Debi Chestnut has been able to see and speak to ghosts her whole life. A paranormal researcher for more than thirty years, she gives lectures and conducts workshops to help people better understand paranormal activity. Debi lives in Michigan with her husband, three black cats, and two dogs.
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Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
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How to Clear Your Home of Ghosts & Spirits: Tips & Techniques from a Professional Ghost Hunter 2014 by Debi Chestnut.
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: Is It Really a Ghost?
: Lets Talk About Ghosts
: What Kind of Haunting Is It?
: How Did the Ghost Get Here?
: Protecting Yourself Before You Try to Get Rid of the Ghost
: How to Get Rid of Ghosts
: When to Call in a Medium or a Paranormal Investigator
: How to Keep Your Space Spirit-Free
: Final Thoughts
One of the first questions I get as a paranormal investigator is How do I get rid of the ghost in my house? Unfortunately, theres no simple answer to that question.
The truth is, how you get rid of a ghost depends largely upon what type of ghost you have. There are many different types of ghosts, each with their own set of characteristics and temperaments. (More about different types of ghosts will be explained in greater detail in later chapters.)
For example, the way you get rid of a good spirit is different from how you handle a spirit who is showing malice or is being mischievous. When it comes to ghosts and spirits, knowledge is power and fear is the enemy.
Society and the media, through books and movies, have conditioned us to be afraid of ghosts, when in reality most ghosts mean no harm and theres no reason to fear them. The important thing to remember when it comes to ghosts is that you have to become empowered and claim your home, not give away your power to fear. The goal of this book is to empower you by giving you the knowledge you need to deal with the ghost that has taken up residence in your home. Here are some things to keep in mind while reading:
Not all ghosts are bad, but they can startle and scare people, which is totally understandable. The main thing you need to remember is that most ghosts are just like us. They were once alive, and are still alive in some way, just without a body. Many ghosts dont mean to scare us; they are simply looking for a way to communicate or make contact with us. So unless you or someone in your family is being physically harmed by a ghost, there really is nothing to fear.
This book will help you identify the type of ghost or spirit you have and the proper method to get rid of it. Trying to clear your home of a ghost using the wrong method could cause more harm than good, as it could only make the ghost angry and escalate its behavior.
Keep in mind that sometimes these methods dont work for various reasons. The main reason is that the person using the method doesnt believe its going to work. Its very important that you believe fully that what you are doing will accomplish your goal.
In addition, some ways to get rid of a ghost only will work on a negative spirit and not on a ghost with goodwill. In some ways, friendly ghosts are more difficult to get rid of because their intent is not to cause harm. In many cases, they just want to be around the living, and convincing that type of ghost to leave can be challenging, but there are techniques you can use.
There are also particular ghosts you shouldnt even try to get rid of yourself, but instead call a paranormal investigator to determine the safest way to make the ghost leave. This book will give you the tools you need to select a reputable paranormal investigator to assist you.
When it comes to ridding a home or other location of a ghost, it may be necessary to repeat the techniques in this book more than once. Its rare that a ghost will leave after your first attempt. They may quiet down for a while, but it might also be necessary to repeat the method several times before your home is completely clean and ghost-free.
Ive been a paranormal investigator for well over twenty years and have been witness to what most of the types of ghosts outlined in this book can do. Ive seen the effects that ghosts can have on peoples lives and on my own lifeboth good and bad.
Im also a medium/sensitive and have been able to see and communicate with ghosts and spirits for as long as I can remember, so its only natural that I would end up being a paranormal investigator.
While some people who have gifts have chosen to ignore them, Ive made the choice to embrace my gifts and use them to help as many people as I possibly can. One of the main ways I reach lots of people and assist them with their paranormal issues is through my books.
I also work with Black River Paranormal, a ghost-hunting team of dedicated and knowledgeable paranormal investigators. We work hard to help people understand and deal with any paranormal activity going on in their homes, places of business, and places of worship.
To make this book easy to follow and understand, Ive divided the different types of ghosts into categories based on whether they are active, angry, benign, and so on. Some types of ghosts and spirits belong in more than one classification, and Ive included that information where appropriate in the ghosts individual definitions.
I believe that ghosts in general are greatly misunderstood by most people, and if this book assists you in not only understanding why some ghosts do what they do but also helps you clear your house of ghosts, then Ive accomplished my goal.
Just to clarify, ghosts and spirits are, according to many paranormal researchers, different. Ghosts are people who have died but have not crossed over to the other side, while spirits are people who have died, crossed over to the other side, and then decided for whatever reason to come back to the earthly plane.