Sharlyn Hidalgo has an MA in psychology, and although she is now in semiretirement, she is a practicing astrologer, tarot reader, teacher, healer, artist, and author. She has worked as a counselor for an agency and in private practice.
Because of her Celtic roots and her love for trees, she is enamored with the ancient spiritual practices of the British Isles. She is author of The Healing Power of Trees: Spiritual Journeys through the Celtic Tree Calendar , through Llewellyn Publications, and tree cards entitled Celtic Tree Oracle , through Blue Angel publications (illustrated by Jimmy Manton).
Sharlyn teaches classes on the Celtic trees, runs a yearly Druid apprenticeship, and holds ceremonies that celebrate the turning of the wheel in the Celtic native European tradition.
She also teaches classes on tarot and astrology, mandalas and creativity, dreamwork, and mind treatments via Science of Mind and Ernest Holmes. She is dedicated to protecting nature and promoting peace and healing on our planet.
She is certified, through Nicki Scully, as a practitioner and teacher of Alchemical Healing, an energetic healing form sourced in Egypt. Sharlyn has been to Egypt eight times and led three successful tours to Egypt. She has written a book about her experiences there, entitled Nazmy: Love Is My Religion: Egypt, Travel, and a Quest for Peace with a foreword by Jean Houston, and teaches classes on the Egyptian Mysteries. She is currently completing her novel (magical realism): The Daughter of Unas, A Spiritual Sojourn: The Healing Power of Past Lives in Egypt.
She can be found online at and her blog
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
Copyright Information
Celtic Tree Rituals: Ceremonies for the Thirteen Moon Months and a Day 2019 by Sharlyn Hidalgo.
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First e-book edition 2019
E-book ISBN: 9780738760803
Book format by Samantha Penn
Cover design by Kevin R. Brown
Cover illustration by Meraylah Allwood
Editing by Annie Burdick
Interior Tree illustrations by Meraylah Allwood
Wheel of the Year Diagram by Llewellyn Art Department
Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Hidalgo, Sharlyn, author.
Title: Celtic tree rituals : ceremonies for the thirteen moon months and a
day / by Sharlyn Hidalgo.
Description: First Edition. | Woodbury : Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 2019. |
Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019012525 (print) | LCCN 2019019203 (ebook) | ISBN
9780738760803 (ebook) | ISBN 9780738760223 (alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Magic, Celtic. | Tree worship. | Ogham alphabet. | Ritual. |
Rites and ceremonies. | Religious calendars.
Classification: LCC BF1593 (ebook) | LCC BF1593 .H53 2019 (print) | DDC
LC record available at
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Llewellyn Publications
Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
2143 Wooddale Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125
Manufactured in the United States of America
: The Principles of Manifestation
: Music
: More about the Ogham Tree Alphabet
I would like to thank all the teachers that have shared their knowledge with me and supported me since I was a young woman. I have special love for all of my students through the years. I am grateful to my friends and family for having my back. I honor Source and the magic of the realms, seen and unseen, that makes up the tapestry of my life. I treasure the learning: all the invaluable information that I have gleaned from astrology, the tarot, energetic healing systems, the Egyptian Mysteries, and the British Mysteries. Lastly, I acknowledge the incredible journey it has been to learn as much as I have, and to have the opportunity to share that learning in this bookthis is what dreams are made of. I am ever grateful to Llewellyn and to you, the reader.
This book offers you magic, healing, and spiritual teaching from the trees. The tree rituals that you will find here have come out of my own practice, developed through years of work with the wisdom of the Celtic tree ogham and the Celtic tree calendarthey keep me close to nature. I have found that the calendar (which is composed of a portion of the alphabet) provides a meaningful doorway into the Celtic cosmology. It is a powerful body of wisdom and teaching for todays seekers. Many goddess worshippers, Neopagans, Wiccans, tree lovers, and native European spiritualists have based their spiritual practice upon these teachings. I hope it can be useful to you the reader.
The Tree Ogham
The tree ogham (oh-am, ohm) is a medieval alphabet of twenty-five sigils/letters/trees that we can still find on stone monuments throughout the British Isles today. The alphabet consists of a set of straight lines that were etched upon sticks called staves, or on stones, and used for markers or monuments. Each line forms a sigil and can be written vertically (usually read from bottom to top) or horizontally (usually read from left to right). The markings are made along a stem line called the druim.
The alphabet was not used for writing or speech as we know it; it was mainly used for mundane and practical communications. However, it is likely that it was also used to indicate ideas and beliefs related to the more ancient Celtic cosmology and philosophy.
The Celtic Tree Calendar
The Celtic tree calendar is a modern adaptation and is based on the concept that the letters in the ancient Celtic ogham alphabet corresponded to a tree, and that each of these trees is associated with the themes of the ancient Celtic culture and mythology. This calendar is used as a time-keeping device for moving through what modern Pagans call the Wheel of the Year, celebrating the holidays and using ritual and ceremony to honor the healing energies of the tree portals known as the tree months. Each tree month has its own special teachings, totems, guides, and deities.