This Expanded Edition contains an introduction, biographical vignette of Mary Gray
Copyright 1992 by Sparrow Hawk Press
Sparrow Hawk Village, 11 Summit Ridge Drive, Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74464
Grateful acknowledgment is given to the Agni Yoga Society and Nicholas Roerich Museum. New York City, for their permission to reprint the copyrighted excerpt from Leaves of Morya's Garden. Vol //. by Helena Roerich, 1925, 1952, used in the Dedication.
1935, Second Edition, by Mary Gray (New Age Press. La Canada, CA) 1992, Expanded Edition, by Sparrow Hawk Press. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. We encourage the use of this material and invite you to contact us for assistance in its application and utilization. Parts of this book may be used or reproduced with written permission. Brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews are invited. For information address Sparrow Hawk Press, Sparrow Hawk Village,
11 Summit Ridge Dr., Tahlequah. OK 74464-9259. (918) 456-3421.
99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 5 4 3 2 1
Expanded by Carol E. Parrish-Harra, Ph.D.
Book design and editing by Mary Beth Marvin
Special thanks to the group who helped to make this book possible, including Karen Dellinger, administrative coordination, John R. Eggen. Jr., marketing management, Gerald Mobley, cover art and graphics. Eliot Ricciardelli. project management, Richard A. Smith, marketing design and Stephen Tiesman. typesetting.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Gray, Mary
The Gateway of Liberation and
Spiritual Laws
Including biographical vignette, introductions and glossary by Carol E. Parrish-Harra. 1. Universal law 2. Religion 3. Evolution
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 91-068495 ISBN 0-945027-06-0
Time was when We said: Give up everything. Now We go further and say: Take everything but do not consider it your own.
Leaves of Morya's Garden, Vol. II
Editor's Note: Mary Grays writing style, gender use and punctuation were quite correct in 1935. Modernization of this revised edition was directed primarily toward punctuation to prevent distraction. In order to maintain the integrity and the historic value of this publication, only minimal changes in the original writing were made. mbm
A Biographical Vignette of Mary Gray
by Carol E. Parrish-Harra
The work of Mary (Mrs. Roland) Gray came to my attention years ago when I discovered The Gateway of Liberation for the first time. Something in me embraced the lady and took her to my heart. She is one of the more silent ones whom most of us interested in mysticism in this modern day do not know. But I believe her work helped to pave our path.
Born in Paris, France, she was the daughter of an artist, William Tudor of Boston, Massachusetts. Mary was educated at Bryn Mawr and Radcliffe. Among her familys close friends were Ralph Waldo Emerson, William James, Julia Ward Howe, Col. Higginson and others of the group of liberal minds of New England.
Early in her life she basked in such philosophic thought, and she grew to contemplate the serious side of life. She remained a student of mysticism and knew personally many of the outstanding leaders of philosophy in both the United States and Europe. With a variety of interests, she was a compelling speaker on both sides of the water, both publicly and on the radio. She concerned herself with international issues, as well as the enlightenment of individuals.
The mother of several children, Mary Gray was deeply interested in education. She established two schools, successively, in California which operated for some years, devoted to her conviction that character building formed the basis of civilization.
A frequent speaker on oriental philosophy and Christian mysticism, she wrote five books, building bridges of understanding in such areas as inner and outer life, the question of good and evil, spiritual law, as well as a captivating Egyptian story of the Temple of Heliopolis as the Age of Darkness descended.
Although Egypt was well known for its high civilization and its advanced period, Mary Gray wrote of its little-contemplated fall. She acknowledged the pain of the corruption of sacred teachings and the struggle that ensued.
As the time is rapidly approaching for the reemergence of the mysteries, we enjoy again the penetrating thoughts of Mary Gray as she creates bridges in our minds, leading us from the outer to the inner as we grasp the thoughts that reconcile.
Mary Gray authored The Gateway of Liberation, America - the Cradle of the New Race, Echoes of the Cosmic Song, The Temple of Amon Ra, Heavenly Choristers, The Chalice of the Heart and Spiritual Laws Rules of the Evolutionary Arc.
Please contemplate The Gateway of Liberation and Spiritual Laws. The wisdom of Mary Gray accords a guide to cosmic thought.
by Mary Gray
There come into incarnation in various countries certain souls who have reached a point in evolution where they turn their faces steadfastly from the world toward that Mountain of Light which some call God.
In the resources of worldly pleasure, of human happiness, of knowledge or of power they find no comfort. They are goaded by the sense of being trapped in a world which offers them no satisfying purpose for living, no food for the soul.
They see that happiness here endures not, power fails, pleasure palls, and they are filled, therefore, with unceasing restlessness of mind and spirit. With constant reiteration the great questions, why, and to what end, arise in their souls.
It is for such that what follows is written. It is for those who know that personal happiness passes and that power but rouses hatred. These pages are offered for those who desire earnestly to know the purpose of life, the reason for mans existence upon this planet, something of the plan and the way of fulfillment. Those who are still content with their daily round of duties, pleasures, services as yet need no further aid.
But upon the many crossroads of our planet its byways and highways travel those who seek the Gateway of Liberation at the end of the Path of Initiation. In some long-past time the seed of occult truth was planted in their hearts, a vision of the gateway which leads to the shining land of Brotherhood casts a light upon their souls which urged them life after life to seek the reality which lay behind the vision.
Perchance some wise teacher gave them knowledge of the Pearl of pearls and led their still human feet to the entrance of that way which leads to divinity. And now today there rises again within the imperative need to storm the rocky heights which guard the citadel which, when attained, makes man no longer son of man, but Son of God.
That the way may be a little clearer, that the search may be a little more eager, that the realities may shine more clearly, these pages are inscribed.
Above and beyond all things, if the Path is to be found and if the Path is to be trod, the vision of the goal, like a lodestar, must rouse in the soul that holy fire which alone can give the power to achieve.
Modern life is so full and rich every desire seems to be attainable. Some enjoy the passion for gain, for power and pursuit; yet the one of simple heart often pines for an intangible something more. Neither work nor play fulfills. Sweet pleasure too soon loses its savor. The seeker weeps for the unknown, wipes the tears and laments the sensitive nature that seems to turn away from the worlds offerings. This heart modern and vital, tender and clear finds no lasting joy in what life has to offer.
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