The WHOLE-istic Approach to Becoming a HitMaker
Gilli Moon
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Warrior GirlMusic & Media
Copyright 2016 by Gilli Moon
Copyright 2016 by Gilli Moon. All rightsreserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted inwhole or part in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanicalor digital, without written consent from the publisher, except forinclusion of brief quotation in a book or media review.
Author Gilli Moon
Published by Warrior Girl MusicEnterprises
Edited by Karen Borger
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I commend you for producing a work that empowers theindividual. It's not just anyone who will take the time, invest thecreative energy, and actually follow through on the plan for suchan endeavor. I hope you take pride in what you have alreadyaccomplished... live with passion.
Author Gilli Moon gives down-to-earth,hard-news-type advice with no promises of success unless you arewilling to get down and dirty. Along with sage advice,however, Moon prefaces her get-tough, get-working advice with allthings encouraging.
Her writing is emotional soul food that many timesis needed on our bookshelves, so that we can always come back andget the needed energy from every single word that Gilli Moon isoffering us from her own experience as an Artist who found heridentity and didnt lose it.
Gilli Moon is an unrelenting creator of music andcreative community. Her performances asmusician-singer/songwriter-performer are a treat in and ofthemselves. She is constantly creating her own cutting edge andleading the world community with her forward vision of artisticrenaissance.
Gilli is a hard working, talented lady who has spentyears promoting and advocating artists' rights. Songsalive! notonly promotes artists but also spends time educating artists. Andshe's a wonderful person too! I hold Gilli in the highest regard,and know whatever she pursues she does it well!
Ms. Moon gives the reader encouragement, as well aspractical suggestions that break down into small steps exactly whatit takes. She guides us through mind sets that can turn intoobstacles and presents the type of attitudes that can achievegoals. Most enlightening is her perspective that each person canbecome their own industry and actually profit from their dream.
One of the best ways creative people can discover ablue- print for prosperity is to absorb and emulate the strategiesof successful artists. Gilli Moon is one of those artists. Gillibares her soul and shares the attitudes and actions it takes tomake a true impact as a professional artist.
Gilli Moon was out there in the trenches as anIndie long before that term became popular. But what is far moreimportant is that Gilli Moon teaches us a lesson even morevaluable than all the fame and fortune, and that is how to achievea creative lifetime of happiness and self-fulfillment by learningto define success on your own terms.
Coaching clients:
Gilli Moon helps you to develop a practical andcomprehensive logistical plan to marketing your music. However herreal power lies in delving into your attitudes, belief systems andultimate dreams in life which will ultimately decide the success orfailure of your efforts. She understands the process, thechallenges, and the attitudes one must have in order to thrive inthis pursuit.
Her strength and inspiration are amazing. She is anartist that takes care of business and that aint no lie. She knowswhat needs to be done and how to remain empowered while you aredoing it.
An artist herself, she understands the creative lifeand what it takes. But more than just an artist, Gilli is skilledat coaching other artists to help realize their vision. Gilli hasdeveloped tools that help you focus and keep you on track whilerecognizing your accomplishments. Not only did I accomplish what Iset out to accomplish, I feel I developed a genuine friendship inthe process
Gilli has helped me to develop my businessfoundation and create a business and marketing plan to grow it. Sheis inspirational not only with how she has created and modeled herentrepreneurial business but also how she generously shares herinformation with others. Throughout her Artist career she hascollected and developed resources which she freely shares withprivate clients, in workshops and through Songsalive! These haveall been phenomenal resources to develop my business foundation andcreate a business and marketing plan to grow it. She has a uniqueability to listen and be able to hone in on where she can direct meto resources she has available.
Gilli has the rare ability to see the whole pictureand to accomplish her goals, whether in business or in hernon-profit efforts to mentor and nurture songwriters and composers.Gilli sets the bar high but she is also the most supportive andgreatest colleague and friend that anyone could have.
Everything you talk about is insightful and italways encourages me to keep moving forward, both as a businesswoman and an artist, and also in my life as a whole--everythingwrapped up in a ball that makes me who I am. I'm so glad our livescrossed paths! After our sessions, I hang up the phone thinking,"wow, she totally gets me and what I'm going through!"
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Id like to dedicate this book to two people,albeit now light beings no longer on this earth.
Firstly, the late d.Whitney Quinn. Whitneywas a 360 Songwriter. He was a Hit maker. He dedicated his life tosongwriting and performing his songs. He crafted excellent, catchysongs. He was a great networker and relationship builder. He livedhis life with passion and came across enthusiastic and positive,even when he was really at the depths of depression, sickness andfinancial crisis. He never let on, and he marched on. Unfortunatelythe world didnt get to enjoy his songs en masse as his life endedabruptly, too early. And so I dedicate this book to him.
Secondly, the late John Braheny. John was a360 Songwriter. He was a Hit maker. More so, he was an amazingeducator, and my mentor. John wrote the still in print
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