Praise for The DandelionInsurrection
"This novel will not only make youwant to change the world, it will remind you that you can." - Gayle Brandeis, author of The Book ofDead Birds, winner of the Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction
"Close your eyes and imagine theforce of the people and the power of love overcoming the force of greed and thelove of power. Then read The Dandelion Insurrection. In a world wheredespair has deep roots, The Dandelion Insurrection bursts forth withjoyful abandon." -Medea Benjamin, Co-founder of CodePink
"THE handbook for the comingrevolution!" - LoDaniels, Editor of Dandelion Salad
"The Dandelion Insurrectionis an updated, more accurate, less fantastical Brave New World or 1984." - David Swanson, author, peace anddemocracy activist
"... a beautifully written bookjust like the dandelion plant itself, punching holes through the concept ofcorporate terror and inviting all to join in the insurrection." - Keith McHenry,
Co-founder of the Food Not Bombs Movement
"The Dandelion Insurrectionis a prayer seven billion hearts strong and counting." - Megan Hollingsworth, Founder of Extinction Witness
"Rivera Sun is an author in aleague of her own." - Marirose NightSong, Transformational HolisticCare, Healing Wise Center
"This is a very inspiring read ... the words are contagious!"
- Sheila Ramsey, author, Founder ofPersonal Leadership
"Rivera Sun's The DandelionInsurrection takes place in a dystopia just a hop, skip and jump away fromtoday's society. A fundamentally political book with vivid characters and heartstopping action. It's a must and a great read." - Judy Rebick,activist and author of Occupy This!
"This is the book that ourgeneration has been awaiting. I predict it will be a major contributor tochange." - MalathyDrew, Founder of Whispering Energy
"I give the book 7 gold stars...and a huge Right On Sister!"
- Joe Hock, OWS, March Against Monsanto
"Its a rare phenomenon when awriter can move a reader to tears in the beginning chapters of a fictionalnovel." - Kevin'StarFire' Spitzer, radio host, writer, mentor, visionary thinker
"Rivera Sun is a fabulous, creativeauthor who weaves the kinds of stories that inspire me to create lifedifferently."
- Cindy Reinhardt, Founder of The SuccessZone
"... Rivera Sun beckons usto address the crises of our day with kindness, in community and from courage.With these tools, we can change the world one heart, one home, one block at atime."
- Anne Symens-Bucher, Canticle Farm
"If you are seeking to understandour evolved world and how to unite and prosper, I urge you to read thisbook." - LaurenTaite Vines, author of The New Dawn on Planet Earth
"Written on the winds of hope,this book presents a political prophesy showing how a people united can defeatcorporate tyranny through the force of their will." - Steven Jonas, MD, MPH, author of The15% Solution
"This opus is a well-writtenallegory of what could happen in the future and how only through the power oflove we can make real change in the world." - Ted Zeff, Ph.D. author of TheHighly Sensitive Persons Survival Guide
"Rivera Sun nourishes us with herwarm rays of kinship and waters our hearts with the storytelling of courage ..." - Pancho RamosStierle, Occupy Oakland, peace activist
The Dandelion Insurrection
Copyright 2013 by Rivera Sun
Allrights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this bookmay be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permissionexcept in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles andreviews. For information address:
Rising Sun Press Works
P.O. Box 1751, El Prado, NM87529
Library of Congress ControlNumber:
ISBN 978-0-9848132-5-4(paperback)
ISBN 978-0-9848132-6-1(e-book)
Sun, Rivera 1982-
The Dandelion Insurrection
Thisis a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are theproduct of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblanceto actual persons, living or dead, events, companies, or locales, is entirelycoincidental.
Photos by Steve DiBartolomeo
198 Methods of NonviolentAction isreprinted with permission from The Albert Einstein Institution
A Community Published Book Supported By:
Jennifer & Peter Simonson
Farrokh Namazi
Ellen Cook
John Jordan-Cascade
Libby Dickerson
Marada Cook
Crown O' Maine Organic Cooperative
GODeepWITHIN Consulting
Aunt Lynne and Uncle Ted
Land Cook
Annie Kelley
Atlantis Thyme
Karen Lane
Patti & Bob Oldmixon
Madeleine Le Fevre
Angel Imaz
Sarah Roche-Madhi
Deb Colbert
And with the support of many more!
Thank you.
Dedicated to Dariel Garner
... and dandelions, everywhere!
Other Works
Rivera Sun
Novels, Books & Poetry
Steam Drills, Treadmills, and ShootingStars
Freedom Stories: volume one
The Imagine-a-nation of Lala Child
Theatrical Plays & Presentations
Stone Soup
The Imagine-a-nation of Lala Child
The Education of Lala Girl
The Emancipation of Lala
The Courage & The Calling
Sweet Angel Fire
Morning Dove
The Dandelion Insurrection
- love and revolution -
Rivera Sun
Table of Contents
The Dandelion Insurrection
Ina time that looms around the corner of today, in a place on the edge of our nation,it is a crime to dissent, a crime to assemble, a crime to stand up for one'slife. Despite all this - or perhaps because of it - the Dandelion Insurrection began...
Little Bird
Theseasons wrestled in the sky. Battalions of black clouds collided. Cold and warmgusts of air slammed against each other. Sleet rained like gunshot.
Alittle bird flew north.
Shewas the lone hatchling in a nest of deformed eggs, the last survivor of thefledglings that perished in a shocking bite of cold; the sole remainder of aonce mighty flock... but she would not think of those stiffened featheredbodies now.
Shewinged hard and fast in the great battering of winds. All across the continent,the earth railed against the destruction wrought by humans. The eastern skies whippedfuriously. Western clouds refused to rain. Soil cracked. Wind swept up walls ofdust. Along the coasts, the rivers spilled their banks and the oceans attackedthe shores.
Humanitymarched onward despite these warnings. The earth was ravaged withoutdistinction. Mountains crumbled. Lakes vanished. Forests fell. Prairies burned.Black plumes filled the sky.
Thebodies of the birds lined the highways of migration.
Thelittle bird struggled over fallow fields where the poisoned farmlands held no food.Failed crops mocked her hungry eyes. Urban scavengers congregated overdumpsters. Human children fought rats for rotten produce. Pigeons drew bloodfor crumbs. The cities heaved with hunger. The stench of fear choked everything.The little bird fled quickly.