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Thom Hartmann - The Hidden History of American Oligarchy: Reclaiming Our Democracy from the Ruling Class

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Thom Hartmann, the most popular progressive radio host in America and a New York Times bestselling author, looks at the real history of the corrupting influence of oligarchy in America--and how we can fight back. The history of America (and of all democracies) catalogues the dynamic tension between democracy and oligarchy. Oligarchy usually has the power and the resources, and for this reason democracy has had limited success historically. The most important stabilizer that a democracy can build into its own system is one that prevents an oligarchy from taking over--which was an original purpose of the Constitution. Thom Hartmann traces the history of the struggle between oligarchy and democracy, from Americas founding revolt against British aristocracy to the United States war with the feudal Confederacy to President Franklin Roosevelts struggle against economic royalists, who wanted to block the New Deal. In each of those cases the oligarchs lost the battle. But with increasing right-wing control of the media, unlimited campaign contributions, and a conservative takeover of the judicial system, were at a crisis point as real and critical as those we hit in 1776, 1861, and 1932. Thankfully, Hartmann lays out practical measures we can take to break up media monopolies, limit the influence of money in politics, and return control of America to We the People.

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The Hidden History of American Oligarchy

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The Hidden History of American Oligarchy

Copyright 2021 by Thom Hartmann

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First Edition

Paperback print edition ISBN 978-1-5230-9158-4

PDF e-book ISBN 978-1-5230-9159-1

IDPF e-book ISBN 978-1-5230-9160-7

Digital audio ISBN 978-1-5230-9161-4


Book production: Linda Jupiter Productions; Cover design: Wes Youssi, M.80 Design; Interior design: Good Morning Graphics; Edit: Elissa Rabellino; Proofread: Mary Kanable; Index: Paula C. Durbin-Westby

Dedicated to Louise Hartmann, forever.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected?
I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us.
It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.
As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

Abraham Lincoln, Lyceum Address, 1838


This book was written during the spring and summer of 2020, and although it was published in the early spring of 2021, the vagaries of the publishing business didnt allow for any last-minute edits or changes after the November 3, 2020, elections.

If Donald Trump was reelected or somehow managed to remain president after January 20, 2021, then we must take to the streets. This is most likely democracys last stand.

If Joe Biden or another Democrat was elected, we have a lot of work to do.

Many of the holes, cracks, and weaknesses in our republic that Trump exploited were put into place by the Supreme Court in the 1970s and by Congress after 9/11.

The Buckley and Bellotti Supreme Court decisions of the 1970s legalized bribery and political corruption by giving corporations and billionaires the free speech right to own politicians and political parties. The Patriot Act and other similar legislation since 9/11 has given the president vast surveillance and police powers that weve seen used in authoritarian, strongman governments throughout history.

We must reevaluate, rescind, and replace all of these with legislation that protects the rule of law, circumscribes presidential war-making powers, blocks foreign countries and oligarchs from corrupting our political process, and takes political power away from American oligarchs and returns it to the people.

Theres also the possibility that the next GOP candidate for president will come from, or be one of, the same oligarchs who brought Trump to power and worked to keep him there for a full four years. They will have watched Trump carefully and learned from all the ways he bent and broke our laws and institutions.

Americans must now prepare politically for 2024, and that starts by picking candidates and promoting policies that will beat oligarchy at both the presidential and congressional levels.

But most urgently, the entire country must laser-focus on stripping the oligarchic and fascistic elements that have crept into our republic since the Powell Memo, multiple Supreme Court interventions, and the Patriot Act with the war crimes and torture it has already facilitated.

America is at a turning point, and whether we continue our slide into oligarchy and tyranny or pull back to small-d democratic values will depend, in no small part, on the planning and work we do now, and the candidates and policies we support and put forward two and four years from now.

America Slides into Oligarchy and Dances Close to Tyranny

Democracy is rule of, by, and for the people; oligarchy is rule of, by, and for the rich.

This book details how oligarchs have unsuccessfully tried, twice, to replace democracy in America with oligarchy. Today, they are nearly finished with not only attempting a third time to change the American experiment from a democracy to an oligarchy, but pushing to then transition our nation from oligarchy to outright tyranny. It also lays out the steps necessary to stop and reverse the process, to restore democracy in our republic.

The transition from democracy to oligarchy usually starts with the very wealthy acquiring political power by buying influence with elected officials. They typically justify this with a belief that oligarchy is more stable and less messy than democracy, and that their success demonstrates that a sort of Darwinian process has chosen them to lead.

From there, they begin to so completely control the mechanisms of information (the media) and campaigns (financing campaigns directly, as well as indirectly via third-party groups) that their agenda overwhelms the governing agenda.

In the final stages, oligarchs themselvesor people so tightly aligned with them that they could only be called agents of particular oligarchsrise up through seemingly democratic processes and take complete or near-complete control of government.

From there, oligarchs typically begin to, as Steve Bannon said was the main goal of the Trump administration, deconstruct the administrative state, seizing control over and corrupting every subordinate agency of government, from those responsible for enforcing the laws and the courts, to regulatory agencies, to those controlling the nations currency and economy.

America has been badly corrupted by oligarchy several times in our past, most famously when the preCivil War South, after the invention of the cotton gin, became a rigidified oligarchy that eventually challenged the power of the nation itself, leading to the deaths of more than 600,000 Americans. The oligarchs lost in that battle, although their legacy remains in an impoverished South and deeply ingrained structural and cultural barriers to Black advancement and supports for white rule.

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