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James Wilson - Hitlers Alpine Retreat

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A collection of Nazi propaganda shots, including rare images of Adolf Hitler socializing with children and supporters at his notorious Alpine hideaway (Daily Mail). Adolf Hitler became completely captivated by Berchtesgaden and the Obersalzberg when he first visited the area in 1923. In time, he bought Haus Wachenfeld and made the area his second seat of government. This meant major construction of the Berghof barracks, administrative buildings, airstrips and the famous Eagles Nest. During the war massive tunnels were dug. Most were destroyed by allied bombing in April 1945. This original book tells the story of the area, andin contemporary postcards and photographshow it was transformed by Hitler and his henchmen (Goering, Goebbels and Borman).

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Table of Contents


W hile having carried out the research and planning for this book myself, there are those to whom I owe a great deal of thanks for their kind assistance, indulgence and local knowledge, all of which they freely imparted without loosing patience.

A special thank you to;

David Harper, Kurdirektion, Berchtesgaden.

Gerhard Bartels, Bartels Alpenhof, Hintersee, Berchtesgaden.

Finally Lena, for your encouragement and having never complained about the vast amounts of both time and money spent on collecting these postcards over many years; well almost never! For having endured endless hours of neglect while I was totally absorbed on this project, you have my undying devotion.


T he following information has been taken from the reverse of the postcards shown throughout this book (together with dates of postmarks where these exist). It is offered by way of acknowledgment and credit to the original photographers and publishers of these postcards. This information may be referenced by using the number which relates to each postcard caption.

The reverse of some of the more interesting postcards are also shown on these pages.

