Dinosaurs Book
Stomp, crash, and thrash through hours of
puzzles, games, and activities!
Kathi Wagner and Sheryl Racine
Adams Media
Avon, Massachusetts
To the Renfelds and to our families, for understanding and surviving
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Copyright 2005, F+W Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews and photocopies made for classroom use.
An Everything Series Book.
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Published by Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
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ISBN: 1-59337-360-0
Printed in the United States of America.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wagner, Kathi.
The everything kids' dinosaurs book / Kathi Wagner and Sheryl Racine.
p. cm. (An everything series book)
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 1-59337-360-0
1. DinosaursJuvenile literature. [1. Dinosaurs.] I. Racine, Sheryl. II. Title. III. Series: Everything series.
QE861.5W315 2005
567.9dc22 2005011012
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Cover illustrations by Dana Regan. Interior illustrations by Kurt Dolber. Puzzles by Beth L. Blair.
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I f you have ever wanted to go back in time, really way back in time, here is your opportunity! In The Everything Kids' Dinosaurs Book, you'll travel back to a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Your destination: millions of years back in time to an earth unseen and untouched by humans. A place where you will experience the life of the dinosaurs firsthand, from the tiny Triassic dinosaurs to the terrifying Cretaceous creatures and everything else in between. You'll learn the difference between bird-hipped and lizard-hipped dinosaurs and where different dinosaurs liked to live. Maybe you want to find out how the dinosaurs got their names or why some dinosaurs were peaceful while others were terrifying. That's all in here too, along with plenty of crafts, recipes, experiments, activities, and games for everyone.
In this book, you can explore new places and create edible volcanoes, journey through Jurassic jungles and have relays, and, of course, see the untamed world through a dinosaur's eyes. This ancient world is filled with dozens of different dinosaurs, really weird mammals, and some other very strange creatures. Soon you'll be doing the limbo, making a seismograph, turning eggs into rubber, experimenting with your own environment, and trying the raft challenge. This fun-filled book will have you digging up answers, looking for lost clues, reconstructing skeletons, solving puzzles, excavating candy out of ice cream, and so much more! All you need are a few items from your present world and some help from your family and friends. The fun is all here, waiting inside for you. Are you ready for the journey of a lifetime? Well then, let's get started! All you have to do is turn the page.
I lost my pet dinosaur.
Why don't you put an ad
in the newspaper?
What good would that do?
She can't read!
I lost my pet dinosaur.
What does a giant Tyrannosaurus eat?
Anything it wants!
Did the dinosaur take a bath?
Why, is there one missing?
Chapter 1
The World of the Dinosaur
Who am I?
Once upon a time I had several names, one of which was Brontosaurus. I have also been called a long neck from time to time. Who am I?
No Proof
C hances are, you've seen a lot of different types of animals. But have you ever seen a dinosaur, even in a zoo? of course not. The only dinosaurs we see today are in books, movies, or toy stores. So how do we know that the dinosaurs were ever really here? The only proof we have is in the form of fossilized bones or skeletons of these reptiles.
For years, people have been finding dinosaur bones and trying to figure out what the dinosaurs might have looked like and how they must have lived. We can only guess about some of these things, because we don't have any live dinosaurs to watch and study, and there were no people living at the time of the dinosaurs who could leave any records of what they saw. People today have at least been able to come up with a name for these creatures. The word dinosaur comes from the combination of two smaller Greek words meaning terrible lizard.
Because there are so many unanswered questions about the life of the dinosaurs and their world, dinosaurs probably will always be one of the world's greatest mysteries. Some people have dedicated their lives to trying to find out more about the dinosaurs. The more they look, the more they find. New information and new types of dinosaurs are being dug up every day, which constantly makes us change the way we think about these reptiles of long ago.
Guessing Game
We guess about things every day. Doctors try to guess how tall you will be by measuring how tall your parents are. Weather reporters try to guess what the weather will be. At parties, people are always trying to guess what is inside their presents. Scientists spend a great deal of time trying to guess when the next earthquake will happen. One of the hardest things for paleontologists is trying to guess what took place here on earth millions of years ago.
Words to Know
A paleontologist is someone who examines or studies fossils, like those of the dinosaurs. Paleontologists work in the scientific field called paleontology.
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