my ohms and downward dogs
My prayers and meditations, too
And through the windy feathered leaves
I watch our sky thats glory blue

And since I feel such magic here
It has to, has to, come around
That one day while Im dreaming
All my miracles will flutter down.

2008 Molly-Ann Leikin.

For Booba,
because I didnt get a chance
to say good-bye.

Song StructureThe Lyric

S ome of you write words and music. Some write lyrics exclusively, and some others compose only melodies. To be successful songwriters, its important for you to know how to structure the whole song, not just the part you create. So if youre a composer, dont skip over the chapter on lyrics. And, lyricists, pay close attention to the chapter on melody. You may think you dont need to know it, but you do. Someday your collaborator may be stuck and will need your help.

Picture 7 THE LYRIC

A contemporary hit song is usually three to three and a half minutes long. Every one of them, whether written by Fergie, Keith Urban, or Maroon 5, has a specific structure: a music and lyrical pattern that repeats.

A hit song needs focus. We have to know immediately what it is about. Each line of lyric in your song should relate to the title, adding something to embellish and enhance our understanding of the subject. If you were writing a song about shoes, youd include ideas about laces, patent leather, sneakers, cowboy boots, soles, scruffs, worn-down heels, sizes, corns, bunions, high-heels, etc. You wouldnt suddenly throw in something about a lawn mower unless the shoe was mutilated by one.

When deciding what to write about, find a theme and let us know what the song is going to be about in the first line. Stick to the same theme all the way through to the end. If you were watching a movie about a boxer who gets a shot at the title, nearly every scene and line of dialogue in that story would have to do with the mans quest for victory. The film wouldnt wander off on a tangent about things to do with string. It would remain focused on its original theme. Your songs have to be focused, too.


Take a clean sheet of paper. Write the words little red schoolhouse at the top. Then list every picture or feeling those words evoke in you. Ask yourself fifty to a hundred questions like these:

  1. Is the school old or new?
  2. In what state is it located?
  3. Is it in the country or in the city?
  4. How big is it?
  5. Does it need paint? If so, where?
  6. What season is it?
  7. Is there a weather vane?
  8. Is there a bell? What kind?
  9. Is the school on a hill?
  10. What century is it?
  11. What time of day is it?
  12. Are there any animals nearby? If so, what kind? Living? Stuffed?
  13. Are there any flowers and trees? If so, what kind and what color?
  14. Are there steps into the school?
  15. Are there children outside?
  16. What are the children doing?
  17. What are the children wearing? Describe every detail of their appearance-from haircuts to frayed collars to shoe laces.
  18. How old are the children?
  19. Are they happy? If not, why?
  20. What is remarkable about the sky above the school?
  21. What kind of desks are inside? Are they new?
  22. If not, is anything carved on them?
  23. Do you hear anything? Smell anything?
  24. Is the teacher old or young? A man or a woman?

You could continue listing information about this little red schoolhouse for hours, creating a picture, embellishing it, refining it. Your picture has colors in it, which heightens the impact because it is easier to visualize. I chose the concept of a little red schoolhouse because everyone has seen one, whether it was on television, in the movies, or in real life. And everybody can list the details of what his particular building looks like. Most of my clients say it is similar to the one on the television show Little House on the Prairie. But another writer, who is from New York City, said that his was in Greenwich Village. Two brothers said the teacher was a very strict nun, while my next client told me her teacher was a handsome young man with a beard. It doesnt matter that we see the picture differently, as long as we see something. And we do.

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