  1. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Friedrichstr. 34. Echte Fotografie.
  2. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Freidrichstr. 34. Echte Fotografie.
  3. Alleinvertrieb Walter Preu, Berlin Friedenau. Stamped: 8.4.38.
  4. Eduard Doppler, Braunau am Inn, L&H.
  5. Eduard Doppler, Braunau am Inn, L&H. Echte Photographie.
  6. Echte Photographie.
  7. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstrae 74. Echt Foto.
  8. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74. Echte Fotografie.
  9. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74. Echte Fotografie.
  10. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74. Echte Fotografie.
  11. Max Stadler, Kunstverlag, Mnchen, Welfenstrasse 39.
  12. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74. Echte Fotografie.
  13. Ottmar Zieher, Mnchen. Fotokarte. Echte Photographie.
  14. Sdd. Kunstverlag M. Seidlein, Mnchen 8. Posted: 2.4.40.
  15. A. Lengauer, Mnchen. Echte Fotografie.
  16. A. Lengauer, Mnchen.
  17. A. Lengauer, Mnchen. Posted: 17.8.36.
  18. A. Lengauer, Mnchen. Echte Fotografie.
  19. Photograph by author.
    A Lengauer Mnchen A Lengauer Mnchen Echte Fotografie Posted 121139 - photo 1
    A Lengauer Mnchen A Lengauer Mnchen Echte Fotografie Posted 121139 - photo 2
  20. A. Lengauer, Mnchen.
  21. A. Lengauer, Mnchen. Echte Fotografie. Posted: 12.11.39.
  22. Photograph by author.
  23. Verlag Carl Krueck, Mnchen, Kaufingerstr. 25. Echte Photographie. Posted:13.5.42.
  24. Verlag Carl Krueck, Mnchen, Kaufingerstrasse 25. Echtes Foto.
  25. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Friedrichstr. 34. Posted: 27.6.40.
  26. Photograph by author.
  27. Photokarte v. H. Grtler, Salzburg, Faberstrae 30.
  28. Photograph by author.
  29. Not credited, reverse unmarked. Posted: 24.1.23.
  30. Aufnahme und Verlag F. G. Zeitz, Knigssee / Obb. Posted: 12.9.42.
  31. Photograph by author.
  32. Verlag: L. Ammon, Schnau-Berchtesgaden.
  33. Alpiner Kunstverlag Hans Huber, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Deutsche Heimatbilder. Posted: 16.9.41.
  34. Verlag: L. Ammon, Schnau-Bgaden. Posted: 14.8.41.
  35. Verlag von Karl Ermisch, Berchtesgaden.
  36. Verlag von Karl Ermisch, Berchtesgaden.
  37. Orig.-Aufn. v. Hans Huber, Alpiner Verlag, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Deutsche Heimatbilder.
  38. Gebirgsaufnahme von Michel Lochner, Berchtesgaden. No postmark but dated: 14.7.29.
  39. L Monopol, Kunst u. Verlagsanstalt A. G. Schllhorn, Mnchen-Innsbruck. Posted: 22.8.35.
  40. Verlag A. Gg. Schllhorn Mnchen 2. SO. Echte Photographie.
  41. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74.
  42. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74.
  43. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74.
  44. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74.
  45. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74.
  46. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74.
  47. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74.
  48. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74.
  49. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74.
  50. Alpiner Kunstverlag Hans Huber Mnchen 19. Deutsche Heimatbilder.
  51. Freig. D. Prfst d. R.L.M. Hersteller: Helff & Stein GMBH, Leipzig C1. Echte Fotografie.
  52. Orig.-Aufnahme Kunst und Verlagsanstalt Martin Herpich, Mnchen. Echte Photographie.
  53. Not credited, reverse unmarked. Posted: 21.8.33.
  54. Kunstverlag Friedrich Schmidt jr., Frankfurt a. M., Kleiner Hirschgraben 11. Photo Reinelt. Echte Fotografie.
  55. Heinrich Hoffmann, Verlag Nationalsozialistischer Bilder, Dsseldorf, Wilhelmplatz 12. Echte Fotografie.
  56. Verlag: Theodor Fritsch jun., Leipzig C 1. Ges. gesch. Bromra.
  57. Foto Bhm, Verlag Michael Lochner, Berchtesgaden. Posted: 29.12.33.
  58. Gebirgsaufnahmen von Michael Lochner, Berchtesgaden. Echte Fotografie.
  59. Photo-Hoffmann, Berlin SW 68, Kochstr. 10.
  60. Graph. Kunst und Verlagsanstalt Jos. C. Huber, Diessen vor Mnchen. Phot. E. Schmau, Mnchen.
  61. Aufnahme von Michael Lochner, Berchtesgaden. Echte Fotografie.
  62. Alpiner Kunstverlag Hans Huber, Mnchen 19. Deutsche Heimatbilder.
  63. Photograph by author.
  64. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74. Echte Fotografie.
  65. Alpiner Kunstverlag Hans Huber, Mnchen 19. Deutsche Heimatbilder.
  66. Photohaus J. Schmid, Berchtesgaden, Fernruf 254. Echt Photo.
  67. Alpiner Kunstverlag Hans Huber, Mnchen 19. Deutsche Heimatbilder. Posted: 27.7.33.
  68. Aufn. u. Verlag M. Lochner, Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden. Posted: 10.9.35.
    Cosy Verlag A Grndler Freilassing Echte Photographie Posted 1934 Cosy - photo 3
    Cosy Verlag A Grndler Freilassing Echte Photographie Posted 1934 Cosy - photo 4
  69. Cosy Verlag, A. Grndler, Freilassing. Echte Photographie. Posted: 1934.
  70. Cosy Verlag, Alfred Grndler, Zweigstelle Freilassing. Posted: 26.5.35.
  71. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74. Posted: 9.9.34.
  72. Photo-Hoffmann, Berlin SW 68, Kochstr. 10.
  73. Alpiner Kunstverlag Hans Huber, Mnchen 19. Deutsche Heimatbilder. Posted: 16.6.34.
  74. Verlag: L. Ammon, Schnau-Bgaden. Echte Fotografie.
  75. Verlag von Karl Ermisch, Berchtesgaden. Posted: 8.8.35.
  76. Photo Brandner, unterhalb Haus Wachenfeld, Telef. 83. Echt Foto.
  77. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Friedrichstr. 34. Echte Fotografie.
  78. Verlag von Karl Ermisch, Berchtesgaden. Posted: 1935.
  79. Photo-Hoffmann, Berlin SW 68, Kochstr. 10.
  80. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74. Echte Fotografie.
  81. Photo-Hoffmann Mnchen Friedrichstr. 34. Echte Fotografie.
  82. Alpiner Kunstverlag Hans Huber, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Deutsche Heimatbilder. Posted: 11.6.35.
  83. Aufnahme und Verlag v. M. Lochner, Berchtesgaden. Echte Photographie.
  84. Gebirgsaufnahmen von Michael Lochner, Berchtesgaden. Echte Fotografie.
  85. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74. Uvachrom.
  86. Orig.-Aufn. v. Hans Huber. Alpiner Verlag, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Deutsche Heimatbilder. Posted: 1.8.35.
  87. Orig.-Aufn. v. Hans Huber, Alpiner Verlag, Mnchen 19.
  88. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Theresienstr. 74. Uvachrom.
  89. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Friedrichstr. 34. Echte Fotografie.
  90. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Friedrichstr. 34. Stamped: 30.9.38.
  91. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Amalienstr. 25. Uvachrom.
  92. Photo-Hoffmann, Mnchen, Friedrichstr. 34. Echte Fotografie.
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