Mike Bensi has created a great resource for any leader, regardless of their experience level, with this book. The Success of Failure provides insight into a number of important professional and personal issues not commonly addressed in other management or leadership books.
Ted Maple, Ph.D., President and CEO, Early Learning Indiana
The Success of Failure will resonate with managers new and old who face success, failure and conflict. What Mike Bensi does Is demonstrate how you and your team can grow from these experiences.
Craig P. Anderson, President, Student Connections
The Success of Failure wont only produce better managers, but if its wisdom is consistently applied, it will also make those managers better, more peaceful and effective people.
David Forsell, President, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful
The Success of Failure puts a human perspective on lessons that apply to the entry-level manager up to the CEO. The book features relatable characters that inspire thoughtful change in both behavior and mindset. Its a must-read for anyone who wants to improve themselves and the people they lead.
Nick Smarrelli, CEO, GadellNet
The Success of Failure is a journey that never ends. Mike Bensi does a great job portraying the importance of work life balance at any level of leadership.
Jonathan Desalvo, President, Arcamed
A coming-of-age fable about overcoming failure despite ourselves
The Success of Failure
A coming-of-age fable about overcoming failure despite ourselves
2017 Mike Bensi
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or otherexcept for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Published in New York, New York, by Morgan James Publishing. Morgan James is a trademark of Morgan James, LLC. www.MorganJamesPublishing.com
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ISBN 9781683504245 paperback
ISBN 9781683504252 eBook
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017901128
Cover Design by:
Nicholas Bensi
Rachel Lopez
Interior Design by:
Chris Treccani
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To my wife, Quinn
and my children Aden, Will, and Jacob
I continue to learn so much from your love and support
T he topic of leadership development in todays workforce makes many CEOs and top leaders nervous. Organizations are either unsure of what new generations need in the workforce or unwilling to change past practices to accommodate the need for a people-centered culture. As younger generations continue to grow in number within the workforce, they are increasingly taking on new leadership and management roles. Organizations are unable to support the conversation needed to guide new generations into leadership and management roles.
The Success of Failure was written to help organizations and individuals create a development path for the growing numbers of young leaders. The book starts the journey by building a foundation from within. It stems from the basic belief that you cant believe in others unless you believe in yourself. You cant accept failure unless youre comfortable failing. Without addressing some of our beliefs and actions, we cant truly help others around us.
The Success of Failure addresses these foundational issues. It also allows you to walk away with key insights and simple ways to address common issues pertaining to how you view yourself and how those beliefs impact your actions. As you work to build your belief in yourself, you alter the perceptions others have of you as a leader and an individual.
I m so grateful to my wife, Quinn, who was an amazing partner in this endeavor. Her constant encouragement and support ensured this book would get into your hands. And to the rest of the crew at home, Aden, Will, and Jacob, thank you for cheering for me along the way, even if I had to miss some weekday nights and weekend mornings with you.
To my parents, who always encouraged me to go after whatever I wanted. My mom, Andrea, took on the challenge of eliminating my grammar and spelling errors to help me make the early draft presentable. My brother and sister-in-law, Nick and Nicole, were brave enough to provide critiques and encouragement to give the book some real meat. And to the rest of my family, even though this idea initially seemed like just another crazy idea I had, you welcomed the idea and supported me every step of the way.
Thank you, Mike Sale, for sharing your entrepreneurial mind to help me improve each draft of this book. Our MBAs have continued to pay off in spades. To the Newgrange 7 team, you helped me look beyond the book and held me accountable through each step of this process.
Vicki Adang, your work in shaping and editing this book helped me tremendously in crossing the finish line. Thank you to David Hancock and the Morgan James team in helping me bring this work to life. Jenni Robbins, your introduction couldnt have been better timed!
And my gratitude to everyone on the FirstPerson team for your support of this endeavor as well as my own professional growth over these past years.
And to everyone who contributed to this story and the overall lesson, your willingness to share and listen helped bring this lesson to life!
I cant do it.
It will never get better.
Why would anyone want me?
We say these words about ourselves and our careers. It doesnt matter if were young or old. Male or female. Financially free or living paycheck to paycheck. These are familiar thoughts. And once spoken, we take these words to heart. We repeat them over and over again.
We dont know when the words first entered our vocabulary. All we know is that we believe them. They have become habit. As smoking creates a cough to compensate for the impact on the lungs, we compensate for our habits in how we work and live.
And when we think weve failed, we seem to fixate on the failure, which adds fuel to the fire. All of a sudden, the perceived failure defines us. It makes us a failure.
This book is for those who are looking to break that habit. To find ways to move on. To say other words that help us grow. To believe we can accomplish what we want. And to know what we are capable of in our lives.
Perhaps you have been in this spot before or you are there now. This book is to help you get out of that spot, out of your own head, and onto a new path.
A ll of Tonys big decisions happened in the shower. However, after minute thirty-two, he found himself no clearer than when he started. The ice-cold water flowing from the showerhead wasnt forcing the issue. Shivering in the shower, he was determined to continue until he had an answer.
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