skinwalker ranch
Also by Ryan T. Skinner
Currently available on Amazon and Create Space
A Voodoo Creations book
Published by Voodoo Creations LLC
Copyright 2015 by Ryan T. Skinner
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever without prior written permission from the author
Cover by Ryan T. Skinner
Prior to writing this book, I had published two previously, each dealing with the subject of Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. Since then, I have participated in multiple media programson television, through radio, and online with various Paracastssharing my experiences and encounters with the paranormal and UFO community. Here for the first time I have chronicled in print those conversations and narratives, making them available for those who prefer to read and internalize at their own pace.
The first part of the book seeks to detail in narrative form the experiences which I shared in my first book, Skinwalker Ranch, Path of the Skinwalker . However, here I have done so in a much more straight forward manner devoid of my own thoughts, supposition, and philosophical interpretation, providing only the exact details of those encounters.
The second part of the book is a narrative form of each of the interviews and media programs which took place following the publishing of both books. I have made a concerted effort to enhance each of these interviews with new perspective based on what I have learned and experienced since their airing. Also included are two contemporary conversations I had recently with individuals intimate with the Ranch. Both detail information which can be found from no other source.
Finally, the third part of the book provides a generous selection of some of my favorite photos, renderings, and sketches of the Ranch, the surrounding area, structures and places which play a part in my books, and the paranormal entities and creatures encountered by me and others. Each photo is presented with a detailed description, stories of interest, and brief historical reference.
Prior to 2006, I had never heard of Skinwalker Ranch or had occasion to travel within its vicinity. I had no reason, therefore, to expect my life would undergo significant change as a result of my experiences there on I-70, south of Roosevelt, Fort Duchesne, and the greater expanse of the Uintah-Ouray Indian Reservation.
My first book, Skinwalker Ranch, Path of the Skinwalker , grew from my desire to share these specific encounters with those of the paranormal community, and readers in general, and in a way that conveyed the deep psychological and emotional imprint they had on me.
Following publication, however, and despite the relative popularity of the book, I have received a fair degree of criticism as to the writing styleparticularly the figurative language and references, and therefore made the decision to present the content of that book in a more straight forward narrative.
Here follows each one of those encounters, starting with the entities which pursued us along that isolated highway, my first visit to the ranch, the spirit which intruded upon my home in Wisconsin, and ultimately my face-to-face meeting with the Skinwalker itself. I have also included, for the first time anywhere, an isolated encounter which took place at a later date, and which may or may not have been a UFO.
I had my first encounter with Skinwalker Ranch and the associated anomalies in 2006 while driving with my significant other from Wisconsin to Las Vegas. We are in my car on I-70 south of the Uintah-Ouray reservation in Utah. I have been driving the whole time and decide I am in need of a break. We pull along the side of the road and my companionmy wife-to-betakes over behind the wheel.
We have been back on the road only for a short while when she says there is a red light behind us at quite some distance but moving up quickly. I look back through the rear window and see it too. However, it defies logical explanation. It is too high up to be an emergency vehicle, such as a policeman or ambulance, and too low and too small to be an airplane or helicopter. At the time, though, it remains little more than a curiosity, and we go back to the task at hand, which is getting to our hotel in Green River.
Within moments my companion is again concerned with the presence of this light anomaly. It is not only in clear view, but has gained on us considerably. However, before I can position myself to get a really good look at it, it again disappears.
Somewhat curious, but not yet alarmed, we resume our travel, driving along a few more miles before the inside of the car is suddenly brightly lit by the sudden reappearance of whatever it is that has been following us. I have my companion pull the car over and I get out. Even to this day Im not sure why.
Once outside the car, almost irrationally, I examine it for any sign that the source of light is the car itself. It is then that I notice I am bathed in a glow. Turning around, I find myself confronting this ball of light, almost like a red-flamed firea road flare suspended in mid-air, hovering only feet from me and about eye-level. For a brief period of time after it is as if my will is not my own, that this intelligencethis thinghas taken over my mind and body so it, in turn, can get a look at me.
The next thing I remember, my companion is shrieking. By this time she, too, has gotten out of the car. Her cries draw my attention to three other balls of light out in front of the car, still at a distance, and approaching. Near panic, I instruct her to run around to the passenger side and I jump in the drivers seat and we speed away.
From there we come across a roadside rest area. These lights still pursuing us, we pull in with the hope that the presence of others will scare it off. Sure enough, the lights by-pass us and disappear up and over a ridge. The rest stop, however, though populated with multiple vehiclesmostly trucks, is completely deserted. I flash my headlights, beep the horn, and yell out some, but theres no response. Not a single person shows himself. The whole thing goes beyond explanation.
With no other choice, and seeing no further sign of whatever was following us, we take back to the road in proximity to Thompson Springs, only a half hour or so from Green River. We have been back on the road only minutes when we start passing isolated cars parked off the shoulder of the road, all with doors or windows opened, but no one in sight.
After we passed the first two, which are fairly close to each other, I have Iryna, my fianc, slow the car as we approach the next one. I try to get a look for any signs of distress. But other than the look of having been left behindand keep in mind were in the middle of the desert with nothing around, theres nothing. Finally, as we come across yet another, and this all within a mile or so, I have her pull over and I get out and investigate. There upon the back seat of the car are some items which clearly belong to a child and an article or two of clothing. But again, no sign of any person or where they may have gone to.
With no other recourse, we get back on the roadIm driving, intent to get to Green River as quickly as possible. Only minutes later, my companion sees the light anomaly again coming towards us, this time from back in the desert out off to the side of the road.
My first instinct is to get out of there at top speed. Iryna, however, chides me for my timidity, and throws up in my face the number of times I have wished for just such an encounter, and now that I have one, I dont have the nerve to play it out. So I make the decision not to flee, but instead to use the camera I have in the bag in the back seat to capture this thing on video. I then put the car in reverse and drive backwards, the wrong way, on the highway.
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