Books to Span the East and West
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Please note that the publisher and author(s) of thisinstructional book are NOT RESPONSIBLE in anymanner whatsoever for any injury that may resultfrom practicing the techniques and/or followingthe instructions given within. Martial arts trainingcan be dangerousboth to you and to othersifnot practiced safely. If youre in doubt as to how toproceed or whether your practice is safe, consultwith a trained martial arts teacher before beginning.Since the physical activities described hereinmay be too strenuous in nature for some readers, itis also essential that a physician be consulted priorto training.
Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint ofPeriplus Editions (HK) Ltd.
Copyright 1973 Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc.Acknowledgments, Foreword, Portfolio of Drawingsin new edition Copyright 2009 by Futuro Designs& Publications/Adele Westbrook.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or utilized in any form or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,recording, or by any information storageand retrieval system, without prior written permissionfrom the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ratti, Oscar.
Secrets of the samurai : the martial arts of feudal
Japan / by Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook.
399 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-4-8053-0960-5 (hardcover)
1. Martial arts--Japan. I. Westbrook, Adele. II. Title.
GV1100.77.A2.R37 2009
ISBN 978-4-8053-1405-0
ISBN 978-1-4629-1900-0 (ebook)
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who revered the arts of the warrior
but who revered human life even more;
without whose reflections
and painstaking recollections
this book would not have been possible
If we open ourselves up to the divine Life Force in its physical andspiritual manifestations we are all right, as individuals and as societiesof individuals. If, on the contrary, we turn our backs on theGod-made universe and insist on living in the home-made, verbaluniverse of fancies and ideals, imagining that we can improve onnature and make God in our own image, then we ruin our privatelives, physically and spiritually, and create societies such as we livein today. Our habit of doing most of our living in a home-madeworld of words, fancies, and illusions is so deeply ingrained that itrequires hard work with special techniques to get back to where wehave always beenthat is to say, to the given reality of Nature andGrace, to things as they really are, in themselves, and quoad nos , in relation to our egos.
Aldous Huxley
The Selected Letters of Aldous Huxley
James Sexton, editor
Ivan R. Dee. 2008
Secrets of the Samurai is the end result of a man and a woman's passionate commitment to the literary and artistic possibilities inherent in the combination and integration of word and image, whatever the subject, andmore particularlyto Oscar Ratti's unique ability to bring life to every page with drawings infused with the vitality and humanity of the individual and of the collective spirit. We are all part of something larger than ourselves, and yet we are all individual entities with almost unimaginable potential for enhancing and contributing in a positive way to the ongoing, turbulent stream of life; to learnsometimes through very painful experienceshow to expand our horizons and those of others.
Down through the ages, philosophers, writers, artists, and all reflective individuals, have grappled with the quandary Shakespeare had Hamlet consider: To Be, or Not To Be, that is the question Whether to grasp the nettle of existence firmly and fight the good fightin whatever form an individual's strengths may render that the most positiveor to shrug, throw up one's hands, and withdraw, prematurely, into the shadows. (Or, which is even worse, because it causes pain beyond the personal dimensionthrash about violently, doing damage and harming instead of helping.) Of course, there is always the Law of Unintended Consequences lurking in the background or the Black Swansunforseen events, but the only way to deal with those realistically, is by continual reference to Trial and Error: How do certain actions and behaviors stand up to an objective analysis of their results? Might certain course corrections be worth consideration?
Recent scientific discoveries may provide some guidance here, and some encouragement. Research into the neuroplasticity of the brain has shown that what we think and what we do can have a powerful effect on who we are and who we can become, and that this potential is present for as long as we live and can be actuated by our conscious focused thoughts and actions.
In addition, the latest scientific findings indicate that we all share ninety-nine percent of our DNA, but the one percent that differentiates each one of us is so complex that the variety of formations in individuals is yet to be completely understood or appreciated. Moreover, life experiences will contribute to expressing or repressing certain genes, so that each one of us is a combination of genetic inheritance and multiform environmental exposures. Of course, the genetic package and certain life experiences may be beyond our control, but that which is within our sphere of influenceour conscious, determined patterns of thought and action intended to positively develop our physical, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional powers not only for our personal fulfillment, but to contribute to the wider world and extend a life-enhancing influence far beyond the boundaries of our individual existenceall of that summons us with a clarion call to enter the fray.