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Austyn Wells - Soul Conversations: A Medium Reveals How to Cultivate Your Intuition, Heal Your Heart, and Connect with the Divine

Here you can read online Austyn Wells - Soul Conversations: A Medium Reveals How to Cultivate Your Intuition, Heal Your Heart, and Connect with the Divine full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2 Feb 2019, publisher: Reveal Press, genre: Science fiction / Religion. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Austyn Wells Soul Conversations: A Medium Reveals How to Cultivate Your Intuition, Heal Your Heart, and Connect with the Divine
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    Soul Conversations: A Medium Reveals How to Cultivate Your Intuition, Heal Your Heart, and Connect with the Divine
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    Reveal Press
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    2 Feb 2019
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Soul Conversations: A Medium Reveals How to Cultivate Your Intuition, Heal Your Heart, and Connect with the Divine: summary, description and annotation

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Soul Conversations reveals how you can tap into your souls wisdom, connect with the universe, and communicate with loved ones and guides in the spirit world. Drawing on the authors extensive training and experience, youll learn how to develop intuition, cultivate your soul senses, and create a personal spirituality that interweaves the invisible world with the everyday fabric of your life.We are all connected--to each other and to an infinite intelligence that some call spirit, source, universe, or God. To come to the understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, we must reacquaint ourselves with our very essence, or soul. This book invites you to embark on that magical journey and explore the eternity of the universe within each of us.Written by spiritual medium Austyn Wells, Soul Conversations is the first guide to offer practical tools based in grief counseling, spirit communication, hypnotherapy and regression, indigenous medicine, and energy exercises to help you align your everyday thoughts and actions with your deepest wisdom for a soul-centered life. This book will help you:Explore the illusions and truths of self, and honor the oneness of dark and lightDiscover the soul senses and how they connect you to the universe and spirit worldExplore soul-to-soul communication with loved ones, animals, and spirit guidesStrengthen your connection to nature and with divine guidanceDeepen your soul presence in self-care and relationshipsAnd much more!With the meditations, activities, and experiments in this unique guide, youll create a bridge to the invisible world and move toward living a more authentic, soul-fulfilling, spiritual life.

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Austyn Wells is both a teacher and student of life in her practice as well as - photo 1

Austyn Wells is both a teacher and student of life in her practice as well as this book. In order to help raise YOUR awareness, she shares her journey, abilities, and insights. Soul Conversations is a guide for living an intuitive life.

John Edward , psychic medium

In a world that is drowning in information yet hungering for genuine wisdom, Austyn Wellss remarkable book Soul Conversations emerges as a guiding light from a higher perspective to show us the way back to meaning, balance, and connectedness in our lives. Having seen far beyond the scope of the human mind and explored realms that most of us cannot imagine, Austyn teaches us how to recognize and nurture our own Souls so that we can live with greater purpose, courage, and love. Through compelling stories of communication beyond the physical plane, descriptions of the energetic tools available to us, thoughtful writing exercises, and illuminating guided meditations, Soul Conversations offers a unique curriculum for spiritual evolution that is both profound and simple in its clarity. If you long to connect with a loved one who has died, to know the essence of your own True Nature, to find the purpose for your earthly existence, or to expand your consciousness, Soul Conversations can guide you on your journey and provide you with insight and inspiration. This highly recommended book should be both the first and the last text you read as you travel through this human existence.

Karen M. Wyatt, MD , hospice physician, spiritual teacher, speaker, and author of the award-winning What Really Matters

I have followed Austyns work for years, and am delighted to see that her wisdom and insight will now reach more people by way of this beautiful book. She is a truly inspired teacher with extraordinary skills; deep, heartfelt compassion; and the highest possible integrity. The book is a must-read for anybody interested in the souls journey.

Rev. Terri Daniel, MA, CT , certified in death, dying, and bereavement; founder of the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC) and The Afterlife Conference

Medium, mystic, healer, and shaman Austyn Wells shares her knowledge and opens her heart so you can have a conversation with your soul, and walk your own unique and powerful path with grace and ease. You will LOVE this simple and clear, yet in-depth road map to exploring your soul! You will learn something new, resonate with her stories, be pushed and gently prodded, and be inspired and touched. Soul Conversations is a must-read for anyone who wants to dance with miracles and magic, deeply contribute to this world, and know the love of their own soul.

