How to Read Life s Roadm ap
Carole De vine
Copyright 2000 by Carole Devine
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any mean s whether electronic, mechan ical, photocopy, recording or other, without the prior written permission of the author.
Cover Illustration by Kenne th DeMott
First published by: L.A.B. Professional Publishing
P.O. Box 4130 Woodbridge, Virginia 22194 Website:
First printing - December 2000
Second printing - July 2001
ISBN: 0-9700696 -0-X
Printed in U.S.A.
For my sons, Joseph, Gregory, Ralph and Kenneth DeMott,
who are my inspiration,
and for Duane Urban, my literary mentor, for interminable encouragemen t.
No book is a one-person effort. I want to extend special appreciation to those clients who were so gracious to anonymously let me use their stories, and who took the time to write them in their own words. It helped to give their histories more immediacy.
Very special thanks to the meticulous expertise of Lora Blackburn, whose work produced the final design of the whole book.
Thank you to all my friends (too nume rous to mention by name ) who were encouraging and patient with me as I boun ced ideas off them. Especially, I thank Maureen Demot, a very well-known South African Jungian Astrologer transplanted to Culpepe r, VA, who was the most inunda ted with it all and wrote the foreword. I bless the day she emailed me and said she believed she lived just down the road from me.
And thank you to my son, Kenneth DeMott, who painted a cover that was exactly what I wanted and even exceeded my expectations.
Thank you to Jeff Jawer for reading and commenting on the manuscript, and to Joe Anne Bridge, a psychologist, who also read the manu script and added her special expertise.
All charts are derived from the Solar Fire v.5 computer program available through "Astrolabe" (
- Basic Principles
- As the Twig is Bent
- Introduction to Cosmobiology
- The Mid-Life Shift Into Reverse
- Charts That Affect a Nation
- Solar Arc in Compo site Charts
- Counseling the Client
- Rectification Using Solar Arc
In true Aries fashion, Carole is a pioneer. In my almost twenty-five years as a counseling astrologer I have seen man y new ideas surface in the astrological field. But this book is truly a breakthrough. A long time ago, when she first told me about this new way of examining a chart I was excited. As astrologers we know that life, [our growth, developmen t, and the situa tions we experience] operate in cycles. With her unique way of tracking repetitive situa tions in our lives, Carole has introduced us to a wonde rful tool to help our clients unde rstand why history repeats itself. Not only is this an innovative work on solar arc directions, it is also a very practical and valuable tool for both astrologers and their clients.
Carole is a certified professiona l astrologer. Not only is she a superb teacher, who brings a dynam ism and vitality to her lectures, she also provides a highly acclaimed corresponden ce course for students. In addition , she has an innovative mind and is a fine writer.
As a woman , Carole is full of fun, and a warm and vital person, whom I consider a wonde rful friend who has made my life richer for knowing her. She has tolerated my wildly outrageous sense of humou r, and has been kind and unde rstand ing in times when I needed a shoulder to cry on. Her awareness of the human condition makes her a rare human being and an excellent astrologer. It is with honour that I call her friend and professiona l associate.
I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed watching it grow, develop, and come to fruition. Further, my wish is that you derive the bene fit of Caroles man y years of knowledge and this exciting technique.
Rev. Maureen Demot, Ph.D. August 2000
Sadly, Maureen Demot made her passing on February 17, 2001 in an automobile accident. She owned Galaxy House, a thriving astrological center which was the hub of astrological activity in Johannesburg, South Africa in the 80's. Although well- known in South Africa and throughout Europe, she was only beginning to share her wealth of knowledge with us in the USA.
Imagine an Anasazi Indian in Chaco Canyon, NM watching the sky year after year, first noticing a rhythm to solar cycles and then laboriously recording it with rocks, sweat and probab ly blood so accurately that today those rock carvings are still reliable. To these people, compa red to many things in life, the Sun was stable. Along with the Moon, it was the one thing they could count on to continue a cyclic pattern year after year no matter what else was unpredictable around them. As they came to depend on these annua l rhythms, a culture developed around them. Planting schedules, religious rites and surely many other observances were tied with this reliable pattern. It had to have given them a sense of stability, security and conne ction with the universe.
In our unde rstanding of Astrology toda y, the Sun is a major factor in a chart. In seconda ry progressions, it is the most powerful indicator of change, and with the eclipses added, the scaffolding of a lifetime can be built. As we grow in unde rstand ing of the laws of quantum mechan ics, chaos theory and fractal geome try, we learn that there is order in everything, and all of reality is interdependen t. Therefore, it is not hard to reason that the planets could be given a solar rhythm that is just as valid as their own.
The planets are reliable too, but from a geocentric point of view, their cycles are not as smooth as the Sun's steady, forward, predictable apparent motion. When we use the transits of the planets to trigger dormant and waiting progressed aspects, some points are triggered several times due to retrograde periods. This makes it very hard to time anything precisely. Furthermore, the outer planets remain in orb of contacting a point for many years due to their slow orbital motion. Granted, they are effective for as long as the orb is in range, but much is happening within that time frame that is impo rtant. Taken together, these methods of prediction are accurate enough when examined after a drama, but are hard to pin down before events unfold. The one body that seems more dramatically accurate than the others, when progressed, is the Sun. Since all seconda ry progressions are based on the premise that one day equals a year, it is not so far-fetched to move the planets the same motion as the Sun's daily incremen t for each year.
It is also hard to see life as a pattern using progressions and transits. We have the reliable Saturn cycle to build a lifetime structure, and along with it, other outer planetary cycles and the most reliable progressed Moon. But these are still cycles. They are repe titive for the same numbe r of years for everyone. There isn't a great deal that is persona lly unique about them except the order in which they contact the various componen ts of the chart and the houses being affected at a given time. No life unfolds in quite that orderly a manne r. Further, it is interesting that one contact from a planet at one time in the life may be far less impo rtant than an iden tical contact at another time. It is the combination of other factors occurring simultaneously that makes the difference.
Solar arc directions have been around for a long time and are common ly used by man y Astrologers. There are even books with lists of what various planetary combina t ions mean when they are activated by solar arc directions. However, as far as I know, there is no body of work that shows the pattern of a life, as shown by the unfolding of solar arc contacts, in quite the way this book does. In fact, Im not sure that anyone has even noticed that there is a pattern at all. There is one, however, that is quite unique for each person; in fact, there are pa tterns within patterns. The main theme of this book is to explain these patterns and show examples from the lives of ordinary peop le so that we can use solar arcs more effectively in guiding our clients through a seemingly endless maze of events that seem to have no common thread. The thread is there and not really so hard to discover!