We have come at the end of this treatise on modern mentalism and I hope that you have found the readin g interesting and amusing .
We have introduced many principles and methods used in mentalism and we reviewed the most used tools in this area.
T ricks and psychological methods have been ex pl ained: modern mentalism results from their combination .
We also addresse d cold reading and hypnosis topics .
Finally , we learned two unpublished effects and this is to show you that your creativity matters .
This treaty is not aimed at dealing with the presentation of the effects but not because they are not important ! Quite the contrary.
There are many books on the market with dozens of pages explaining what the "rapport" in NLP is. Sure, this is an important topic , but certainly it does not help you touch a person at a distance.
So you need to learn methods and this book serves this purpose.
This book shows you techniques and methods useful to achieve the effects . The introduction, which is essential , is something personal so you can find many suggestions but in the end you have to find your own peculiar way to introduce yourself as a mentalist and your effects in a manner consistent with your person and your personality .
Did you ever listen to the radio and hear songs that all look the same ? They seem to have all come from the same label, the singers sing all the same , the musicians play all the same and since you are a mentalist , if you close your eyes and concentrate, you can clearly see the album covers - all the same.
This is should not happen to you .
The secret of it all lies in the word "passion" . Y ou are studying something that you like, if your eyes shine while you are reading of a trick you did not know and you feel enraptured by the cunning of the method then you are a true mentalism lover and when you see this light in the eyes of a person who watches, fascinated , your effect you can say " sleep ! " and she most likely will fall into hypnosis.
Remember, the true magic lies in the passion we feel when we realize what we want to achieve : just doing so we can pass it on to others.
I also want to remind you that knowing these techniques and proposing mentalism effects, you have responsibilities.
If properly realized, the effects not only generate wonder, but also convey to particularly suggestible people the idea that what you do is genuinely real and you have paranormal powers.
You must always state clear that you have no power s , but you know several psychological techniques that allow you to give the illusion of having paranormal powers.
People who can be easily influenced or have health problems might see you as the solution to their problems thanks to your powers.
Therefore you should not do anything to raise un realistic hopes thus aggravating an already painful situation .
I am sure that you will use this knowledge with sense of ethics and common sense
Hope I see you soon !
( Second Edition )
Secrets, principles, tricks and psychology
for the modern mentalist
Authors name
Giochidimagia Editore
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IMPORTANT: This ebook contains encrypted data aimed at a recognition in case of piracy. All rights are reserved according to law. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means without the written permission of author and publisher. It is expressly forbidden to pass on to others this book, either in hard copy or electronic format, either for money or for free. The concepts and techniques described in this book are the result of years of study and specializations, so the same outcome is not guaranteed either in personal or professional growth . The reader assumes full responsibility for his choices and he is aware of the risks associated with any form of exercise. The author and publisher are not responsible f or the misuse or for any prohibited purpose of the content of this book. The book has merely educational purposes and does not replace any type of medical or psychological treatment. If you suspect or are aware of any health problems or any physical or psychological problem you will need to rely on an appropriate medical treatment.
Modern Mentalism! In the past magicians and illusionists were the only masters of illusions, or perhaps they were the most famous.
Whoever was a kid in the 80s met the magicians by watching them on TV: they did seemingly impossible things, but we all know that magic is the art of making the impossible seem possible.
When the great "Silvan" appeared on some tv show, my father, who really loved illusionism, used to call me and I came running to watch the trick of the day.
I inherited this passion from my father. I still remember when, as child, I used to watch, enchanted, all those playing cards disappear and reappear in the unmatchable artists hands. I stood there, literally frozen, with my eyes wide open staring at the TV screen, while the rest of the world disappeared. I just think that I was kind of hypnotized and when I woke up I could only wonder H ow could he do it? It's impossible! "
My father told me that magicians are used to train a lot. They talk oddly to confuse you and then always make sure that you see only what they want you to see.
This is the traditional magicians image so many people grew up with. And , personal l y, I can say that it still excites me a lot.
Art does not differ from any other profession . Art stereotypes alternate over time: what is very popular today, whatever the reason, it will not be tomorrow and then will regain popularity again.
In recent years, the Mentalist has become very popular, especially thanks to great illusionists as well as a succesful TV series with the same name.
The mentalist is the one who practices "mentalism". What is mentalism? It happens when the artist, the illusionist creates the illusion of having paranormal powers, such as being able to read your mind, knowing the past of an unknown person, making objects move and metal s bend , controlling peoples thoughts with the power of his mind .
Some artists were so skilled that made believe many people that their miracles were real.
When tricks adopted to realize these "miracles" were no longer sufficient to justify such powerful effects in the spectators eyes, the mentalists started combining skillful magician's tricks with sophisticated psychological techniques, which sometimes acted as support for the trick while other times they even constituted the method to achieve the desired effect.
Sophisticated techniques such as NLP, hypnosis, conversational hypnosis and suggestion were introduced in the mentalists repertoire.
A smart fusion where the audience could not distinguish where a technique ended and another began: the perceived effect , however, was definitely real.
In the mentalism context, the "experiments" introduction is crucial. The term experiments is very important , because it would be inconsistent to call them tricks or games, if only for the emotion s a nd feelings they elicit.
Moreover, if, by chance, the experiment fails, no problem - it was just an experiment.
The mentalist pays particular attention to the effect his theatrical and dramatic wonders produce. A wise and properly designed presentation and the subsequent revelation of a card chosen by the viewer can be an unforgettable miracle if performed with due involvement, in the appropriate context and with the right timing and finesse.
The mentalist resorts to modern and powerful weapons such as the body language and facial microexpressions reading , to read people's minds and often uses these techniques as a fake explanation of a certain effect as well as a method in itself.