Linda L. Fitch , internationally recognized shaman, teacher, and coach; former CEO of the Four Winds Society and dean of its Light Body School of Energy Medicine

Austyn Wellss book Soul Conversations contains well-researched historical information, dynamic use of comparative mythology, probative and revealing personal experiences, effective and simple exercises, and a complete look at all paths availableall with the cardinal merit of clarity.

David Hinshaw , president of Life After Life Institute, and documentary filmmaker

Austyns book goes beyond mediumship and inspires each of us to explore the deeper calling of our soul. She serves as a sage teacher, showing us how to bring forth the wisdom that resides within our timeless selves. Austyn invites each of us to take responsibility through boldly offering our unique gifts and, in so doing, manifesting a kinder and more just world for all beings.

William Peters, MEd, MFT , founder of Shared Crossing Project, and director of Shared Crossing Research Initiative

Austyn has written a wonderfully informative book that answers so many questions regarding the soul, Spirit, and life journeys. The author cogently discusses the many ways we can open our hearts and minds to connect with our own inner self. Those who have questions about death and the soul will find the answers in a way that only Austyn can explain. A must-read for anyone on a spiritual journey.

Suzane Northrop , medium, and author of Everything Happens for a Reason

Soul Conversations provides a great base for spirituality that comes from the heart. The exercises are practical and are of a form that will help you access your insightof yourself and psychic and spirit perceptions.

Loyd Auerbach , president of Forever Family Foundation, and parapsychologist

Austyn Wells has written a must-read book for anyone considering deepening their own spiritual connection. It is a great guide with soulful information taking you on a true spiritual journey. Austyn is a compassionate and honest colleague I highly recommend. Read this bookand learn from one of the best in our field.

A.J. Barrera , psychic medium, intuitive counselor, and intuitive investigator

Soul Conversations will help heal your heart and inspire you to discover your true potential so you can live a soul-centered life.

Christine Silver , affiliate leader of Healing Parents Heal, Ventura County Chapter

Soul Conversations is an awe-inspiring, soulful guide to assist anyone yearning to deepen their ability to listen to the infinite wisdom of their soul, and connect to their loved ones and guides in spirit.

Barbara Bartolome , founder and director of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), Santa Barbara, CA

The only thing harder than losing a child, as I did, is losing the hope that one will ever see that child again. Since first meeting Austyn, and having ever so carefully vetted her abilities, she has helped many of our Grief Haven parents, spouses, siblings, and others who have lost someone they love so dearly that they thought they would lose their minds. One thing they all had in common after meeting Austyn: hope. Even the naysayers were changed. Austyn soars into our hearts, homes, and brains as her gift of immortality with our loved ones gives us hope. She is the Master of Endless Possibilities. Soul Conversations is a gift of a book that becomes an earthly guide, a compass that shows us that by being connected with our loved ones, we can live more soul-centered liveslives that are lived from the perspective of gratitude and remembrance of who we truly are.

Susan Whitmore , founder and CEO of Grief Haven

Austyns work in the world is like no other. This book is a glorious reflection of thather God-given talent, experience, study, and wisdom. Part of her work as a validator (medium) shows us that we all continue after death and we can connect with our loved ones. That in itself is inspiring. Though the greater gift of this book for me is how Austyn lovingly escorts us back to ourselvesto recognize and regain the knowledge of our unlimited beauty and potential, longing to birth into the world. Most of us have forgotten that. She validates again that all of those inklings and nudges that seem to have no solid place in this 3-D reality are the real us, and are given their rightful place and acknowledgment. This book is delicious and a delight to revisit, which is why it is my new bedside book. What an amazing guide to uncover your personal holographic landscapethe scenery is fantastic!

Patty Burgess , cohost of the YouTube show The Death Chicks , end-of-life/hospice educator, EOL doula trainer, and possibility thinker

Publishers Note This publication is designed to provide accurate and - photo 2

Publishers Note

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering psychological, financial, legal, or other professional services. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

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