Also by Gerina Dunwich
Candlelight Spells
Circle of Shadows: Goddess-Inspired Poetry
Everyday Wicca
Magick Potions
Priestess and Pentacle
Wicca A to Z
The Wicca Book of Days
Wicca Candle Magick
Wicca Craft
A Wiccans Dictionary of Prophecy and Omens
The Wicca Garden
Wicca Love Spells
The Wicca Sourcebook
The Wicca Spellbook
Your Magickal Cat
Feline Magick, Lore, and Worship
Gerina Dunwich
![Picture 1](/uploads/posts/book/119858/images/titlepage1.jpg)
A Citadel Press Book
Published by Kensington Publishing Corp.
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Copyright 2000 Gerina Dunwich
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ISBN 13: 978-0-8065-3984-3
ISBN 10: 0-8065-3984-4
eISBN 13: 978-0-8065-3968-3
eISBN 10: 0-8065-3968-2
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dunwich, Gerina.
Your magickal cat : feline magick, lore, and worship / Gerina Dunwich.
p. cm.
A Citadel Press book.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8065-2094-9 (pbk.)
1. Magic. 2. CatsMiscellanea. I. Title.
BF1623.A55D86 1999
133.2599752dc21 | 99-31181 |
This book is dedicated with love to my mother,
to Al, and to all of my cat friends and familiars:
Naomi, Gypsy, Simba, Oona, Stormy, Rama, Serena,
Merlin, Ian, Onya, Isadora, Endora, Esmerelda, Delilah,
Salem, Aleister, and Gemini. Blessed be!
I have been a cat-lover for as long as I can remember, even when I was a child and terribly allergic to them. Luckily, I overcame the sneezing, itchy eyes, and runny nose symptoms of my cat allergy by the time I reached my teen years and have shared my life with felines ever since.
Dogs have an uncanny way of sensing that I am a cat person and not a dog person. Most of them usually growl at me as though they can tell that when Im old and senile I will probably end up being one of those weird witchy women in a rocking chair with hundreds of cats running amuck throughout the house.
With all of that said, when my editor phoned and asked me if I would be interested in writing a book about catswith a magickal slant, of courseI was understandably quite delighted! It was a project that I couldnt wait to begin working on, and one that turned out to be immensely enjoyable.
After doing research for Your Magickal Cat for a little over a year, the manuscript was completed in the fall of 1998 and ready to be submitted to my editor at Citadel Press.
I was returning home from the local post office after putting the manuscript in the mail, and although I was excited about the book being finished, I could not help but feel a bit melancholy. I had just moved back to California from upstate New York, where I had to leave behind my thirteen cat-familiars: Merlin, Salem, Isadora, Endora, Serena, Ian, Onya, Spooky-Spirit, Esmerelda, Delilah, Beltania, Aleister, and Quicksilver (who, sadly, had been diagnosed with feline leukemia). They had been a part of my life when I first began working on the book, but now that the book was done and it was time to celebrate, they were three thousand miles away, living in the new homes I had found for them.
My feline friends regularly participated in the many Wiccan rituals and Sabbat bonfires that my coven and I held at my old Victorian house in the country, and I loved each one of them dearly. I thought about how much I missed them and I asked the goddess Bastet (whom I had developed a deep respect and love for while writing this book) to watch over them. I then gave thanks to her for providing me with inspiration and spiritual guidance throughout the entire project; and when I returned home, she had a precious little gift waiting for me.
In my backyard near the swimming pool was a ginger tabby with the most unusual golden-colored eyes. He came right up to me without the slightest bit of fear or hesitation, as though he had known me for a long time. He allowed me to pick him up, and when I did, he filled my ears with the loudest purring I had ever heard coming from a cat.
He appeared to be about five months old, which placed his birthday somewhere between late May and early June, so I named him Gemini after his probable astrological sign. He responded to that name immediately and seemed to understand everything I said to him. I knew from the start that he was not an ordinary cat, especially since he sat on the roof at night to guard my house. He is my new familiar, and whenever I gaze into his mysterious golden eyes, I am reminded of the sun-drenched desert sand of Bastets homeland.
I still miss my country cats back in upstate New York and the wonderful magickal times I spent with them, but my Gemini has managed to bring new love, joy, and cat-magick into this witchs life. I truly believe that he is a gift from the ancient cat-goddessperhaps her way of thanking me for writing this book.
Cats are, in this authors opinion, the most magickal of all creatures.
Worshipped in early times as a sacred animal, accused in the Middle Ages of being the demonic helper of sorcerers, and regarded in modern times as having curative and longevity-promoting powers, the furry feline has certainly earned its place in history, literature, divination, religion, and the magickal arts.
To many people around the world (both cat-lovers and cat-haters alike), the cat symbolizes the psychic and the occult, the demonic and the divine, and the bridge between the darkness of evil and the light of all that is good. Its power to stimulate the human imagination is limitless, and by its own nature the cat, whether she be a goddess in jewels or an ordinary house cat, is a creature of great charm and mystery. It is no wonder that Sir Walter Scott once said, Ah, cats are a mysterious kind of folk.
Since the dawn of time, cats have been loved, hated, revered, and feared. They have played the role of both devil and god/dess, and they have found their way into innumerable fairy tales, superstitions, spells, and myths. Playing a key role in Pagan religion and ritual, the magickal and mysterious ways of the cat conjure into being a wondrous world of legend and lore.
There is perhaps no other animal on this planet that comes close to casting its spell of enchantment upon us quite as effectively or frequently as does the cat. With its exotic eyes, spark-emitting fur, hypnotic purring, and often curious behavior, it is not surprising that the cat has long been linked to the realms of the supernatural and all things of an esoteric nature.
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