Secret of the
Emerald Tablet
Selections Tablet from
Die Alchemie by Gottlieb Latz
Translated by Dennis William Hauck. (C) 2017
Translator's Preface.......... . .. . ................ . ...........
Forewo r d by D r . Latz........... . ...... ........... . ........... 5
C h 1 - Or i gi n o f th e Emeral d Tablet.................
C h 2 - T he A n cien t Arcan a Reve aled............ .
C h 3 - Fir s t Rev i s i o n: Tabul a Smaragdina .... 18
Ch 4 - Se co nd Revi s i o n: Tabula Hermetica... 27
Ch 5 - T hird Revi s i o n: Ope r atione So l is..........36
Append i x I - H o r t ulanus................................. 42
A ppen d ix II - C o ntents of Die Alchemi e ........
Appendix III Resources..................... . ............
by Dennis William Hauck
The first decision made by any translator is whether to try to con v ey the per i od and writing style of an author or to concentrate on making his meaning clear to modern readers. It soon became obvious, due to the length and complexity of this w ork that I had to choo s e the later method. I a m sure the author would agree with my decision, because above all else, Dr. Gottlieb Latz was a man of ideas.
His monumental work, Die Alchemie , was published in Bonn in 869. The book is divided into 131 chapters, totaling nearly 6 0 pages, which trace the history of alchemy through fifty centuries. The present translati o n is taken from Dr. Latz' research concerning the first three Greek revisions of the Emerald Tablet. All three of these documents were written in Alexandria before the birth of Christ.
Dr. Latz began his exhaustive study of alchemy in hop e s of helping his pati e nts. He believed that the secret Elixir of L ife was known by the ancient al c hemists, but was lost through c e nturies of conflict and persecution. He tried to reconst r uct the formula of the Elixir by c a reful study of alchemical texts, in particular the mysterious Emerald Tablet of Hermes. He was so sure of his success, that he used his compounds on many of his patients, w ho respon d ed favorably to his tr e atments.
What is more, Dr. Latz, like many alchemists beore him, saw in the chemistry of the Arcanum a profound allegory of the for m ation and evolution of the universe. Along the way in his practical search for the Universal Cure, this nineteen t h century g enius rediscovered the Shining Light of Truth in one of the oldest documents of mankind.
by Dr. Gottlieb Latz
If we look back from the standpoint of modern path o l o gy to the w ay this dis c ipline used to be, then most p eople would agree to the superiority of the modern view and would immediately reject the earli e r view. It would be easy to confirm this vague suspicion with more exact research.
Yet, if we look back from the standpoint of modern therapeutic technique to the viewpoint this discipline once took, then m o st people would agree to the superiority of the former viewpoint and would reject today's view.
Medicine used to believe any disease was curable. This was because a thousand years ago physicians had knowl e dge of the Arcanum, and today knowledge of it is lost to us; until me, no doctor even was aware of what he must rediscover.
That the knowledge of the Arcanum has been lost can b e traced to the fact th a t the preparati o n was not c ommonly available, and was kn ow n only by a handful of doctors: the alchemical doctors. They kept their f a nta s tic prepara t ion secret. The handful of physicians who had the secret became smaller and smaller, until finally they had all died out.
My professors taught me: Qui bene diagnosit, bene medebitur (the better the di a gnosis, the better the cure). The perverse falsehood of this saying is right before our eyes! In modern times, we are very advanced in d i agnostic c a pability, but our ability to cure
lags far behind the al c hemists. Heal us! B u t can man ever cure everything? Of course
not, if man could heal everything then no one would die. What then, can man heal? It's true, there is no grand design or plan of what is curable and what is not. Ho w ever, I say to you that there are many il l nesses which the universities are unable to teach a cure, that one c a n certainly heal. And how is one able to do that?
Through the use of the Arcanum, that won d e rful preparation, whi c h as noted, was known to t he alchemists and used with gre a t success at many sickbeds, then was lost. Yet after much exhausting researc h , I have rediscovered and for many years have been trying on my own patients. B u t who can bel i eve everything he h e ars, especially in the field of Healing? By such things do the gullible pass through the gates of folly.
That skepticism is entirely appropriate. Nonetheless, you should not believe it. For you too can make use of this greatest of all medicines, which I will teach you, so that you yourself will grasp what I h a ve grasped. I am giving the pana c ea freely to you, use it! You risk nothing by using it. The worst t h at you are gambling is that your patients will remain uncured.
For those o f us living in illusion, there are illnesses in the gray area between curable and incur a ble that gi v e us the opportunity to get rid of all the deceptive assumptions which we hold. Indeed, you say! Which on e s?
Any of the predominant epidemic diseases. If we look at such areas as small pox, scarlet fever, malignant tumors, typhoid, c h olera, dysentery, etc., we see people dying like flies, whether they have been treated according to the latest accepted procedures or not. How then is any self-deception possible, when we treat these same patients with the Arcanum and they do not d ie? Is it self-deception when we meet the stretcher-bearers leaving the homes of so many, but n o t on the doorsteps of those who have been given the Arcanum?
Is the Arcanum mankind's weapon against small pox, scarlet fever, malignant tumors, typhoid, cholera, dysentery, etc? Yes! That would be indeed magnificent, but hard to believe! And as I have al r eady said above, you will not be able to believe it at first. Faith is good in r eligion, but it has nothing to d o with our ex p erience at the bedside of the sick. I do not need faith, but make practical use of the Arcanum at the bedside of the sick, and you will see what I have seen, heal where I have healed.
But even now you are holding back! Never mind. It is exactly the goal of this book to show y o u, that I am not an is ol ated fanat i c, but that the greatest thinkers of mankind stand on my side, those who knew of the Arcanum, which I have rediscovered. You will directly experi e nce the effectiveness of this Arcanum, and it will serve as the basis of amazing expansion in y our intellectual perspective. Do you really believe for a second, th a t such great thinkers would have based their life's wrk on the Arcanum, convinced of its effectiveness, if it was not something magnificent, if it was not the d ivine panacea?
Does the Arcanum help only in the area of the predominant epidemic diseases? No.
I have simply named the predominant epidemic diseases to lead you into areas where there is no possibility of self-deception, wh e re the results are most easily observable. With the aid of this agent, pneumonia, pleur i sies, croup, phlebitis, meningitis, mastitis, angina, ac u te rheumatoid arthr i t i s, icterus, parulis, boils, pseudo-erysipelas, Bright's disease, eye problems, etc., can all be cured.
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