Astrology For Dummies
by Rae Orion
Astrology For Dummies, 2nd Edition
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About the Author
Rae Orion has been casting horoscopes since the Ford Administration, when she became the court astrologer for a metaphysical bookstore on the West Coast and began to prognosticate for strangers. She has taught astrology to high school students, social service professionals, friends, and relatives, and has written monthly horoscope columns and articles about astrology (among other topics) for New Woman and other magazines. She lives in New York City.
For George, always
Authors Acknowledgments
Two Capricorns deserve extravagant praise: my husband, George, and my editor, Chrissy Guthrie. Both are thoughtful, serious, organized, kind, and a lot more fun than is generally advertised for that sign. I also want to thank Tracy Boggier, who reintroduced me to the For Dummies way of life; Ethel Winslow, who is a fine astrologer as well as an editor; and others at Wiley, including Jessica Smith, David Lutton, the people in Composition Services, and Christy Beck, whose behind-the-scenes presence was always a comfort. Without Reid Boates, this book would not exist.
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A strology can change your life. It did mine. Astrology illuminates the secret corners of the self, provides a key to understanding others, contributes a useful method for scrutinizing relationships, and even offers a glimpse into the future. Beyond that, as with all great areas of knowledge, astrology has the power to alter perception. Once you know something about it, you never see the world in the same way again.
Using a vocabulary thats both objective and poetic, astrology enlarges your curiosity (because after you absorb its principles, everyone you meet, no matter how dull the person or how fleeting the encounter, becomes a mystery waiting to be solved); it expands your insight into behavior and motivation; and most of all, it increases your compassion. Some people think that astrology divides all human beings into 12 groups. How wrong they are! Astrology teaches that all human beings are subject to universal needs and desires and that every individual is entirely and splendidly unique.