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Thom Hartmann - Threshold: The Crisis of Western Culture

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Thom Hartmann Threshold: The Crisis of Western Culture
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From Americas #1 progressive radio host, the idealogical heir to his influential The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight
More than three million listeners tune in every weekday to hear what Thom Hartmann has to say about the state of our world. Now, as the first decade of the twenty-first century closes amid economic collapse and the seeming ruin of the American Dream, Americas #1 rated progressive radio host sounds an urgent call to arms for building a better, more sustainable world-while theres still time. Offering not just an indictment of the failures that have courted economic, demographic, and environmental ruin, Hartmann also outlines five critical personal and policy solutions to bring us back from the brink. Threshold-like Jared Diamonds Collapse-is radical but rooted in common sense, illuminating the necessary next steps in the evolution of mainstream thinking.

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A PLUME BOOK THRESHOLD THOM HARTMANN is a bestselling author of nineteen - photo 1


THOM HARTMANN is a bestselling author of nineteen books, and a Project Censored Award winner. His radio and TV show, heard on 100-plus stations including Sirius and XM Satellite radio, is also shown on the Free Speech TV Network. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

Praise for Threshold Thom Hartmann covers the waterfront of creation from - photo 2

Praise for Threshold

Thom Hartmann covers the waterfront of creation from altruistic bacteria to the hapless Moa to scope out examples of his outpost ideas. Threshold soberly highlights the fate of a particular hominid with an expanded forebrainusand the misguided paths we have taken. He brilliantly navigates a new path to help us squeeze through that next bottleneck.

Leonardo DiCaprio

A passionately argued brief against the excesses and inequities of Western culture the author says have placed us on the road to economic and environmental disaster. Passionateaccessible [with] arguments designed both to provoke and enlighten.

Shelf Awareness

If youre looking for a book that offers BIG answers to the BIG questions and that lays it all out in concise, clear, commonsense English, you have it in your hands! Hartmann both lays it out and lifts us up.

Jim Hightower, nationally syndicated columnist, radio commentator,
bestselling author and editor of the Hightower Lowdown

Americas most popular progressive talk show host brings his powerful political and historical insight to bear on the most important question of our time: To what may we humans aspire in this time of crisis and how can we achieve it?

David Korten, board chair, YES! magazine, and author of Agenda for a
New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth

and The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community

At last: a book that defines the problems of our current robber baron economy and presents solutions that integrate natural laws with the way we live, work, and shop. Thorn Hartmann once again dazzles us with brilliant ideas and eloquent writing.

John Perkins, New York Times bestselling author of Confessions
of an Economic Hit Man
and The Secret History of the American Empire

Anyone who has heard Thom Hartmanns unique thinking-persons radio talk show will not be surprised by the clarity, liveliness, smarts, and historic scope of this book, which describes the crisis were inand how to get out. Threshold will stimulate readers yearning to understand the economic/ecological crisis just as surely as it will offend overpaid CEOs and religious or free-market fundamentalists.

Jeff Cohen, author of Cable News Confidential
and founder of Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)

Also by Thom Hartmann

Cracking the Code:
How to Win Hearts, Change Minds,
and Restore Americas Original Vision

The Undeclared War Against
the Middle Class

What Would Jefferson Do?
A Return to Democracy

We the People:
A Call to Take Back America

Unequal Protection:
The Rise of Corporate Dominance
and the Theft of Human Rights

The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight

ADD: A Different Perception

The Edison Gene

Walking Your Blues Away

The Prophets Way

Ultimate Sacrifice (with Lamar Waldron)

Legacy of Secrecy (with Lamar Waldron)


The Progressive Plan to Pull America Back from the Brink THOM HARTMANN - photo 3

The Progressive Plan to Pull America
Back from the Brink


PLUME Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group USA Inc 375 Hudson - photo 4

Published by the Penguin Group
Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A. Penguin Group
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Penguin Books Ltd., Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England

Published by Plume, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Previously published in a Viking edition.

First Plume Printing, July 2010

Copyright Thom Hartmann, 2009
All rights reserved


The Library of Congress has catalogued the Viking edition as follows:

Hartmann, Thom, date.

Threshold : the crisis of Western culture / Thom Hartmann.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN: 978-1-101-13319-4

1. Civilization, Western. 2. Social change. 3. Environmental degradation. 4. Financial crises.
5. Overpopulation. 6. Fallacies (Logic) 7. Common fallacies. I. Title.

CB245.H324 2009

909.09821dc22 2008055901

Original hardcover design by Amy Hill

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To my son, Justin Hartmann,
who kept me alive on the border at Darfur
and of whom I am so very proud

Be not like the lintel, which no hand can reach, but like the threshold, trodden by all. When the building falls, the threshold remains.

Rabbi Eleazar HaKappar, Babylonian Talmud, A.D. 500600

A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the resta kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

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