To members of the Battle of Britain Fighter Association, past and present.
First published 2015
Amberley Publishing
The Hill, Stroud
Gloucestershire, GL5 4EP
Copyright Dilip Sarkar, 2015
The right of Dilip Sarkar to be identified as the Author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
ISBN 9781445642369 (PRINT)
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The aviation-minded reader will notice that I have referred to German Messerschmitt fighters by the abbreviation Me (not Bf, which is also correct), or simply by their numeric designation, such as 109 or 110. This not only reads better but is authentic; during the Battle of Britain, Keith Lawrence, a New Zealander, flew Spitfires and once said to me, To us they were just 109s or 110s, simple.
In another attempt to preserve accuracy, wherever possible I have also used the original German regarding terms associated with the Luftwaffe, such as:
Adlerangriff | Attack of the Eagles |
Adlertag | Eagle Day |
Eichenlaub | The Oak Leaves, essentially being a bar to the Ritterkreuz |
Erprobungsgruppe | Experimental group, in the case of Erprobungsgruppe 210 a skilled precision bombing unit |
Experte | A fighter ace. Ace status, on both sides, was achieved by destroying five enemy aircraft |
Freie hunt | A fighter sweep |
Gefechstand | Operations headquarters |
Geschwader | The whole group, usually of three gruppen |
Geschwaderkommodore | The group leader |
Gruppe | A wing, usually of three squadrons |
Gruppenkeil | A wedge formation of bombers, usually made up of vics of three |
Gruppenkommandeur | The wing commander |
Jagdbomber (Jabo) | Fighter-bomber |
Jagdflieger | Fighter pilot |
Jagdgeschwader | Fighter group, abbreviated JG |
Jagdwaffe | The fighter force |
Jger | Hunter, in this context a fighter pilot or aircraft |
Kampffleiger | Bomber aircrew |
Kampfgeschwader | Bomber group, abbreviated KG |
Kanal | English Channel |
Katchmarek | Wingman |
Lehrgeschwader | Literally a training group, but actually a precision bombing unit, abbreviated LG |
Luftflotte | Air fleet |
Oberkannone | Literally the Top Gun, or leading fighter ace |
Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) | The German armed forces high command |
Ritterkreuz | The Knights Cross of the Iron Cross |
Rotte | A pair of fighters, comprising leader and wingman, into which the schwarm broke once battle was joined |
Rottenfhrer | Leader of a fighting pair |
Schwarm | A section of four fighters |
Schwarmfhrer | Section leader |
Seelwe | Sealion, the code name given to Hitlers proposed seaborne invasion of England |
Stab | Staff |
Stabschwarm | Staff flight |
Staffel | A squadron |
Staffelkapitn | The squadron leader |
Strflug | Harrassing attacks, usually by lone Ju 88s |
Stuka | The Ju 87 dive-bomber |
Sturkampfgeschwader | Dive-bomber group, abbreviated StG |
Vermisst | Missing |
Zerstrer | Literally destroyer, the term used for the Me 110 |
Zerstrergeschwader | Destroyer group, abbreviated ZG |
Each geschwader generally comprised three gruppen, each of three staffeln. Each gruppe is designated by Roman numerals, i.e. III/JG 26 refers to the third gruppe of Fighter Group (abbreviated JG) 26. Staffeln are identified by numbers, so 7/JG 26 is the seventh staffel and belongs to III/JG 26.
Rank comparisons may also be useful:
Unteroffizier | Corporal, no aircrew equivalent in Fighter Command |
Feldwebel | Sergeant |
Oberfeldwebel | Flight Sergeant |
Leutnant | Pilot Officer |
Oberleutnant | Flight Lieutenant |
Hauptmann | Squadron Leader |
Major | Wing Commander |
Oberst | Group Captain |
RAF Abbreviations
AAF | Auxiliary Air Force |
AASF | Advance Air Striking Force |
A&AEE | Aeroplane & Armament Experimental Establishment |
AFC | Air Force Cross |
AFDU | Air Fighting Development Unit |
AI | Airborne Interception radar |
AOC | Air Officer Commanding |
AOC-in-C | Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief |
ATA | Air Transport Auxiliary |
ATS | Armament Training School |
BEF | British Expeditionary Force |
CAM | Catapult Assisted Merchantship |
CAS | Chief of the Air Staff |
CFS | Central Flying School |
CGS | Central Gunnery School |
CO | Commanding Officer |
DES | Direct Entry Scheme |
DFC | Distinguished Flying Cross |
DFM | Distinguished Flying Medal |
DSO | Distinguished Service Order |
E/A | Enemy Aircraft |
FAA | Fleet Air Arm |
EFTS | Elementary Flying Training School |
FIU | Fighter Interception Unit |
FTS | Flying Training School |
ITW | Initial Training Wing |
LAC | Leading Aircraftman |
MRAF | Marshal of the Royal Air Force |
MSFU | Merchant Ship Fighter Unit |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer |
ORB | Operations Record Book |
OTC | Officer Training Corps |
OTU | Operational Training Unit |
PDC | Personnel Distribution Centre |
RAFVR | Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve |
RFS | Reserve Flying School |
RN | Royal Navy |
RNAS | Royal Navy Air Service |
SASO | Senior Air Staff Officer |
SOO | Senior Operations Officer |