PENGUIN BOOKS An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC 375 Hudson Street New York, New York 10014 Copyright 2016 by Ann DeVito Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader. eBook ISBN: 978-1-101-99182-4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING IN PUBLICATION DATA Names: DeVito, Ann, author. Title: Dog love / Ann DeVito.
Description: New York, New York : Penguin Books, 2016. Identifiers: LCCN 2015035848 | ISBN 978-0-14-310783-5 Subjects: LCSH: Dog breeds. | Dog breeds--Pictorial works. Classification: LCC SF426 .D473 2016 | DDC 636.7/1dc23 Version_1 For my family
Rick, Quinny, and Ricky
For centuries, dogs have been an integral part of peoples lives. They are essential in the spiritual and emotional evolution of humans providing us with a sense of the other, and a deep joy of empathy.
PUREBREEDS Breeding dogs became popular in the late Victorian era.
PUREBREEDS Breeding dogs became popular in the late Victorian era.
Through selective breeding, dogs with desired traits were bred and dogs with unwanted traits were not. During this time, people developed the idea that being pure somehow made dogs superior in appearance and worth. Today, purebred does not mean high quality in health, temperament, or intelligenceit simply means that the dog has known parentage whose ancestors were derived over generations from a recognized breed. CROSSBREEDS / HYBRIDS / DESIGNER Designer dogs are intentionally created for desirable traits by crossing two purebred dogs to create a first-generation hybrid. Breeders who design dogs believe their traits can be enhanced by the combination. Some examples of these crossbred combinations are the Maltipoo (Maltese/Poodle), the Puggle (Pug/Beagle), and the Labradoodle (Labrador Retriever/Poodle).
MIXED BREEDS / MUTTS Mixed breeds, mongrels, or mutts are dogs that are not a result of breeding and belong to no breed. In the United States, mixed breed is the favored term among many who want to avoid the negative connotations associated with mongrel and mutt . Hybrid vigor is a theory that suggests dogs of varied ancestry are healthier than their purebred counterparts. Some trainers believe mutts exhibit higher intelligence.
Afghan Hounds are considered the supermodels of the dog world, with their swift grace, aloof attitudes, and perfectly curled tails. In their native home of Afghanistan, these dogs were valued for their agility in hunting hares, gazelles, and wolves.
They can gallop up to 40 mph and leap seven feet from a standing position. In 1931, Zeppo Marx (of the Marx Brothers) and his wife brought two Afghan Hounds, Asra of Ghanzi and Westmill Omar, to the United States for breeding. Right now I have an Afghan Hound named Kabul. He is elegant, with graceful proportions, and I love the way he moves.... Often, if he comes into my mind when I am working, it alters what I do. The nose on the face I am drawing gets longer and sharper.
The hair of the woman I am sketching gets longer and fluffy, resting against her cheeks like his ears rest against his head. PABLO PICASSO
Airedales are the largest of all terriers. Originating in the Aire Valley of Yorkshire, they were bred to catch otters in the river and rats on land. Outgoing, and confident, Airedales have a delightful playful streak romping, bouncing, tossing toys, stealing socks, grabbing food, creating mischief. Airedales mature slowly. They are independent and intelligent courageous, athletic, and protective of family.
Daily walks and romps required. An Airedale can do anything any other dog can do
and then lick the other dog if he has to. THEODORE ROOSEVELT
Fierce as samurais, Gentle as kittens, Akitas are an ancient breed originating in Japantheyre bred to hunt large quarry like bears, boars, and elk. Their topcoats are coarse and straightundercoats are soft and dense. White, brindle, or pinto. Conscious of stature instinctually dominant, they will take place as pack leader if their human does not.
Distinguished. Devoted. Calm. Not lazy.
With their short, noble appearance and placid personalities, Basset Hounds are droopy, slow-paced tracking dogs. The name Basset comes from the French word bas , meaning low.
Although, rarely taller than fourteen inches, they are considered big dogs, but on short legs. They have loose skin on their facesmaking them look sad. Their long, low ears drag on the ground, stirring up scents, while their folds and wrinkles further capture the scented air. Their distinct bark is loud and lingering, and they frequently howl at the moon when thunderstorms loom. Basset Hounds come in classic tricolor patterns of black, tan, and white.
Owned historically by noblemen and aristocrats, Bloodhounds got their name from blue bloods .
It is believed that William the Conqueror, born 1028 AD, brought Bloodhounds to Britain from Belgium, where the breed originated. Known as detectives of the dog world, Bloodhounds were used to track thieves and poachers for Englands law enforcement. Today, the U.S. courts of law allow evidence recovered with the help of Bloodhounds. Humans use 12 million olfactory receptor cells to smell. Most dogs use 1 billion.
Bloodhounds use 4 billion!
Beagles have powerful noses and are always searching for interesting trails. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security trains a Beagle Brigade to sniff out contraband food brought into airports. Brown hazel eyes, soft pleading expressions their hound nature makes them inquisitive, determined, and focused. Being pack dogs, they are happiest around other dogs and people. Pure Beagles have white-tipped tails with tricolored coats that start out black and whitegradually turning brown while losing black.
They have distinct sounds a barking growl and a baying howl. It is believed their name comes from the Old French word beegueule , literally meaning open-mouthed. Happiness is a warm puppy. CHARLES M. SCHULZ Charles M. Schulz created the most famous fictional Beagle in pop culture.