Once upon a time there was a little girl who took all theother children in the street seriously when they said that if you went to theplayground at midnight and skipped around the swings backwards three times thefairies would appear. So she set her alarm, snuck out the house and did as shehad been instructed, the other children never did believe her when she recountedher tale. But as a result that little girl grew up to be only a slightly biggergirl with very wild hair and sometimes rather wild eyes who never stoppedsearching for fairies in the playground and trolls under bridges, and whoharkened to things that went bump in the night and often pondered the source ofthose half whispered secrets in the quiet time just between wakefulness andsleep.
In her twenties she embarked on a quest to find the meaningof life the universe and everything and was rather alarmed to discover thatindeed one answer could be the number 42, it has been pretty much going downhillsince then.
Tara is a Torchbearer of the Covenant of Hekate, andpreviously contributed to the anthology Hekate: Her Sacred Fires (2010). She was also one of the key facilitators of the Rite of Her SacredFires (2010) with Sorita dEste, a worldwide ceremony which was held forthe first time during the Full Moon of May 2010 with participants from all overthe world joining in lighting a flame for the Goddess Hekate.
Although Kentish Maid by birth (NOT a Maid of Kent) Taracurrently resides on the Cheshire/Derbyshire border with her long sufferinghusband, beautiful and precocious daughter and a gaggle of cats and can oftenbe discovered getting pixie led in the peaks or spinning on her belovedspinning wheel, one day she may actually get some proper work done. She isalways happy to correspond with anybody genuinely interested in the Mysteriesand can be contacted by email at the following address:
I cannot grasp the greatness of that One so as to attribute agreater greatness to the rest. When I see the Three together, I see but oneTorch, and cannot divine or measure the undivided light
I would like to mention the following wonderful, generousand inspirational people who helped me finish this project.
The very brave Sorita dEste who listened to an ideadiscussed late one night and told me to go for it, and then supported me when Idid.
The incredibly talented Georgi Mishev, whose images ofHekate never fail to astound me; and who provided the cover artwork for thisbook.
The charming Yuri Robbers, who took the time to providewonderful modern translations of some very old hymns, and all for the price ofa Black Dog.
My dear friend Katherine Runciman, who has stood by methrough some of my more hare-brained moments both magickally and mundanely, andcame up trumps with some of the diagrams when my own artistic muse failed me.
My partner in crime Jonny Cole, always a source ofinspiration and amusement, who was my muse and sounding board on more than a coupleof occasions, his contribution to the Eyes of Heaven ritual wasgreatly appreciated.
Last but my no means least my wonderful husband andbeautiful daughter who gave me the time and the space to work and who havetolerated me wandering around the house in my pyjamas and muttering to myselfway more than usual.
There are many other souls who I would like to mention, butto thank every person who has helped me or influenced me in my journey towardsthe completion of this book would take a very long time, some have walked withme for just a mile, and some poor fools have signed up for the full marathon,but regardless of the distance we have travelled, the journey has been one litby the torches of Hekate.
Thank you all.
Dedicatedto C.
The light of my life and the darkness of mydesire,
without your love and patience this book
would never have been written.
For from Him leap forth both thunderingsinexorable, and the fire-flash receiving bosoms of the all fiery radiance offather begotten Hekate.
The Chaldean Oracles by G.R.S. Mead (trans)
I started my magickal career muchthe same way as most people do with an interest in the unusual, the paranormaland the occult, always with one question burning strongly in my mind, Why?A question that still burns deeply at the very essence of my being even to thisday, for I firmly believe that the day I stop asking is the day that I finallycome face to face with the divine on an equal standing or more likely haveshuffled off this turn on the merry go round and am preparing for my nextincarnation.
Like many newcomers to thisparticular life choice my thirst for knowledge was insatiable, I quicklyacquired a library full of books on every conceivable subject, from traditionalwitchcraft to ceremonial magick and folklore to herbalism. But whilst the bookson herbs would quite clearly give you step by step instructions on how toprepare a tincture or decoction, the more esoteric books often left me feelingthat the author had deliberately obfuscated the practicalities of certainsubjects. And as a result I added another question to my arsenal, now I had howas well as why and I started seeking out practical experienceswherever I could so as to understand the mechanics as well as the theory.
I wrote at some length as to how myrelationship with Hekate came into being, in Hekate: Her Sacred Fires, but for those who have, as yet to read that excellent anthology, my relationshipwith her is the direct result of one of these practical experiences. But itoccurred to me just today whilst writing this foreword that it might actuallyall be Hermes fault, some months prior to the escapades that led me to Hekate,I had prepared an extended working consisting of a series of reduction sigils which had to be drawn and then burnt at certain hours on a succession ofWednesdays; petitioning Hermes to give me knowledge and understanding on theoccult arts, and it seems he took me quite seriously and provided me with possiblythe best teacher of the Mysteries a girl could ask for.
As a result of the sometimes not sotender ministrations of Hekate, I have interacted with Goetic spirits, EnochianAngels, familiars both constructed and otherwise, genius loci, elementals and awhole bunch of complex individuals I am not even sure I could categoriseanymore than to say they are Fae. And she has certainly shown me many howsand revealed more than a few